To avoid the Leavers! Makes an option to REQUIRED playtime of 5,10 or 15 minutes of gameplay!

Edit 06/01/2020: Sometimes we spend a lot of time in waiting on the waiting rooms, and when everyone come to your room and be ready to start the match to finally be going to play… There’s have sometimes a player who plays the match less than 5 minutes and goes away from the match ruining all the fun.

A good solution for this problem is make an option if the Host wants or not to choose an Required Time of Gameplay! Who enter into the room will see the alert of “Required Playtime” and who does not meet with the time chosen by the host, will receive a penalty and will have in his statistics an addition that shows that this guy left a game and did not meet the required time. So you may still be able to exit the game, but will receive a Penalty if you do not return to the game and do not meet the time required after the match is over. Even when you open the game again, you will only be able to play only the match you entered! If you want to play another custom map, you will have to play the time required by the Host! But only if this match you entered the host have choseed the option of required playtime, if the host don’t choosed this option, you will be able to play other custom map fine! So! After played the required playtime of 5,10 or 15 minutes, you will be able to leave the match!

Edit 11/01/2020: Option to automatic kick AFK player!

Lets have an option in the waiting room for “Automatic Kick AFK Player” If the Host choose this option before starting the match and if you be AFK in the match for more than 2 or 3 minutes, you will be automatic kicked from the room by the system! All who are in the match will receive an alert “That player as kicked because are AFK for 3 minutes” But this player will still be able to Reconnect to the Match! if he wants! But if the host has previously chosen the required time option, then he will be required to return to this match and meet the host’s previously chosen time.

to better understand the idea, so lets say again! The host needs be able to set an time of required playtime before the creation of the room! The host need be able to choose a minimum of 5,10 or 15 minutes of REQUIRED Playtime! Even if the player leave before the required time, this player will need back to the match and play your required time choosed by the Host! Or wait till the match ends when the all players already disconnected from the match! If the player want to play other custom map, this player will need play the required time limit of 5 minutes to 15 minutes of gameplay choosed by the HOST or wait the match ends when all already disconnected. Those ideas is to avoid the Leavers. And to help bring back people to the match who have some disconnections or crashes too.

The purpose of this topic is found a solution to avoid the Leavers! So feel free to help saying some ideas too! Lets go to the topic again!

Warcraft 3 Reforged needs to create a system for these leavers to them be required to play the match for at least a minimum of 5,10 or 15 minutes! Only after that they already played the required minimum time they will can quit and will be able to start play other custom map.

These game leavers disrupt the matches! Imagine one custom map, i will say “Dota” suppose when the player go away in only 4 minutes of match that will generate a desbalance for the match! Because that the player needs to be in the match to not spoil the gameplay of the match! Because that the player who leaved will need to come back and play the required time choosed by the host! So… After the player already played the required time, the player will be able to quit because the player will have played the minimum of time there!

Even if they quit before the required time, the game will bring the player again for the active match he left and they will have to play the minimum required time set!

And i want to bring this quote to the topic, will be useful too!


Good idea! That will help the matches because the players will need play with the minimum choosed required time of the host!
But… The game still needing create Statistics for the Custom Maps! With statistics with Wins,Loses,Leaves,Disconnections and Playtime!


It is actually not a problem at all.
Just give us back old system when you make 3-0 or more the system will automaticially match you against better players than leavers who are more devoted to play the game.

You could however punish mass leavers like if the guy has made 15 leaves or more in a day he could be banned 24 hours from bnet or something like that. To prevent leave abuse.

What if it’s a scenario of maybe it’s really obvious I’ve lost/am losing with no real turnaround point ahead of me and I want to leave/concede the match but it’s only 9 minutes long. Or 13.

You can’t force people to play if they don’t want … : /


in , if you leave, you are

I don’t think a leaver punishment system is a good idea in a game that generally doesn’t end until one team gives up and leaves. Also, 15 minutes is a really long time. There already seems to be a system for matches that end early too. I’ve noticed that I don’t get credit towards the collection portraits on games that end early.

This is an absolutely horrible idea.

  • The best thing that can come out of it is that someone who would have otherwise left will just alt-tab and spend these 15 minutes watching YT. Or just ALT-F4.
  • Realistically, while some people will do the above, there will also be a lot more trolls who will spend these 15 minutes griefing everyone.

The thing is - if someone doesn’t want to play, you can’t force him to do it. No matter what you do, that person probably won’t give you a good game.

What will happen is that YOU will waste YOUR time, either playing against someone who isn’t even trying instead of getting a win right away or being stuck for 15 minutes playing a game you know you most likely won’t win, because your ally is either AFK or griefs you.

A truly amazing experience. /s

You want a good solution for your problem? Talk with people, make friends with those you enjoy playing with and then try setting up games with them. All Blizzard can do to help is add and/or improve social features to make it easier for people to form communities.


I have another idea:
(This is for custom games only as I dont think ladder needs this)
Track public stats for people that leave the game before it has ended. For example if the custom game is 5v5 and somebody leaves, count 1 leave stats to him and make it publicly visible. This way a host can see this stats and decide whether or not to allow this user in his game. If somebody leaves after 5v3 a leave should not be counted imo.

Stats should look something like:
5 leaves out of 100 games (5% leave rate)

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If the player back to the game and if the custom game still active, the player will back to the custom game and will have to play the time chosen by the owner of the room! The time can be of 5 minutes to 15 minutes of required gameplay to avoid the trolls and leavers.

