The Warcraft 3 Reforged Hype Train has been derailed

More than 1 day of posting nothing but crying and “I canceled” posts for sure.

So I match that criteria because I’ve had posts across the spectrum about various topics the last year and while currently disappointed with some turns, I’m not cancelling my pre-order since I am looking forward to digging into Reforged.

I’m not bothered by Falric getting his name. I’m also not bothered by map changes or additional mini-bosses.

It’s additional side content that’s been written specifically for Reforged and requiring all the voice acting to be redone that I have a problem with, because it will without question be horribly written and forever taint Warcraft 3’s individual legacy.

One big problem in my understanding is this: the community has split. And another very dangerous mistake is to think that W3 and WoW were part of different universes. The community should understand everything as part of a single universe or story. People deal as if they were different worlds, not the same Azeroth.

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I know it’s all part of the same universe. I also know that Classic WoW is part of the same universe as Retail WoW.

I just don’t care because WC3 and Classic WoW are objectively better stories/games than Retail WoW and I don’t want Retail WoW tarnishing this remaster of WC3. Neither does anyone else who loves WC3.

Shoot guess I’m disqualified because I like Warcraft as a whole, all its games included.

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I used to before WoW started going downhill narratively. Now I don’t want to be constantly reminded of the sh*tpile it is (which is why I only play Classic WoW now and not Retail). And I’d prefer the Reforged art style to whatever that fan-made Reborn art style is. Hell I prefer it to the Classic art style.

It’s so easy to port the old campaigns into the reforged. I’ve seen some video uploads about them on the net.

It’s really unfair for those who love Warcraft as a whole and want the two worlds (wc3 and wow) connect with each other

You do realize those ports are REALLY poorly done, right? Cutscene triggers are all screwed up, not all the animations are playing correctly, etc.

Seems to me like they were half-baked rush jobs on the part of the kids doing the porting just to try and make Blizzard look bad.

If there’s really no new voiceovers, that means Anasterian, Jenalla, Thalorien and other lore characters with unique models are now useless

*easy for blizzard

What I’m more curious about is how they managed to load anything other than multiplayer to begin with.

Not to the mapmaking community, which is the lifeblood of this game.

That said, it would be a crying shame if they didn’t at least have unit response VO, even if they don’t have cutscene VO.

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I think the new unique units might have their own VO. It’s the Classic units that aren’t getting new voice overs except in regions where the rights to the old VO have been voided due to outsourcing the localization.

don’t speak for everyone. I’m in love with W3, I’ve played it all my childhood until adulthood, and I’m looking forward to the Reforged. However, I understand that he had his time, and would love the changes announced at last BlizzCon.


So you want WC3 ruined by bad writing.

No thanks.

Wait, how is changing the style of the cutscene bad writing? The cutscene will be almost the same. The only difference is the style - how it will look like, in terms of camera angles. The update said that they scrapped the originally planned style for the cutscene and went back to the classic, BUT with new camera angle and lighting. I guess, for now, we’ll have to stick to units standing around, talking without their actual mouth moving and leaving the portraits talk for it. To me, I like the beta cutscene shown in the Culling campaign last year. It really looks like a cutscene, and not some unplayable bit of the chapter where we can just skip.

What bad writing? You are unable to know what their plan was. Maybe it‘s well written and makes sense especially for ‚WC3‘ lore. And which lore aspect would affect the game so heavily, that it is unplayable? They won‘t reinvet the wheel… WoW is based on the story-pillars, set by Warcraft III and some essential events can‘t crushed down. The simply want to add some additional story to some characters and events. That would not destroy anything. And the thing is… it was planned to be an ‚option‘ to choose if you want to play the reforged campaign or the original campaign with new visuals and graphics. I really want to see that, but at actually it sadly won‘t happen anymore, because of the ones who argue the loudest. ‚Why you said nothing in the first place and cry now?‘… why would we argue about a feature the was already planned? There was no need to… now, the ‚purist‘ had seemingly won… (as if this were a battle :weary:) and the other ones take action. ~45% don‘t want changes the other ~45% really want them. And the rest of ~10% don‘t care. Simply do both… then every one should be happy.

Sorry for my bad english and I hope you understand.

Have a great day :blush: