Undead 1st impression... it looks... bad?

Lol i was thinking the same thing. If it’s intended I dig it. Like ill be trying to place another house near a building house and be like . . . do i have to build it inside of the other one? kekekek

how do you know

dude i loved the female DK’s. I made a post about the option, and a toggle, for everyone to be happy. basically give the option to “Disable Skins” and “Disable Unit Modifications”. The modifications im talking about are gender swaps, and race for all units. So it keeps the nostalgia for the people who want it, and the option to disable it all together for those who are very competitive. I want to be able to have female peasant dwarves chopping down my trees when i play human kekekek. aka this would make everyone happy.

  1. It will never be an option. Never.
  2. Sadly, the female DK is probably not a skin, it’s the unit.

in theory dks were paladins before dying, well it just doesnt make sense that it’s a woman, but I don’t really care, the skin is “fine”
nerubian assassin tho, is a baller

what do you mean it just doesnt make sense?

there were no paladin women in wc3

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??? what? lol
There are paladin woman in the warcraft universe because theres no reason for there not to be

i love the female DK. I have a feeling they’ll release opposite gender skins for a bunch if not all units in the future at the very least. So dont worry bud


Disagree, a simple toggle is not enough. You need 8 heroes to pick from. If someone wants a male priest of the moon and a female warden that option needs to be available.


That option breaks lore. I’m against any combo that breaks lore, even if its just for multiplayer.

If its a funzy special skin that makes sense like BFA jaina, then fine. But there aren’t any male wardens or potms to justify the choices.

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I think the Undead look better than the humans and orc. The skeletons and necromancers are amazing.

I think there is something to be desired with the projectiles, however.


We have a female dk in game atm. I don’t think it matters.

You’re right the colors are dull, for example the abomination’s guts looks too gray and must be looks more red and bloodest
As for models , I have not complaits, all of them looks great!!

Also the size of contructions is very large, specially for zigurats

And finally I look the undead’s flag is different, in the classic was a human impaled head and now is a simple flag, I’m dissapoint me for this.

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maybe the individual look of the units are the best, but they blend together the most, which makes them the worst imo. How good the units look is irrelevant when when everything blends together and is a big grey mesh in team fights.

The one unit I don’t particularly like the look of is the Shade. Always preferred the skeletal looking face than the faceless Protoss from WoW. The female Death Knight I actually quite like. Blizzard already said that there will be male and female versions of some units, so the male one is probably just around the corner.

As has already been said, the buildings summoning animation is just too big. Needs to be toned down. Contrasts still need to get worked on, but the devs know this already. :stuck_out_tongue:


Lich needs work, looks like a skeleton mage in game, and the frost nova animations are so lackluster. Expect an explosion like in the original.

yeah, i aggre, the lich king i think need more that frooozen effect, in his foot too

Massive readability issues. Team color kind of blends into the units, especially blue. Look at the original abomination, for example: the flesh is somewhere between white and pink, which makes team color much easier to see. The new one? Dark grey. Skeletons and ghouls are sometimes hard to tell apart as well, for largely the same reasons. There’s a couple of odd design choices as well, like the lich with his flying books and weird pope hat. What’s up with that?

I think you’ve worked hard on some units and it shows. Footman is miles better than what we first saw a year ago, and should be the gold standard. Grunts as well. Orc and human rosters in general (from buildings to units) look far more fleshed out. Undead? “Needs some work” is an understatement.

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It’s because they decided to go with more realistic looking models instead of the cartoony style from the original.

The exaggerated proportions of the original art-style not only worked well artistically, but it made it easier to distinguish units in a large group.

Now everyone is more realistically proportioned and everything blurs together.

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