Warcraft III: Reforged Developer Update

Bring back actual Classic Warcraft III. The new UI is an abomination and doesn’t fit the original game! Bring campaign selection 3d screens back! They vere amazingly and lovely detailed! How could you even REFORGED them to plain hearthstone-like arts and “acid” moving pictures? It’s not a fair trade! I know about public test server option, but I want to play online on actual (not dead) servers. Blizzard just butchered a classic game, which many people paid money for! And many people love this game very much! And now it’s gone.


Do you guys not have phones?

Just play Diablo Immortal and forget about Reforged ^^


As of right now I’ve got 56 random wins in versus which is exactly what I bought the game to play. Multiplayer has been fine except Arranged Team games sometimes bug out during finding match but doesn’t effect anything. Minor annoyance at worst. Campaign works fine also. I’ve paid $40 for worse games that I will definitely play less. If the game isn’t worth your $40 I understand but I’m curious as to why.

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Correct. What about the issue of fraudulently advertising this product from the get go?

On the main website, and on all the product sale sites, the description clearly states that users get access to features like the Map Editor with their purchase or pre-order of Warcraft III: Reforged.

And yet - there was no indication or notice posted that this is not the case for Mac users. Many of us pre-ordered this game for Mac on the premise of being able to utilize the map editor, as advertised. Not only were we lied to, and maliciously duped and deceived into pre-ordering or purchasing the game - but it took days to finally secure a refund, and still there has been no admission of wrong doing on the part of the company.

Fraudulent advertising is a serious issue, and a major stain on the company’s already damaged reputation.

This alone is a big enough issue for a refund, not to mention that Reforged was practically unplayable due to crashes and bugs. Now, too, the original classic game (which was purchased separately) is also bugged and broken.

Do we get refunds for the original game as well since it’s unplayable?

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  • You need to give us a real forum of Warcraft 3 reforged. For people from South America, Europe, America US, Asia etc.

  • You need to improve this AI

  • Improve the terrain, some terrain you didnt make

  • You need think in all interface.

  • You need to think about the propaganda of the game, and bring back the respect of this amazing game

  • You need to solve bugs, random crashes etc.

  • You need to think about the custom maps, and the rules that you create


I’ve got 56 wins in so far as Random race in Versus games. I’m not feeling any part of the “unplayable” aspect but I’m also not on a Mac. I played WC3:TFT on a Mac back in the day though and would be upset about it too. You do bring up several valid points. It does seem like we were duped. I mean they even set the release date back a month…

So this is what maybe happened ! They had begun the reforge with SC2 : the demo and the great cutscene, and then they decided to redo the work on the old W3 engine (surely easier to copy/past than to rebuild everything). Maybe it is just impossible to make a beautiful cutscene as the one from blizzcon2018 with W3 engine ! And they are talking about “respect for original experience”…

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And it would have been fine if they set it back for another one, two, three months. It’s better to have a delayed product but polished, than a barebone, bug-ridden one like this.

Please if you’re keeping it as a game remake then add the parts where Thrall calls Grom as Grom and not just hellscream. It sounds so forced. The same can be said when Tyrande is about to say Furion and you hear F as she starts her next sentence. Bring those back please!

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I hope they are not breaking the lighting again. We waited over 15 years to have the lighting mathematics fixed…

Thank you for your transparency! Please take a look at Factorio’s Friday Facts development updates. A similar model is not too much to ask for from a company as large as yours. Reforged is an amazing game because the original was a masterpiece. However, we’re looking forward to further development to meet the promises you set out.

By the love of God, someone please tell me how on earth a cinematic usage of camera angles (no longer talking of new lines or voice over) changes the story of the damn game?


You think you do but you don’t.

I still keep the game because I believed I would get what you showed on Blizzcon and what you promised through the patches. Now it’s time to join the crowd and get my refund.

Release and the final product is like a visit to a barber … chop chop chop chop …
How can you even keeping the price same?


give it time people, “times” are different! you do not have to have a finished polished this is the final “cut” you do not buy a compact disc with the game on it and cant download a hole game on the “dial up internet” you could not do it! give it time new things will come of it embrace the change. like it or not its the way games come out now.

Kaivax and the rest of the team,

Your apology is not an apology to us. “We’re sorry you didn’t have the experience you wanted” is not the same as “We’re sorry WE did not deliver on the content and features we said we would.” One implies the fault lay in our, the users’ expectations, the other takes responsibility for charging us $30 for the HD texture pack. Other, smaller companies offer things like this for free and charge half of what you did for campaign extras, changes, and updates. There were statements made about changing bits of the story to align with the current Warcraft lore that seem to be abandoned as well. What you have is not an expectation mismatch like Diablo Immortal. You have actively sacrificed your word as quality game developers and then offered a response penned in the spirit of avoiding responsibility for actively lying to your fans.
I… I just don’t understand how a company that has been the pinnacle of polished, complete gameplay and devotion to fans could just shy away from demonstrating some integrity. I don’t expect a response because I imagine corporate won’t allow honest reactions. I tried to call the company, tried to find an email, I tried to message someone but you’ve hidden behind the forums, where you can see hundreds of responses to your post without having to acknowledge the content in any of them. This whole thing has affected me way more than it should have in that it really brought my mood down. I wish my first forum post weren’t one chastising a group of adults whom I’ve admired for years for losing their way.


“We are sorry we didn’t deliver on the things advertised in our currently active marketing material, but we still won’t be doing anything about it.”

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Please fix the stuttering issue on the Main Menu, in-game and long loading time . Something feels really wrong as if something is choking the CPU/GPU back.

Waiting for…

“guys so sorry for that… you just got PR punked. Of course we are going to fix it, we are Blizzard.”



Theres non answer answer if I ever saw one.

What about the fact the UI hasnt been updated when you said it would be?
What about the purposefully misleading marketing about the remastered cutscenes that you spoke about after showing a FULLY REDONE opening cinematic?

That alone made people believe that you would be redoing all the cutscenes not just making the originals run in 1080p.

I have no doubt that the plan was to properly redo every cutscene untill Activision said “NO! Too much money, just keep the old ones”

How come you havent addressed the fact that the ingame cinematic for Stratholme you showed us is not even in the game? No mention at all about that.

This entire post was the now typical Blizzard response of “We hear you… but we wont do anything about it” as you continue on your slide into mediocrity.

You didnt address any questions, you just vaguely acknowledged that you know people are upset with this insanely poor cash grab and you will do nothing about it.

I am so glad that I waited for launch day to get this game… because it very quickly made my choice for not getting it justified.

You have dropped the ball Blizzard. You are no longer the games by gamers for gamers you used to be. You are just the skin of a dead company that Activision is wearing.

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