The warcraft 3 community has disappointed me

I must say, when I left wc3 6 or 7 years ago I would have never imagined the most toxic to take over in a purist fashion. Any change to the original game seems to be called out as WoW crap. They’re not open to any debate and any argument that is made that someone should just go back to wow if they suggest that even an optional campaign would be a good idea.

I guess it is not surprising that the warcraft 3 community practically died, if you guys cannot welcome new players or welcome back old players. Your community will become as insignificant as it was before. Let’s grow up and discuss it like adults.


So you were butt hurt about what i said and you make this post saying whole of community is toxic. while being unable to take a joke ?

you just did what i like to call a non pro gamer move. and a ruse technically


If that was a joke then you’re a bad comedian


I don’t admit WoW as a sequel to Warcraft 3.
It is a MMORPG, which required adjustements for the game to be relevant as a MMO but those changes were bad, very bad, from the very beginning.

We don’t want WoW in Warcraft 3. Do you know why ? Because we still hope for Warcraft 4 someday, right after Arthas becoming the Lich King.


But that is the point. You can still play the old intact campaign in reforged anyway. There is no harm in having the option of the reforged campaign for the people who wanted it.

Because of this redicilous purism you will now miss out on a lot of potential players.


Blizzard’s main source of inspiration should not be the community though. I mean, yes it’s really awesome to have the possibility to share your thoughts about a game with the creators of that game, but let’s be honest here, they’re the creators, not me or you, they’re supposed to be the “experts” in the domain, not us, we’re just the players. Better ask another developer in person than to take at heart the post of some stranger from the internet. I think they should listen less to the online community, perhaps only for the most ingenious and most constructive things, not the pointless “I don’t like this, I don’t like that” kind of posts.

The whole feedback idea is good, but too much of it can be bad. Too much of anything can be bad.

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So be it.
WoW player will stick to WoW.
Warcraft players will stick to Warcraft 3. Until the glorious day when we’ll see in a blizzcon that Warcraft 4 is announced. Sequel to Warcraft 3. of course, because there is no way a RTS can be sequel to a MMORPG lore.

WoW retcons in Warcraft 3 is the death for Warcraft 4. We are Warcraft 3 players. We want a sequel to Warcraft 3, not to WoW.


Yeeeaaa, its not going to happen man.
WoW makes far too much money, there is a reason why we have warcraft 3 and not 4.


“We do not acknowledge WoW as a sequel to Warcraft 3 and we are waiting for Blizzard to one day announce a sequel that doesn’t take into consideration 15 years of story that we don’t like!”

Um… okay…?

“Blizzard said they were going to make this more than just a reskin and now people are complaining that it sounds like this game is looking more and more like just a reskin. People also payed either 20 or 40 dollars in advance for this game and one of the things that factored into that decision was Reforged not being just a reskin. We don’t see any problem with this.”

That is how some of the posts regarding this matter sound… Just saying! :>

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It’s hilarious how these wowzers think that removing a good campaign and adding their terrible story is “adding content” and now that blizzard decided not to butcher the game with their plagued content the game became “just a reskin”.

You want a new campaign? Ask for wc4. Ask for a dlc. Or go play wow.

But “noooooo, if you don’t want my wow trash in wc3, just don’t buy the game bro”. You don’t need to destroy something that is good in order to replace it with your garbage.


That’s not what people are saying.
Not arguing for REPLACEMENT, arguing for the option to choose which campaign to play.


Olol, you think they gonna make 2 different campaigns ? And maybe parallel universes ? LMAO

Hey wait, did they make 2 different stories in WoW, one that ruin War3 story and one that does not ? Hmm ? No ? Well…


“we both buy the game, you play the old campaign on old graphics while I play the new reforged campaign”


Actually, it’s not so complicated. You see the old maps all work in reforged, they have engineered it that way. So the classic campaign could be ported into reforged. In fact, some people managed to do so already.

This is exactly the reason I am over the moon that they decided to go back on making any changes.

Of course they meant any changes would be forced on the Warcraft 3 community.
You don’t seem to understand ‘VanVan’.

We are OLDER gamers now!
We have been playing Warcraft since 2002 and stuck with it ALL of this time HOPING for a Warcraft 4.

WoW has taken a lot of that possibility out of the equation.

And as the RTS fan I am and a lot of others share in that, if WoW’s story has to go back and MAKE CHANGES to PAST EVENTS of Warcraft lore, then Warcraft 4 will NEVER happen!


Ehm? No that’s not at all what i said. You can play the old campaign with new revamped graphics. Reforged is engineered so that it works with the old maps.

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Warcraft is Warcraft. The MMO kept going with the story of Warcraft 3. The only thing that didn’t continue forward is the genre.

Can you cite where Blizzard said they’d be removing the original campaigns at all, despite the fact purchasing Reforged also gives the customer Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne? Or people, like you and I, lose access to Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne?


Not really.

The Reforged campaign wasn’t going to be that in-depth of a retcon to begin with. I get the feeling this isn’t about listening to the purists and is more about not wanting to waste time and money re-voicing a lot of lines because we’re drawing so close to the end of the year and they want to get the game out before then.

I know I’ve probably said this to you in another thread but it still needs to be said here. Especially since this thread has readers that probably aren’t reading the other one.

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Look, people here are stubborn and worried.
I’m a little more open to change myself but it’s gotta be just right y’know?

Otherwise we’re going from slight changes to an all out retcon where Garithos is the main character.


