The silence on these forums is really bad

Maybe it’s because the forums aren’t big enough to dignify a Blizz response? Idk, but I feel like some of the game’s current problems are because of Blizz’s silence with the general community.

Hope all turns out well with reforged, but some things aren’t looking so great…and a little back and forth may have made all the difference.


It’s because the classic games team has wasted our time just to deliver an atrociously lazy graphical improvement that everyone hates besides pathetic bend-overs and those with crap PCs.
(The only useful forums posted on here are those calling this out btw.)

Blizzard is a joke and more people are giving up on them every day for good reason.


They will no answer anything, because they already know that the game are in a very early beta or alpha stage and there is no time already, the current development should be ok for mid year, not one month before release… I wonder what they did between december and september, because the models were created by a 3rd company… Seems that they have wait until Lemonsky released most of the models to start working in the game, but now is too late. It´s like they are studing the day before the exam :man_facepalming:

So IMO they not answer because they are very very delayed in the product, like all the current year


They read the forum, but don’t say anything.

They were completely silent for a year and gave us awful beta : (


cause they know how shi11y were and are now the game, so they doesn’t want to apologise and give explanations, so ok, don’t answer, there is still one month Blizzard


Whoa there, Slick. I’ll admit, there are things about the game in its current state that make me stop to question what Blizzard was thinking, but I do not outright hate Reforged. At all. I especially don’t hate the new graphics.


I hate the 0 communication for a year after they announced the game and the current no communication. Even at Blizzcon I feel like they told us nothing of value.
On the other hand I don’t think the current w3 is as bad as people make it out to be, I am playing just about every day and I like it. I expected more, especially from the campaign but I dont find it bad… Just not THAT good, up with the OLD Blizzard’s standards…


I would have been ok with the year of silence if they delivered us a banger product, but instead the gave us a fking downgrade…


the silence is here because this forum is infested by a bunch of whiny idiots who never played classis in the first place


Actually the forums are infested with customers or potential customers and that is all that should matter to Blizz and give us some attention.


I think honestly they have been redrawing all the missions with increased level of detail. It takes a lot of time for the small details, now multiply that by as many missions in wc3. The Asian company does the models, they do the maps and triggers.

There is not much for them to say except for " thank you for your feedback", tho I do agree I wish there was more transparency on what was actively going on / being developed / progress. The silver lining is they said they read every post, so there is that.

They also apparently stalk WC3 Discords for feedback aswell.

What are you trying to say here man? What’s the purpose of this thread? To complain about the past? We are receiving blue posts every week now for 3 months and in threads that gives real feedback they’re constantly addressing the issues and answering people. What kind of silence are you talking about?

It is yes.

Where? There is a single QA person who posts in the bug reports section and the weekly patch notes. That’s it.

Threads about issues where hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of people have been unable to launch the game (2.51 error for example) have gone unanswered for long periods, and there is pretty much zero feedback in the general section.

Expecting them to be popping up in every thread is not realistic, especially as many threads are repeating the same feedback and/or full of trolling. However getting an occasional response to commonly raised feedback (such as color saturation, terrain and UI) and technical issues (such as the 2.51 error and progress with beta invitation roll out) would be very welcome and doesn’t seem like an unreasonable expectation.

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The 2.51 error is solved already. The majority of threads here don’t address any issue, they’re just spreading hate or doubt. Can you tell me what is the purpose of this thread? I’ve entered here, read the thread author post and i can’t understand what this guy wants. What feedback is he trying to give here? What is he claiming? What’s the objective?

Some examples of the silence that i suppose you guys are talking about…

Almost a post every day…

It has, though there was never an official response to it in these forums.

To ask for more regular input from an official source in these forums.

Mostly from one member of the QA team limited only to bug reports, just as I said. Other than that there are just the stickied weekly patch notes and one thread on the beta invitations roll out, which should have been a sticky but isn’t and hasn’t been updated in almost 4 weeks.

Mostly from one member of the QA team limited only to bug reports

And what are you expecting the blizzard team to be doing? Talking about the last episode of the mandalorian with us? They’re working on bugs and giving the necessary reports and the most important thing, fixing the bugs…

stickied WEEKLY patch notes and one thread on the beta invitations

Seriously what are you expecting? WEELKY PATCH NOTES, WEEKLY. Besides the WEEKLY patch notes we have QA team working on bugs answering people almost every day… You’re just proving my point that there is no silence at all.

I’m not expecting them to do anything, I’m suggesting responses from them on issues other than just bug fixes would be very welcome in these forums. And the 2.51 error was a major bug, that recived none.

No I’m not. The posts you have indicated are not responses to disscusions within the General section of the forums, which is what the OP was talking about if I understand them correctly.

Take a look at the blue posts in general discussion threads

Seriously from all the sections of this forum, if i was a blizzard employee, general discussion would be section that i would read the least. Because it’s just a bunch of people repeating the same unclear and indirect threads all the time. The majority it’s just a pile of threads spreading hate and doubt about the project. No real feedback, no specific claimings, nothing, just nonsense.