The warcraft 3 community has disappointed me

This was my very first assumption. And I think blizzard ought to be called out for making false promises. We have to hear it now in a polygon article. It would have been decent for them to make a blue post on this matter.

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Well, we may still hear about it during their BlizzCon panel.

I recommend we all try to calm down and think rationally about this. (Not saying you aren’t, but I’m sure there’s a lot of folks on this forum right now who aren’t.)

I was actually under the assumption that they didnt have a panel this blizzcon at all. But it seems that my eyes skipped over it. So clarification might yet come. Still they must have known this for longer. In my opinion they should have said this much sooner.


But it’s not exactly a full-size team working on this, hence why the art assets had to be outsourced. They probably wanted to tell us but couldn’t get a free moment because super mega crunch time.

Honestly I’m fine if they delay this whole thing longer if it means they can do a better job.


I mean, I hope it does come this year. I liked what I saw while playing the beta. But multiplayer isn’t exactly my bread and butter for Warcraft 3.

But if there’s improvements to be made, they should take the time to make them.

They would only be making one, the original campaign is already done. And yes, I put both RoC and TFT as one campaign.

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It is actually possible to trigger offline mode on the client and boot up campaign maps. The old campaign works

Uhh, did you mean to reply to me?

Last we heard from the datamining, there is a button to switch between Classic and Reforged campaigns.

The Reforged campaign is likely still a thing but less in-depth (and time-consuming/costly) than it would have been originally.

Did you try the ‘Old Campaign’ recently?

All these Reforged updates broke the game.

For example Tyrande’s items are still bugged between missions ETC

So regardless – it HAS and WILL affect the Classic game!

Sounds like the campaigns need to be beta tested.

See, if that’s the case, then people saying that the retcons need to be scrapped are talking complete nonsense.

Unless they believe that the buttons mean switching between graphics for the old campaign.

Well obviously it would need some fixing.

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Tranq, did you at least make a backup of your Patch 1.31 installation? Just in case?

But your all being absolutely closed minded to the fact that they are making Reforged work alongside Classic.

Anything they change for Reforged affects and patches into Classic.

The old campaign inherits all the bugs etc :smiley:

They already locked Reign of Chaos because of Reforged.
That ladder was standing for 15 years!

It’s painful for some of us! :frowning:

PS: No I forgot to backup :frowning:

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Sounds like the campaigns need beta testing then.

Or maybe the act of hacking the game so you could access them is what broke them.

…Either way the campaigns should be part of the beta.

Core mechanics might. But a seperate campaign file would not affect a classic campaign. The patches for the classic client are made for multiplayer

There’s still time, my dude.

Personally I want to go back to the version before they broke the inventories in the campaign and before RoC was locked.

But I doubt the second part is possible…
All those years I practiced RoC and got good at Multiplayer – are useless in TFT ladder.

Even the start process is different haha