Warcraft III: Reforged Developer Update

Released six months too early. A single feature, the graphics overhaul and a very high bug count for a game that was finished almost eighteen years ago. Cutscenes done exactly like they were back then, down to a high resolution Arthas lazily stabbing Mal’ganis in the groin and watching him get hoisted up into the sky like there was a hook in his belt loop.

Not only did you rob everybody of their money, their time, but you’ve actually managed to rob them of the past by ripping out the old game in its entirety. Starcraft Remastered is a true upgrade, designed to look like the old game as our eyes saw those crappy little pixels, while you can still access the old modes and features in their entirety. This is disgusting. The corporate weasels who screwed the developers out of their own dreams and efforts ought to be disgusted with themselves, but honestly I doubt they’re capable of pretending to have a real human emotion, much less actually showing their regret.

I look forward to seeing where your employees go when Activision dissolves Blizzard for failing to turn a sufficient profit in the next few years. It’ll be nice to have a real game.


what about us AMD gamers? you just don’t want us playing your game do you? we still can’t play on HD graphics, too laggy. why aren’t you mentioning it? why aren’t you fixing it? we want to play, too!


God, all you say is hot air this makes me even more mad. IF this game has a CLASSIC and REFORGED option why should people miss the “classic experience” if they could’ve literally switched it with 1 button click? this is just you as a company not putting effort into it and then blatantly blaming it on the fans.


What?! You know, there IS a classic mode, so if I want to relive anything, I just have to turn it on, right? I don’t need to “remember” anything… That is the whole point of having both classic and reforged.
But let’s pretend that it is ok what you did (promise one thing and deliver another) - in that case, this product is not worth 40$ anymore. It is just like Starcraft remaster - worth 15 bucks.

You messed up so bad, Blizzard.
This is literally a Warcraft 3 re-skin mod.


So what I basically read is sorry but we going to fix a game that shouldn’t yet been released in the first place.

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I’m rarely the type that goes to blaming Blizzard immediately. Ive been to Blizzcon 8 times and I would consider myself one of their staunchest supporters… but the level of quality that Reforged launched with and features that were cut from this game are in short the straw that broke the camels back.

I’m hearing that sort of response from nearly every one of my friends. There is a cost associated with tarnishing ones reputation… and Reforged is an absolute disgrace of a release.

What should be done is an announcement that many cut features will be worked on and fixed and released later via a patch. Put out a Roadmap. And 100% apologize.

Set up a system for communicating with the community and support this game in the long term. Since the game was clearly not well supported in its development.

I for one will not preorder anymore games with Blizzard. This was the only time I have ever seriously considered refunding a blizzard title ever. I truly never thought that Blizzards quality would sink THIS LOW.

Whoever was in charge of financial backing for this game needs to be fired outright. The handling of this game in development was complete and utter incompetence.

There are a lot of people who feel like me. If you don’t try and fix these sorts of issues now it will bite you in the butt at some point.

Fix our game. Your product. Our shared passion.

We all deserve that


Person probably spent 15min writing this. Everything in general sense. Not buying game back until 21:9 supported(with 3440x1440) and fixed cutscenes as promised. Glad i got refunded.

Note: Did blizzard devs or QA even tried playing this game before releasing?


This damage control has just made me more upset. Address the community and what fans are asking for.

Only way to fix this is to clearly detail everything your going to do to address community feedback, lay out a timeline and then actually do it.
You TOOK my money, gave me a total budget remake that has less functionality than the original and is full of bugs and strange differences. It is not that much better looking. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU CHEAP OUT IN EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE, that is why everyone is angry.

Also WTF where is the SFX for making undead buildings? Also your line about the cutscenes and staying true to the original is such a load and everyone can see right through it. I am a very long time Blizzard fan but I think this is my last purchase from your studio. You have proven to cut corners and not care about the finished product.


Dude at some point i have no problems with my 2560x1080 monitor. I just switched to windowed mode without borders.

“Fix our game. Your product. Our shared passion.”
Well said man !

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This post (and talking to community) just won you +1 Reforged purchase.

Please do your best to communicate with players BEFORE releasing false advertised products in the future.
I personally am a fan of the proved by time (and Blizzard) strategy "Sorry, but we need a few more months to release this beloved game in “Blizzard quality”, instead of half baked, but within the deadline.

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Your new TOS will also never get me to buy this game, ever.

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Eat your CEO.

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I don’t accept this.

For one, you’re still advertising the new revised cutscenes on the tin - that’s false advertisement. Second, that’s in no way a valid excuse. This, if anything, gives me flashbacks to when EA said that Star Wars Battlefront II couldn’t use cosmetics in lootboxes because of concerns about “canon” (their excuse for why they put gameplay advantages and progression behind microtransactions).

