I thought the purpose was clear. I’m concerned with the direction reforged has taken and I feel like much of the disaster could have been avoided if there was more back and forth between Bliz and the community.
You may show that Bliz (or one member really?) is communicating with us, but he’s not really communicating on anything that really needs an in depth discussion. He’s just fixing bugs. That’s not really the back and forth communication I meant. Bugs go like this:
- Find bug
- Fix bug
Bugs aren’t really a concern that needs an in depth conversation. They’re just errors you fix and have a minimal effect on the overall design direction. What players typically contribute with bugs is just a step by step on how to reproduce the bug. That’s it. Maybe they can offer an idea of what might be causing the bug? That’s it though. Donezo
The problems I’m talking about are much deeper such as art direction.
Here, take a look at this thread that shows a side by side comparison of the 2018 demo to our live beta. The beta looks awful.
I know, you’ll ask why, so here’s why (I already posted this before):
And that’s just some of the basic stuff. Like, look at the terrain for 2018 vs 2019. Then look at the UI. Then look at the models. Then look at all the stuff that has been cut (campaign voices, etc. because apparently the community didn’t want new voices and new stuff added to the campaign???). Looks different on these forums and I just feel like a lot of this stuff could have been avoided if they took feedback from the community instead of just like 4 old professional players that don’t want to adapt to new art, etc. Why cater to 4 over a million?
And no, I’m not saying to have the community design the game. Devs can do that way better. What I’m saying is if the devs are asking the community for feedback on something to decide what to change and what not to change, they should try a little harder to get that feedback from their playerbase. A little back and forth could have gone a long way. And no, I don’t mean just to ask the four pro players that still exist for War3 about what they want. Community needs and pro needs are very different. Pros don’t make the community. The community makes pros.