I can see many people who’s raging about how bad the Beta Graphics are,and how great the last year’s Beta was,compare to that.
But there is one small thing…
The Culling is not Beta in the first place!
Let’s see:
Beta - Is a part of the future project,created to let users find some bugs,or give a feedback to how to improve a game
The Culling was not a Beta,but a playable,finished Demo part of one specific level:
The Differences between Beta and Demo is that Demo was created as a full part of a finished project (All Races,Shadering,Better Cutscenes and VO).Demo - Is some kind of advertisment for a release version of the game!
“Hey! Did you like it? How about buy it when it comes out if you want to see more?”
Beta itself - Isn’t a finished project - It can have bugs,crashes,missing models,textures and shaders. The whole point of Beta is to find these bugs and report about them before the oficial release
When the game will came out - It will be as Cool as the Culling,cause the Culling was a part of Finished Demo,not a Beta-Test
Look at this guy’s denial, lol.
You have absolutely no understanding on how this works. What we have now, has been downgraded for the sake of compatibility (like anyone who’s still playing an old version is in need of it anyway) and cut for the sake of effort. You’ve been lied to to make you preorder. Such things happenquite often, sadly.
I’d ask for a refund myself, had I paid something for the game, but I’ve just got it for wow tokens, so I don’t really care.
Another toxic…What we have now is Called Beta - What was in 2018 is called Demo.They didn’t lied to us - The game will look just like the Culling
Yeah, keep telling you that. Let me know when you start to believe yourself.
Let me know when you’ll see an Amazing Graphics after the Release date,but you’ve already refund and cant play this game until you’ll pay once more
Jargon incoming; What the OP is talking about is called a ‘vertical slice’. A vertical slice is a demo of the final product that’s a ‘minimum viable product’ that demonstrates the viability of each component involved as representative of the final product, with the minimum amount of investment required from the production company. The Beta is a validation stage that checks for bugs and unexpected code interactions. It isn’t pretty yet.
Source: I’m the CEO of an app development company.
You are making references to promises made in the 2018 interview, but the OP is exclusively talking about the demo. I am angry about the promises being broken, but the OP isn’t wrong about the beta being just a beta-test and people losing their minds over nothing.
If we’re going to be angry, let’s be angry about the right things. And I am angry.
Let’s angry about broken auth for WC3 classic since tuesday 
I’m glad you’ll not be playing the game, enjoy your powerful womyn and diversity simulator over there. WoW players don’t have what it takes to play competitive games anyway, just PvE.
You are the CEO of an app development company and you can’t tell the difference between a promise and a development plan.
I pity any of your customers.

Still going around saying Blizzard ‘promised’ this and that.
Had a right laugh on this one really I did. Thank you for that! 
I’m not sure what you’re confused about here. The development plan can go awry and that’s okay. However, every time you plans change, you have to check with your customer base in some way. They sat on their fingers and clamped their lips for a year.
That’s not good expectation management.
Please, tell me though, what are your experiences with software development?
The reason why they reject so many of their so many of their previous promices - A bad “Feedback” from the side of Old fans of the game. I remember how many people was acting like idiots,screaming “What a Terrible cutscene animation!”,“I hope they won’t change the game to a sh***y WoW lore”,“I hope they will left the old voiceover” (That’s what they say about Russian localization,not the Original). Now,Blizzard just wants to do what “fans” think is right. + After many refunds from HK incident - Game might be missing a lot of budget.
My friend, I am afraid you’re rose tinted glasses and terminal condition of blizzard white knitting doesn’t let you see that what you are playing is the finished product that will soft launch in a month when NE is added too versus.
Ladder, Campaign and Custom games are going to be released later when they are finished building it. In case you cant tell, you’re getting a fallout 76/ Anthem style release for Reforged.
Thank you Blizzared, you guys rock
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pretender you should look at what all games companies do, They release a development demo with higher graphics and better optimization than the finished product, since 2018, Blizzard has been downgrading all of the features shown then.
It is no different than what other companies do, a few games that come too mind from reveal to disappointing release are no man’s sky, fallout 76, anthem, battlefield 5 etc, this is just how the modern tech industry operates because it is not regulated and there are no consequences for false and misleading advertising during the development process.
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No, just no.
Bf v look better and the optimization is better than his releaze dont lie.
Blizzard has never Downgrade before,their games are always visually good as they promissed.
From what I’ve gathered is people are COMPLETELY clueless about what this game was supposed to be in the first place lol
The graphics of 2018 Warcraft 3 Reforged is very good. But now the graphics are different, this graphics will back like before? Like the 2018 good Graphics.
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Of course they will! All you need is just wait until the release date - They aren’t going to use ultra setting just for some Beta - That’s the reason why Beta looks not as good as The Culling demo from last year
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The graphics will not be going back to what they were in the 2018 demo. They’ve changed directions.
the graphics look worse than w3, there is a big problem between the rendering of the units and the terrain, it looks like the units have a higher concentration of pixels than the terrain and it makes it look really wierd.
w3 looks way better