You’re not a small mom-and-pop company. You’re Activision Blizzard. You can afford to make the cutscenes as beautiful as they were in the 2018 Blizzcon reveal, but for whatever reason, you chose not to go through with this.

The excuse for nostalgia and “staying true to the spirit of Warcraft III” is completely invalid because it’s ENTIRELY within your power to have these changes be optional. That’s what we were all assuming from day one, that there would be a /classic mode/ where things aren’t as dramatically different.

Not to mention the absurdity of the implication here… I mean come on, are you guys seriously implying that the fans WOULDN’T have been happy with the new revamped cutscenes? That we wouldn’t have been happy WITH THIS???

The reveal in 2018 is VASTLY superior, don’t talk to us about “the true spirit of the game”! So much more emotion is conveyed here, the narrative makes more sense - A BETTER STORY IS TOLD HERE through these visuals you teased. You would have known that, otherwise you never would have shown us this because this here was Blizzard puffing up and showing us THE BEST eye candy to get the hype train going, and everyone’s reaction to that was overjoy. We LOVED what you were doing here, it implied so much would be improved on - it implied a true REMASTERING as opposed to just a reskin. You sold this idea to us. You gave us preorders, with this level of expectation. I can’t speak for others, but I can damn well tell you that this video from 2018 was the main reason I was interested in this entire project. It changed so much, but for the better - absolutely for the better, and it was incredibly exciting to think about how every cutscene in the game could have been revamped like this.

Do you remember Halo 2 Anniversary? Real nice remastering of an old Xbox era game. They redid all the cutscenes for that and made them into full Blurr animated cinematics, which were DRAMATICALLY different from the original, in-engine cutscenes the game featured.

Halo fans weren’t exactly up in arms over this. Halo fans LOVED this extra effort that 343 went into. It’s things like THIS, that establishes the status of a truly GREAT remastering of a game. You can do a good job without doing this, but don’t you dare act like we wouldn’t have appreciated the new cutscenes, because we absolutely would have. That’s surely part of why you got so many preorders because again, THIS IS AN ADVERTISED FEATURE THAT YOU’VE BACKPEDALED ON.


Bring back the classic lobby, the new chat lobby is a mess leave the interface classic but let us have the option of reforged gaming, we wanted better graphics not an entire crappy look of warcraft 3, we cant even use channels properly anymore or wisper / talk to our friends even the custom game menu looks like garbage just revert back to the classic interface

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Hi Guys - you have not fixed 0.5 on metacritic with these minor changes.
You need to remake Warcraft reforg - reforging it again.

Do you know what is the easiest way to increase your score on metacritics?
Return Classic Warcraft - laying it separately from that piece of incomprehensible substance that you had. Otherwise, there is a risk that then the points of the original Warcraft will fall, which is there more than 90

And for good, you need to release a game on the starcraft engine. I know that the demo of 2018 was done on it. Too many evidence left (Render, Path Finder, Shadows, and most importantly, no bugs)

Yes - then you will have to redo the company’s missions on the new map editor - and you will not like it. But you can always leave it to loyal fans as they did in Valve and a remake of half -life.


i7-4770k, GTX 1070sc, 16gb ram.
Everything runs smooth for me. Your temperatures have nothing to do with the game. Your system is clearly needing thermal repasting, to be cleaned, new fans, or your room is very hot. You’re running AMD also which is hotter than Nvidia counterparts with aftermarket coolers. Have you tried playing Battlefield 5 yet? Guaranteed your computer will heat up even more than it does - possibly to the point of thermal throttling. You should really run something like Furmark to load GPU to 100%, and Prime95 to load CPU 100%. You can use HWMonitor to keep track of your temps and see where your issues occur. Every computer can and should be able to run 100% full load without reaching max temps. If your computer reaches max temps then your computer has an issue and can’t blame any programs or games.

TL:DR; there’s something up with your computer for those temps to occur, not the game.

How about actual playable servers for multiple regions? You ever going to address that?


I’m sorry this isn’t good enough. You broke the original game! I was the most excited for the new cutscenes and a retelling of the story which is what was shown at BlizzCon and ADVERTISED on this site. Currently you are selling a $30-40 skin pack. I’ll be refunding my purchase.


You guys have not said anything useful. If you indeed planned to keep the old cinematics and feel of the game, you ALL should have said something before releasing the game and releasing a statement about that, not saying, one week after release, that you preferred to keep the “feel” of the game like that (a lie, btw) because Warcraft 3 is a classic. You even used the old Blizzcon 2018 cinematics to promote the game until the game released.

I feel so sorry for the dev team to have to answer to such greedy, inept shareholders and the people that hold all the money. You guys are falling down so, so fast. Battle for Azeroth, the Blitzchung story and now this. And I am pretty sure that the same will happen with Overwatch 2 and that the people holding the devs hostage made them name the game “Overwatch 2” just to move sales. So much greed can only end in the downfall of one of the best developers of the past.