Vicarious Visions Reportedly Making Diablo 2 Remake (and Warcraft III Reforged) at Blizzard

I am not going to say that they are “Fantastic” because it shows.
That blizzard did not give them permission to finish making the models and I dare say that with Naisha they either gave her total livertad or said anything to them.

But I would give them an 8/10. a 9/10 if they had let them finish.


we still have this problem:

and if you remove the helmet/gloves/boots/shirt, it’s just an empty void; making custom models extremely harder

The models are not bad but we all know that seeing a big battle like 4v4, It’s really difficult to differentiate which units is yours and which kind of troop it’s in less of 1 second.

Terrain looks horrible, models are not finished (and limited to 30 fps, the movement does NOT look smooth) and need something to make them more independent visible. Lighting must be changed ofc.

for instance, the dwarf’s cloak looks too dark at the lower side, but it was not like the blizzcon 2018 demo were looked colorful (it help to difference between two units faster). Or elf archer had in the classic graphics, one big ball each extreme in the arch.

These simple characteristics make it really visible. Ahh, I forgot to say that the colours should be like classic too, were the color shine came out from the unit itself, while reforged colours look darker cuz the the colour shine come from the “sun” ( other source ).