Let me make your position better, i bought the spoils of war edition few day after the announcement and i’m still waiting. Funny they don’t even thank in the mail they send about the order saying atleast “Thank you for beign stupid enough and pre order the game” (just checked the mail to see the date of the order)
On email aswell nothing else than mails from blizzard about heartstone and Activision games…
Probably, due to consumer protection legislation in the USA/EU. I would suggest contacting support about it if this is what you really want.
However do be aware they have not violated their promises they sold to you last year. They clearly stated the game release date is TBA but will be before the end of 2019. There is still over 5 months level of 2019.
And yes, you should be able to get a refund for the game if you contact their customer support directly.
Why the hell can’t they release at least the Orcs, humans and undead part of the models?
I’m not sure exactly what you are asking for. Do you mean release more media, like pictures? Or just the models in the game?
If you’re asking them to release just the models in the game, then that is just ridiculous. That’s like asking for a baby to be born one limb at a time because you can’t wait the full 9 months.
The picture was removed. I presume to be because the team confused DR with Archer and morphed elements of both into 1 and the same character. The post itself quotes it cannot be determined if the picture was from before or after november. Even if it is after; a picture does not constitute a game.
Some new icons have been released; which is warcraft 3 tft; it may or may not be related to reforged. We don’t know. Since there has been no official news update since november.
fact: no official update has been made
h1: they have been working but showing 0 of the progress
h2: the progress has been so slow there is not much to disclose about
Considering dev team lost their lead employee, the latter is not unlikely. Blizzard never has been good at making reasonable deadlines and conforming to them. This is probably not better at the chaos activision is inserting into it. If it makes them meet deadlines, it will go at the cost of quality (unless the pump in more resources, of which they do the opposite).
Be real people we’ll get Night elf reveal and maybe even a release date at blizzcon in just over a month. I’m tired of these posts. Ok, I’ll just let Blizzard know to release a bad unfinished bug filled version of the game. That’ll be even better! Than we all get to complain on the forums more!
After all, we obviously don’t care about the game itself, or you’d be providing some kind of suggestion as to how they can make reforged better when it releases, instead of just flat out saying “Release Reforged plz”. We’re all only here to complain
Really though we’ll get info at Blizzcon just stop complaining all the time and talk about something else on this forum FOR ONCE PLEASE.
Sorry, for some reason it was going through my head that Blizzcon this year was gonna be in September and not November. Damn now I’m on all of yours side