Undead 1st impression... it looks... bad?

Good things must also be said.
I like so much the more realistic looking and less cartoony style, look so much adult and cinematic.


I agree with you!
Crypt fiends are ok for me though.
I was shocked seeing how big summoning building animation is.

Biggest thing for me is the forced female DK!
If theres no info soon about reverting back to male DK or give a choice I will refund.

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Yes I agree that the art style does look good, however some major changes need to be made to help improve the visibility of units. Some exaggerated features and colors are must, even with the realistic graphics.

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yeah the female dk , i’m not digging it. Aswell as the building animation being so large lol even with ziggurats. And ghouls and skeles is abit confusing to tell difference. Other then that its good for me XD

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Here’s a guy who hasn’t seen Detheroc yet.

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Ohh I have lmfao, but the getting the default dreadlord right is much more important than some side character in the campaign.

lip animations is mostly missing for the undead units. the death knight have it at the very least. the female death knight works well. i played custom(only available through the editor), which enabled me to test the night elves and the naga as well. the night elves have new icons only(no new models yet) while the naga is completely remade. the game still lags like crazy.

I think this is one of the best undead I’ve seen! At the Disciples 3 level! Incredible details! Everything is just perfect! Thank you Blizzard!!!

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I actually like the female DK tbh but completely agreed on everything else. Especially the Obsidian Destroyer.

Honestly the Obsidian Destroyer was the unit I was looking forward to the most and I feel entirely let down. I was hoping with the updated graphics we could finally get something closer to the original Black Sphinx concept. But this Anubis looking version is absolutely horrendous. I’m guessing it’s too late for model reworks but this is actually too atrocious to go live.


Wich problem you have?
I think is your monitor, my samsung chg70 doesnt have any problem.

Most of the stuff got already adressed. I just wanna add a few things:
I like that they want to embrace the nerubian origin of the undead buildings. Most of them look awesome, but the crypt just does not do it for me. It differs from the original too much, looks way to off, especially the thing on top, the peak. Same for the cursed goldmine.

The banshee’s cape is just odd. The old model just looks like a ghost, tormented and her clothes torn to shreds. She didnt have a full colored cape in the original.
It almost seems like a quick solve since people stated the issue of units not being recognizable enough. Please remove the stupid cape, the banshee is no super hero nor power-puff-girl, and add some team-color stripes to her normal “torn” appearance like in the original.

The necromancer for me looks way to flashy and spectacular. The normal melee necro model fits the Kel’thuzad necro of RoC Campaign for me, but not the standart one. He has WAY too many details for me. All those cloth hanging from his shoulders, his staff being way too detailed and fancy… just too much for an ordinary necromancer in my opinion.

The spike which the Cryptlord has, coming from his head, looks like a part of the wardens helmet, not something to sting someone with. The carrion beetles horn looks way better, also for the cryptlord.

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okay you guys REALLY need to be reading up on their plans because they had already stated there will be different models as far as the DK goes…sometimes youll get female…sometimes youll get male… and as far as the UD units and buildings go, there needs to be some adjusments as far as the sizes go when the buildings are being made but they look great.

for me, from what i see now to before patch

Ultra Wide screen was not supported fully yet, but it is now and looks supersizing good. Yes i know ultra wide not the best for games like this but does work well.
I have everything turned back on and at max it all works great and looks great.
Menu and game play do work great in ultra wide and play well.
for me the game stopped crashing every so often for now.
Yet again it is beta updates and stuff will come as blizz wants to test it and see the problems.

I have no problems with the crypt fiends, but:
The summoning animation for buildings looks too big
I don’t like how the new DK model is dual wielding (really doesn’t fit the theme/feel of the hero and is too big of a change)
New Lich doesn’t look good (the flying tomes are weird and the face doesn’t look good = doesn’t really remind me of WC3 or WoW Liches) also frost nova animation is very hard to see visually compared to the old one.
Obsidian statue healing animations color looks weird and too “holy” and doesn’t fit the theme.
The campaign Dreadlord models look a lot better than the multiplayer model.
Frost wyrm attack animation lacks the “power”/“umpf” when it hits compared to the old more explosive animation and makes the unit feel more underwhelming instead of the strongest unit in the game.

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