Undead 1st impression... it looks... bad?

I know this is a 1st impression, I have only played 2 games… but I think it looks terrible. The dull colors really are super obvious here. The whole beta feels gray and dull and undead are so dark, no unit stands out.

Crypt fiends look really ugly, Dreadlord is very underwhelming with small wings and small fingernails, the Deathknight is ok but the portrait is weird af, Ghouls all blend together, Gargs all blend together, The buildings look huge? especially when they are being built wtf.

idk guys, what is your take so far?


I like it : )

The Fiends are spooky, the colours shiny, Lich’s face abhorrent in a good way, Gargs perfect.

Are the Ghouls different from the 2018 demo? I think so. They look much more like WC3.

And the Skeletons are now clothed! That is a genius solution! In WC3 and in the demo, they were naked - but the demo ones necessarily differed greatly because every bone is visible - along with the emptiness inbetween! The rags now serve as the substitute for the bulkiness of the original’s bones!


The Death Knight is supposed to look like Arthas.


I didnt know Arthas was a female


They grow up so fast…


Female DK as the standard/most common is really bad, but I assume it’s just for the beta. The textures and overall of Undead look great. But like said, there are a lot of distinguishing issues still, mostly with the skeletons/smaller units. Also, some effects like Nova and the Coil missile are too small/unnoticable, imo. The tower upgrade building is too big as well.


Lol what? I can’t download this update right now, did they really turn male dk into female dk? Noway


lol yes but they have a male model as well.


I loved it till now. They are supposed to be ugly and scary in my opinion. Blending was an issue but I think I get used to it. It was not a big deal though.

Trust me, I have been playing the beta everyday, as much as I can and it is not getting any better. In fact, I would say it is getting worse.

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I like the design of undead. There is no dull colors.
Which monitor you have? for color you need good monitor.

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Mmm, feels good man, no wonder if female model will be the main and more often
P.S. black elfs are on the way


I like most everything about undead except:

-Summoning Animation too large for buildings, stands out very bad on Ziggurats especially.
-Not crazy about the female, dual-wielding DK. Give me the option to go back to a non-Arthas male DK using a 2h Weapon please.
-Death Knight Skeletal Horse horns are a little too thick. Same for the Invincible model.

Overall, I tend to like the colors. The only other gripe I can think of is the Obsidian Destroyer more closely resembling Anubis instead of the original model and Tol’vir.


I don’t mind the female death knight as long as a male counterpart is available. I think she looks good, but I want my Baron Perenolde too. (Hell, imagine a death knight design closer to WC2)

As for the undead, I like the units, I think they look good and spooky, but I don’t like the structures, they look too cartoony for my taste, or at least clash with the grittier look of the units. The undead seem to be caught between horror and cartoon, and out of all the races, including what I’ve seen of the unreleased night elves, they might need the most polishing in their design.


There will be multiple models m/ f that randomly one of them will be chosen in the final. I am not sure that you can play exactly Arthas in the ladder or custom pvp game.

Grubby suggested to the devs to at least limit the randomness of model selection in the ladder.



Yeah, I think MOST people are fine with a female DK existing… it’s just that forcing you to play it? Kind of silly. Just give an Arthas-ish Death Knight for baseline and give the options to change it to Arthas, female DK, etc. Simple. I’m expecting this to be the case, as this is only a beta, so they are just throwing stuff out there.


Ok so I just played 2 more games and holy hell undead units blend in so hard in blight.

For the units… brighten them up. Keep the shading, I like the dark and gritty, but maybe highlight them more around the edges, like some of the bones or pale flesh. This should be enough for them to stand out. The problem now is that they’re too grey.

On a side note, I hate the shade. I like all the other models, with some highlights I think they’ll be great, but the shade is weird.


I think that the creep looks bland, the dreadlord looks too small and the animation prior to the buildings showing up is really really ugly.
Everything else I liked, except female DKs don’t make sense.

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