To All People Who Can't See The Differents Between 2018 and 2019

We hoping now the final release will have the awesome graphics from Blizzcon2018 demo!

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They said anything for why they changed the graphics in this year beta? Looks so strange… :frowning:

How old are you? Jesus Christ, you´re in great denial. This “Beta” IS the final product. THere wont be an upgrade of the graphics, nor the HUD, nor the gameplay or balance. If you preorder expecting the 2018 Demo you should just refund and avoid losing money for a product that you´re lied for


And who are to say that? you are a blizz dev? LOL

dude there is nothing like beta demo, beta is the final game do not expect anything improved in the final game. The cannot magically make two build and run them. They are gathering feedback. This game was downgraded to oblivion and now this will look as crap as its in the demo.


Demo is finished part of the game that you are allowed to play as a teaser of the full game,( u got to see how the game would look like, visually and gameplay) the 2018 was just that. Beta is released project in process, not the final product necessary. but since there are zero news /communication from the team regarding terrain or graphics, i am not sure anymore, they have 1 month to finish everything. :thinking:


I remember they did say that Beta Graphics aren’t finished and that they already have a better build from 2018,They just need to fix bugs and hear the feedback first :slight_smile:

Denial is strong in this thread. Well, you are going to be disapointed in a few weeks.

I’m not going to Refund a perfect game before it even came out,just because I’m not as dumb as someone else,thinking that Beta is more important than Demo.
It will be fun to see your face when you’ll see this game as it was back in 2018,but you’ve already did refund

If the Game will have The same grafic like 2018 people will simply rebuy The Game.

The thing is i don’t Think you will be able to refound after The Game release so better refund now before getting disappoint

I’m fine with Beta graphics so my expectations will be equal or higher,depends on which graphics they’re gonna use. Btw,Refunds are only making things worse,and you’re acting like a toxic

a lot of people ask for the refound, the comunity from 2018 just kill the game.


“We don’t need changes to novels and WoW!”,“The most disapointing part of the demo - Unrealistic Cutscenes,They’re look like puppets!”,“Looks like a mobile game to me!”

1 year later
The same people:
“We’ve been scammed! Where are the cutscenes??? They were so amazing! Where are the WoW changes?!?”

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Indeed, Activision-Blizzard did nothing wrong - its all comuninty’s fault. :clown_face:

First those filthy peasants didn’t preorder enough. Now they are refunding. Who do they think they are?

“Indeed, Activision-Blizzard did nothing wrong - its all comuninty’s fault.”

Did nothing wrong,It’s all toxic’s fault.They aren’t part of the comunity

Bruh, 2018 was Alpha testing. It wasn’t even close to what you call a “beta”. To call this a “beta”, no… they have so much stuff they need to fix and work on.

I am pretty sure they are going to release an HD pack or something for the rest of us super computer owners.

It was a Demo. You don’t have any proofs that it was Alpha. It was a finished build that they already have.Build that is gonna be used in a release version

Everything in The Culling demo from Blizzcon2018 looked better, we hope that graphics back in release! :smiley:

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I waiting that too! Lets hope the awesome graphics back!