To All People Who Can't See The Differents Between 2018 and 2019

Souichirou and Myhria, you both look like bots to me :rofl:

Why lol? X)

I looked NOW at YOUR SUMMARY activity and I realized THAT IS YOUR FIRST POST ACCOUNT! And your account is totally NEW, suspicious?
“ForTheRodina” i think that YOU ARE someone else who just made a NEW forum account just to criticize and troll, this is ridiculous. You do not have shame?

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The video of graphics and gameplay of The Culling demo from Blizzcon2018! So far better! :smiley:


Back with that in final release! Please :grinning:

Looks like a lot of people haven’t seen yet the 2018 gameplay. It is clear that is far better than this 2019 beta of now

This are easy as possible to understand and see the huge difference about the Perfect Graphics of The Culling demo from Blizzcon2018 and the new Graphics Downgrade of this 2019 beta version.


The 2018 version looks perfect! :heart_eyes:
I hope that back in final launch :blush:

I too!! The 2018 version looks more beautiful and powerful!

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