Dear BlizzBoyz pls - if you aren’t already on it - change/tweak trees, terrain, water and light. show the community you still read their feedback and want to make the game even better.
Trees: should be a little bit slimmer, a bit more detailed (even they are harvestable they are always a prominent map feature. + make the forests more realistic in adding variety. make every 3rd tree a leaf tree or something.
Terrain: let the transition between the different ground textures be more smooth. let the grass look darker and less bright green. i like the flowers you added on some maps - more of this pls. (pro player can disable this if they want)
Water: looks too artifial/ a but jelly. make it brighter and the colours less “strong”. (+ maybe some optional spume animations)
Light: make day/night more prominent remarkable. add optional better shadows, the colours of the unitsbuildings stronger/more powerful or get rid of the smoke filter you currently use.
i really really love the attention to detail and look of the units and buildings but please don’t make the contrast between units/buildings and the rest so massive. try to make the rest a bit more believable and fitting too. that the hole experience is more smooth/fluid.
at the moment the contrast is still too big. most of the units look amazing during the rest looks more or less like it just serves this untold pratical usage.
no game looks fine actually, I think people are way to focused on the few maps in the game, I play vs ai in beta a lot and there are tons of maps which look a lot darker then the current vs map pool. I’ve seen about 15 maps now and most of them look awesome
How do you play vs ai If that option is disabled in the beta. You maybe port maps from the original just with the new assets and frankly it looks awful. Any map from Starcraft 2 looks more alive and with more depth to it
Everyone who is in the beta can play vs AI if they so choose to. You start the Editor and test the map. You can even test old fan made WC3 map downloaded on the internet. I played Helm’s Deep, Moria and TD.
tuin is right about the fact that some maps are a lot darker than what we’ve seen so far in the multiplayer phase of the beta.
as someone who plays melee, didnt have time for all of it yet, but seeing Grubby stream Terenas Stand and Lordaeron summer maps - DISGUSTING TERRAIN COLORS, it’s like Diablo 3 secret rainbow and ponies level. Also i’d rather have SC2ish water, they made it but Terenas with this cartoony blue…
Do a look more natural and realistic to the colors/saturation of the game! To looks like the same product shown in the Blizzcon2018! The demo had modern and realistic graphics! Demo have too a perfect lighting,terrain,UI and awesome shadows! Please bring back that look!