The real reason why people on these forums can't stop complaining

Umm… no, they don’t.

Let’s not fool ourselves.

They are running out of lore material… The end draws near my friend.


I like 90% of your comments, therefore i will pretend you never wrote this.

Yes,they are.
A lot of people WANTS to see young Jaina,living Arthas and how he Became a Lich King,Thrall as a Warcheif,Sulvanas as High Elf etc

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Well Shadowlands is proof they can finally come up with some new lore material whenever its required, so honestly the demand for more WoW/amount of subscriber numbers will determine how long WoW goes on.

As for retelling the WoW’s story in RTS form, Ive always said Im willing to have that kind of “compromise” if rewriting WoW’s events completely is not something that would ever happen.

But atleast most of us agree here on the matter that the worst possible thing that could happen is if WC IV would pick up wherever WoW would eventually end.

Anyhow I wont have my hopes up regardless of how well Reforged might sell (and I have my doubts it will) about WC IV because unless there is really increasing demand for RTS games, I somewhat doubt that the heads at Activision-Blizzard would allow another Warcraft RTS game to happen in first place, regardless of how and when WoW might end.


there was a popular post in r/warcraftlore and r/wow where someone theorized that since Shadowlands isn’t timesynced with Azeroth, there would be at least a 30 year timeskip up to when the player leaves the Shadowlands (just like AU Draenor in BFA), and since the player/s are away, the people in that subreddit theorize that Warcraft 4 will be a about the Old Gods and the Black Empire finally invading Azeroth and more stupid whatnots

I appreciate your long comment, and I don’t disagree with your PS4 comments at all.

Maybe I went to high with my percentages. You are right. I still am not expecting any competitive game to develop a very deep singleplayer mode. See all the competitive games on the scene today, those that have tournaments around them. None of those games have a powerful singleplayer mode though.

We did see how he became lich king :S

I am not sure why following WoW trash lore is better than writing new one where wc3 tft ended…

Because WoW lore is much deeper,interesting,and has a lot more character development - Look at the novels,look at how deep and detailed the World has become

You did,I did and many people did,but there are many people out there who only heard about it,but never experienced it before.

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so which one is it?


Yeah I’m sure Marvel and DC Comics are running out of material too.

Such deep,creative and full of details universe as Warcraft will never run out of ideas - There always will be something good and new,something we’ve never seen before,like the Afterlife

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WoW lore is utter trash, and character mutilation polygon.
It can be very detailed, but it’s still a crime.
Torturing people can be very detailed, but it’s doesn’t mean it’s good.

You should good sarcarsm in 2019, preety cool stuff.

WoW lore is utter trash, and character mutilation polygon.

WoW lore has good things, and it has bad things. It is not simple to say ‘it ruined Warcraft’.

Warcraft 3 lore has good things, and it has bad things too. Warcraft 2 is my favourite lore in the series, and WC3 put a big fat dump on it by making Orcs into good guys and making Human survivors look like racists.

Why are there good-guy Cow people? Why didn’t Orcs just kill them the same as Pig-people or Horse-people or Bird-people or Fish-people that they attacked without hesitation? There was no explanation why they even care about Tauren before meeting Cairne.

WC3 only has a good story with Arthas. That’s it. And even then, it has enough ambiguity for people to misunderstand the whole story and think that Arthas was a good boy who only got corrupted; that is bad story telling if people can mistake the story like that.

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What are you talking about? It’s not all wow players and I wouldn’t even say it’s MOST wow players.

I played all the ladder modes and custom games from the OG WC3 and the graphics are insanely dumb and not optimized at all. It’s pathetic.

Isn’t there like 10 million or more people still playing WoW right now? Seems a bit silly for anyone to suggest some of those people won’t try out Reforged.

Even if just 1% the WoW community bought reforged, and only 10% of that 1% stuck around to play multiplayer… that’s like 10,000 people… that’s not nothing.

Back during Cataclysm, yeah. It’s been on a decline since Wrath of the Lich King (peak at like 12 or 13 million I think it was) but is still far from dead.

Correct, it did not ruin Warcraft, but it did ruin the lore :slight_smile:

I said this far too many times…

No one is against the changes, but we are against dumb and humiliating changes, such as makin wc3 as polygon for new recruits for WoW…
They can surely add new campaign without it being “fitted to match WoW storyline better”.

We are talking about different game and different genre, i do not want this RTS to match stupid WoW lore. end of story.

I am not against everything new, i am just against anything new which is related to praising WoW.


While I can agree with you in feeling this way, you know its already happened and no turning back.

Well… for as long as they don’t rename WoW to wc4 and stop making wc3 a prologue to WoW… i am not giving up.

Problem is, people today think nothing nowadays is sacred, nothing is respected…
We can have discussions on Whether Arthas deserves forgiveness, or if lore is better in wc2 or wc3… Those are all healthy discussion, even when you put a bit of spice into it.

But this is different.

Most of us are ok with new campaign, but only if it is not WoW storyline prologue.
We are not against changes, only against bad changes


WoW has not had 10 million players or even close to it for many years now. The number peaked at somewhere between 12-13 million players during days of Cataclysm (2010-2011), but it has been in deep decline since then:



The last time Blizzard officially informed number of active WoW subscribers was in 2015…back then the numbers had already fallen under 6 million players…still huge number but it has only continued to decline since then.

Right now its difficult to know for sure what the exact numbers are but judging from these articles, It would be safe to assume that the numbers really might be below 2 million active players, although the number always increases over 3 million each time new expansion is launched. However it always drops down significantly again once the players who have experienced the content of the expansion then drop out again, to return once new expansion is released.

So ye either way the conclusion that we can make about this is that while WoW’s popularity is but shadow of what it used to be (used to have 10x more players than it has now), its still quite profitable for Blizzard.And as long as the player numbers dont drop significantly below 1 million and as long as the expansions sell as well as they have, they are not going to stop making more WoW expansions any time soon.

The only real threat to WoW that could hasten its end is another MMO that could finally steal away most of whats left of WoW’s playerbase, but all such MMOs have failed for most parts and there are no other MMOs in sight that could possibly threaten WoW and whats left of its playerbase. The players that are left seem especially loyal to WoW and have had no interest of quitting, although some people have ofc recently abandoned retail for Classic, atleast for time being.

really? I thought BFA’s horrible writing and terrible pacing was the last straw