Still remain bugs that affect balance, etc (June 20 updated)

Thanks for keep updating. While they are controversial over all but also show some positive trends and better than stagnation.

There are still some bugs that may impact on balance & results more or less (depends on units used and map) that need to be fixed:

  • Air units those transformed or derived from ground units, like Destroyer, Druid of the Talon’s Storm Crow Form, Gargoyle and Phoenix*, cannot use Way Gate. I didn’t test Medivh but presumably he should be the same as Druid of the Talon.
    *Gargoyle/Phoenix can use Way Gate only if they haven’t been turned into Stone Form/Egg, once turned back from Stone Form/Egg it cannot use Way Gate anymore.
    Hippogryph Rider, air units that had been Webbed/Ensnared, are not affected.
  • Frost Wyrm’s splash of its anti-ground attack also affect air (since “Combat – Attack 1 – Area of Effect Targets” includes “Air”), while anti-air attack doesn’t have the splash though its Weapon Type is “Missile (Splash)” [since “Combat – Attack 2 – Area of Effect (Full, Medium, Small Damage)” and “Combat – Attack 2 – Damage Factor – Medium, Small Damage” are 0].
    The question is: did Frost Wyrm’s anti-air intended to be splash in the first place, or just like Dragons (Creep)* should be non-splash?
    *Red, Black, Green Dragon’s Weapon Type of anti-air attack are “Missile” just in conformity with their (other) values in World Editor; while Bronze, Blue, Nether Dragon’s are “Missile (Splash)” like Frost Wyrm (no splash effect actually). Btw Red, Bronze, Green, Blue Dragon Whelp, plus Nether Dragon Hatchling, and Black, Bronze, Blue, Nether Drake, all their “Weapon Type” are wrongly set to “Missile (Splash)”.
  • Doom Guard, Faceless One Terror, Faceless One Deathbringer’s splash of their anti-air attack also affect ground (since “Combat – Attack 1 – Area of Effect Targets” includes “Ground”).
    P.s.1: These three units’ “Attack 1” is anti-air and “Attack 2” is anti-ground while other units with anti-ground & air attack are reversed. This would be the reason why Master of Pain in Lord of Outland and Destroyer Zardikar in Old Hatreds – Outland Arena, their attack damage boost (compared to Doom Guard) was mistakenly set to anti-air attack, which resulting in an unintentional difficulty drop.
    P.s.2: Faceless One Terror and Faceless One Deathbringer’s description said “Heavy ranged unit that hurls bolts of lightning”, however none of them hurls “bolts of lightning”.
  • Elder Hydra’s splash also hurt itself (since the value of “Combat – Attack 1 – Area of Effect Targets” is empty). Also the value of its “Combat – Attack 1 – Damage Factor – Small” is lacked [other units function with Missile (Splash) attack got this item value set, therefore Elder Hydra shouldn’t be an exception; besides its “Combat – Attack 1 – Area of Effect (Small Damage)” is set].
  • The Projectile Speed of Incinerate (1000) is slower than Firelord’s normal attack (1200).
    Btw have the tweaks about Firelord mentioned in this thread been incorporated into 1.36.2? If so, what are the contents? The enablement of the homing of Incinerate projectile? What about Soul Burn? Are those tweaks equivalent to damage reduction and hero duration adjustment in 1.36.2?
  • The Projectile Speed of Black Dragon’s anti-ground attack (Attack 1) is 0 while Black Whelp and Drake’s are 900. However it seems even with 0 as the value the projectile of Black Dragon still function normally just with higher speed (feel like 1500 or a little more). Just set the value to 900 since all Dragons of the same race have the same Projectile Speed.
    P.s.1: the Projectile Arts of Black Dragon Whelp and Black Drake are reversed. Maybe the staff can just replace Black Dragon race’s Projectile Art with Firelord’s to differentiate it from Red Dragon race’s.
    P.s.2: Black Drake’s “Art – Scaling Value” is 1.0 while other Drakes except Nether are 1.2.
    P.s.3: Why Nether Dragon race’s “Art – Scaling Value” and “Art – Selection Value” are obviously smaller than other Dragon race’s, is there some interpretation in terms of Warcraft settings? Like 'cause they have ethereal bodies?
  • Blood Wizard (some maps have them and can be possessed/charmed/controled)'s Bloodlust has to trigger autocast manually unlike Centaur Sorcerer, Ogre Magi, or Draenei Harbinger, since his “Abilities – Default Active Ability” is “Frost Armor (Autocast)” not “Bloodlust (Neutral Hostile 1)”.

Not exactly a bug, but the effect does not match its description thus could lead to misjudgments:

  • The description of Phase Shift is “Causes this unit to shift out of existence whenever it takes damage, temporarily avoiding any further damage.” However the effect is casted unit just turned into invisible instead of “out of existence”, the Phase Shift-ed unit can still be hit if the attacker can attack invisible units. Please consider make Phase Shift-ed unit real “out of existence”, or at least combine invisibility with invulnerability.

The following is uncertain of its property:

  • Blademaster can do normal attack during Bladestorm, is this a bug or intended to be?
    Perhaps the staff could consider remove this mechanism as a part of balance tweaks, one of the reasons is that it’s weird to be able to do normal attack while spinning at high speed.

And here are other bugs that almost no affect on balance & results but game experience & efficiency:

  • Most of the time after I clicked “SINGLE PLAYER”→“CUSTOM GAMES”, instead to VS Computer mode, it leads me to (Multiplayer) Custom Game mode. I have to press ESC to back to Main Menu and repeat the step “SINGLE PLAYER”→“CUSTOM GAMES” once even more times rarely to reach VS Computer mode.
  • Default Game Speed is fixed at “FAST” even I changed the value in War3Preferences.
  • When “OPTIONS” opened, once switched to “GAMEPLAY” tab, even I didn’t change anything, it still pops the “SETTINGS MODIFIED” window before I exit “OPTIONS”.
  • If mis-clicked a deleted(but still showing up in the map list)/renamed map, then I cannot create game or back to previous menu, I have to close the game and reboot.

Thanks for your time to read. Have an amazing one.

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