War of Races 88b version - RuggadOne Banned?

Uyarrr#2337 The map maker of War of Races has added my name RuggadOne#1117 as a trigger inside his map to auto ban me to were i cant play it all. This has made me very upset and sad which has also made me feel depressed because now i can longer play a map i love playing.

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Report the map is the only thing you can do really.

But you have to have done something pretty bad to get a map maker to want to b lock you from playing it. Considering they’re accusing you of cheating…

He makes False accusations saying iam a hacker and hacked his map which i didnt i can barely spell anymore let alone hack a map im pretty stupid sir . Also i will like to add that he has a black list so to speak of that has many names in it accuseing ppl of being hackers yet he singles me out targets just me. It was a personal attack i think. But hey who cares about just one unimportatnt gamer like me. Thanks alot Uyarrr for Denying me my full gameing Experience !!!

It doesn’t matter whether you or I think you did, it only matters that he thinks you did. It also could be that it isn’t personal but through a script it think’s you’re cheating and it would do that for anyone else who triggers those conditions.

Regardless, the only thing you can do is take it up with the creator, or report the map (or edit it. Derp.)

Edit the map.
Remove the trigger.
Host it.

That’s all.


I love this forum.

right? the map even says it isn’t protected lol

“and hack injected” hahahaha

well at least u admit it :stuck_out_tongue:

this forum is not the place to ask for help regarding custom maps, u will not find any help here, I suggest finding the site where u found the map or searching for the original creator, if u dont know where to search try asking on the hiveworkshop .com thats for custom maps (not here)

it is ironic though, like u got banned for playing a single player map with no other people?? thats funny… have u played the map before?? Im assuming u have played the map before otherwise how would u know of this map?? I never heard of the map cuz I dont play stupid custom maps like that lol…

Have u tried playing in offline mode? have u tried using a different account?? Have u tried editing the map?? if ur playing solo with no other people then Im sure u can edit the map pretty easily… but if u want to play with other people then ur probably screwed cuz its probably a server wide ban LOL i think u got caught cheating bro!!

well in situations like this theres really not much u can do, the creator usually wins and gets to do what they want with their map

u must have done something to piss him off, either u cheated, or maybe u just suck?? or maybe u did something to piss off the creator without realizing it… who knows… but it seems like ur probably screwed here unless u can play it offline lol

the problem here is your idea of a “full gaming experience” comes from a custom user-made map which was not created by blizzard, so blizzard cannot and will not do anything in regards to custom map bans like this, theres nothing blizzard can do for u… but heres the thing, ur not being denied the full game experience, ur just being denied one tiny little custom map within the whole of wc3 so no ur not being denied the full experience, ur being denied a tiny fraction of it

You can report maps for inappropriate content and blizzard will take them off their server, theoretically. But there’s nothing really to stop them from just making new versions even if they do act on it.

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you cannot hack his map, because it’s not his map^^

all your map are belong to blizzard^^

were not talking about a map with inappropriate content… ban lists for custom maps have existed for years, nothing blizzard will do about it especially since the report feature doesnt even do anything, nobody is working on this game to go over the report list so no reports will actually do anything

Technically such ban lists violate the custom map ToU last time I checked. That said if they enforce it, is another question.

I’d call a programmed ban list inappropriate content.

At the very best, it’s name-shaming, which is prohibited on every forum I know and other places.

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Uyarrr#2337 wow! You made such a fun game, I’m having a blast playing this game, too bad OP can’t play - yanno, cause he’s banned or whatever, so he can’t play while we can play this awesome fun game.

Well, in this case it is. It looks quite stupid…

But what people call now “name-shaming” is what we used to call banlist.nl…

That’s the cleanest way I have ever seen to get rid of wastes of air. Well, after that we gladly had host bots…

Change your username if you can. Problem solved


That is certainly true, you can change your battletag, and then the map won’t recognize you.

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Why did he bann you though? Are you the type there’ll leave if you don’t get your farovite race or leaves if your team ain’t good?

Ruggad was filmed cheating, he’s now trying to doxx the developer over discord.

He’s a real delusional head case.
Move on folks

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