Things we NEED in the new EDITOR

I played a lot with the SC2 editor, and I find that the possibilities offered by War 3 Triggers are much more limited (at least without going through programming language)

Yes it is easy. Watch the map I uploaded for Zartakos some messages above.

You probably had to spend at least 15 minutes to just create +300 healing to 1 single ability. And that’s why I said, there has to be an easier way. That’s not all, you had to create a seperate trigger just to reset the value back to default.

You could do it in the same trigger using Wait, but some abilities have a cast delay and using the second trigger will avoid any issue. For instance Holy Fire has no cast delay so you could use a simple Wait 0.10 seconds between the +300 and -300 healing actions.

And no it took to me like 5 minutes at most. Creating maps takes times, so don’t expect fulfilling your desires within 15 minutes. Those ability boost triggers are very easy and fast, I can show you things that really takes times and it is not 2 small triggers, but hundreds of long triggers.

It is very easy to add more abilities. Simply add conditions and copy past, modifying the actions with the desired abilities and values.

Making maps requires time and effort, and what you are stuck on is quite easy and quick to do for any mapper, except beginners who are not used to it.

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While more powerful the World Editor become, more fun custom map games! <3

The more time the developpers will spend on functions already easy to do, simply in order to make it even easier or more user friendly, well then the less time they will spend creating brand new functions and triggers that even the jass coding can’t achieve right now.

How would you go about making scaling passives? For examples to add 10% of your max hp, to + attack damage.

As a person who works with editor since 2007 and coding on jass/cjass I want official built-in mini IDE with integrated editor, opportunity to save every trigger as separate file. Replace this horrible micro-font with customizeble editor as TESH addon. Add autocomplete with error highlighting like intellisence. Coding proccess must be fully user friendly and pretty. And user friendly doesn’t means GUI, this crap is useless.
Don’t even dare to advice me ceres or something like that.
Who needs 3rd party when we are able to get official?

Also it would be nice to modify DATA fields of abbilities for specific units from lua/jass


Since 1.31 we can change a unit Max HP with a trigger, we can also change the boost given by passive abilities. Just the same way I did it with Holy Fire. So what you said is not harder than what I made with Holy Fire in order to show you, and the fact you think it is harder is a proof that you are not experienced with the editor, no offense here. You need to experience it more and you will be able to make things you want way easier.

Hint for passives: instead of On cast conditions, use Item aquired condition.

How do we utilize that file? Just download it and import to the editor? I imported it and I don’t have anything out of it.

Download it and import it in the Classic editor (not reforged one). Must be up to date.

I think he’s referring to having them in GUI.

How would you have such things in gui ? Let’s take Thorn Aura for instance and Holy Fire. What GUI field would you add ? Add 1 specific item that would « boost » the spell ? And boost what ? Damage output ? Area of effect ? % from damage input ? Why not decreasing the mana cost with item ? Or reduce cooldown ? Or boost duration ?

See, from 1 idea you can end up with 5 or 6 required gui fields per spell and each spell will need its own specific fields because there are many different type of spells with different effects

Add item property “skill boost” with dropdown menu about the effect, a bit like what’s the “effect” dropdown now which is infuriatingly limited.

The new world editor will be able to create cutscenes style like the awesomes ones of The Culling demo from Blizzcon2018?

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I want them to allow us to add/remove hero glow to models in a simple and convenient fashion.

Also the latest version has a ton of error messages when I load it up. Every new map fires off a ton of “missing string” errors.

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That would definitely work for heroes.

Mine too, reported already.

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Mr Volsung, since my last reply in here I learned a lot more how to improve spells with triggers, but I encountered some wall.

I am unable to find how to scale an ability off of main stat, or attack damage. Do you know how?

Also imagine being able to create abilities from scratch, without the need of triggers.

You can always use Unit - Damage Unit and use Ability Level and Hero Stats in Arithmetic formulas