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So many times we are in the waiting room! Waiting and waiting… And when the matches are ready to play and the game starts, are some people leaving playing less than 5 minutes! This is real and needs a solution to fix :frowning:


Is that i said, Myhria! Custom games needs an solution for that problem so go choose the required time! Of 5,10 or 15 minutes by the choose of the Host of the Custom Map.

They are custom games what do you expect? I would much rather they focus on the real multiplayer component.

Still being a serious custom match game! Because that this new options of required playtime needs be in the game for help who wants to play competitively. The Host needs be able to choose the required time before the match begin! He can choose between 5 minutes, 10 minutes or 15 minutes of required playtime.

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If opponent leaves (for whatever reason), you win.

Not every match will result in this way but imposing punishment such as a ban may be unfair especially if the internet disconnected.

I’m certain that the higher your level improves, the more likely you’ll match with serious players who wish to do battle.

Yes!! This is a good idea, and we don’t want leavers in our games! Leavers ends all the fun from the custom games.

I have a better idea, put the afk/leaver player to a demencial ia

I’ve already explained why your idea won’t work, but I see you just ignored it and you’re still asking for this nonsense.

Eh, gonna try one more time:


Do you really want to play with people who do nothing and just AFK watching Youtube until the timer is up and they can leave? Or play with trolls and griefers who will spend those 15 minutes screwing you over for fun?

You want an example? Well, here’s one:

Let’s say you’re playing some tower defense map, where 10 players have to work together to survive, but 3 players want to leave. Are you really that naive to believe that forcing them to stay will make them actually play the game?

No, it won’t. They will just go AFK and the rest of you will be playing with 3 people down, knowing that you cannot win, because due to these players not doing anything, the amount of mobs you need to kill is just too much.

But guess what? You can’t leave either. Instead you have to sit there for 15 minutes playing a game that you know you will lose.

Is that your idea of fun?

Another example - you’re playing a custom 2v2 altered melee, but your ally - who would have otherwise left - has to stay in the game. So, just because he is bored, he decides to have some fun and attacks YOU.

Is that your idea of fun?

Or you play the same 2v2 altered melee game, where one of your enemies doesn’t want to play and just AFKs. Seeing this, the other enemy knows that he cannot win 1v2 and decides to also AFK. So now you and your ally are stuck playing a game where your opponents do nothing.

Is that your idea of fun?

I could go on and on with these examples of what would happen if your “force players to stay for 15 minutes” idea would be implemented.

Also, what happens after these 15 minutes? Even if we assume that someone who doesn’t want to play won’t just AFK or grief everyone, what’s stopping him from leaving after the timer is up? Nothing. If he really wants to leave, he will leave.

And if you think that it sucks to have your game fall apart right at the start, let me tell you - having the same happen after you’ve already put 15 minutes of your time into it will be much, much worse.

I’ll say this one more time - if someone doesn’t want to play, there’s absolutely nothing you can do to force him to. Trying will only make things worse.


The best way is to let the map makers transfer data from one match to another and collect it.
this will create a complaints system and ban automatically or manually by mapmakers of players with a large number of complaints in a short time, for example.

Of course, we are talking about this particular map, because banning everyone because you entered an unfamiliar map and it turned out to be bad or unfinished is silly.

Moreover, the creators will display information about the time the player was in this map in the lobby when he connected. this will allow other players to choose for themselves whether to play with the leaver or not.

But just not to be a negative Nancy… Here’s my idea - still not perfect and likely with many issues, but it should be better than what was proposed here.

So… Instead of stopping people from leaving or punishing them in any way, provide some form of a reward for people who others like playing with.

How could it work?

  • Each player has a “thumbs up” button besides his name in the score screen.
  • You can click on any of these buttons (excluding yourself) to indicate that you’ve enjoyed playing with or against that player.
  • There’s no negative points or whatever, because that would lead to people downvoting players who are new and weren’t playing that well.
  • Once you’ve upvoted a player, you cannot upvote him again for 7 days. A player also can’t be upvoted if he left the game within 15 minutes. This is to prevent people from just forming a group and spam farming the likes within a couple of hours.
  • Player’s score is updated every 10 custom games they play, so that it’s harder to figure out who did/didn’t vote for you and thus avoid people starting drama over not getting points.
  • Player’s score is visible ONLY to him to prevent people from only accepting players with X likes into their lobby, thus making it impossible for people who are new or who haven’t played in a while to find a game.
  • Once you accumulate a certain amount of points, you get some nice portrait rewards or other purely cosmetic benefits.

What’s nice about this system?

  • It promotes not only staying in the game, but also playing well and other positive behaviors like being a solid team player to your allies, helping out new players, not trolling people by staying in the game when you already know you’ve lost, being communicative and friendly towards other people, etc.
  • It’s easily expandable - if people start reaching the final tiers of rewards, it shouldn’t be that hard for Blizzard to just throw in some extra portraits, thus always giving people something to aspire to.
  • Since it’s not dependent on punishing people or forcing them to do things that they don’t want to do, there’s a much smaller risk of causing custom games of becoming more toxic.
  • It’s also not punishing to people who have a legit reason for leaving or disconnect - yes, they won’t be able to get points if that happens, but they won’t be punished in any way, so they will be able to just hop into another game later.

And yes, I think that some cool cosmetic rewards for playing nice and playing fair - as Blizzard loves to put it - would be enough of an incentive to make a lot more players want to not only “not leave” games, but also generally be nice and friendly to others. Why? Because people LOVE cosmetic stuff.

And sure, there would still be leavers or griefers or whatever, but with such a system in place, there should be a lot less of them compared to the players that are actually worth playing with.