Thanks for making the deathknight a female!

It was a joke, damn you are dense. I grew up playing Warcraft3 and their amazing custom game community.

Btw death and decay is also a blood deathknight ability in world of Warcraft.

I don’t give one single solitary damn about the new death knight being a woman.
I just like the fact that she’s new, and looks damn good.

A little bit impractical in the armor department but meh, dual wielding rune weapons on an armored death horse makes up for it in spades.


Wow. Imagine someone actually believing this. Dude I’m saying this for your own benefit: go outside and get some fresh air


A lot of people here need some fresh air apparently. I love everything blizzard has implemented so far including the female DK.


Eh, i miss the more creepy-look of the original.

My issues with the Female-Death Knight while it overall looks fine, is that she looks too unblemished, haircut is abit too modern-looking, and visualy doesnt look as defiled by dark-magics in that creepy way.

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people are thinking this too much besides it is done already

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there won’t be an option not to see it, there will be an option not to use it

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You’ll be even happier to know that they’re also adding female Demon Hunters. Just need to have them as toggleable options instead of RNG and everyone will be happy. I think~

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I don’t really have a position rn on the female demon hunter. If she has huge demon horns I will probably choose her over the male but thats for pure aesthetic reasons and not so much on fantasy roleplay.

You’re free to do that, tho odds are pretty good that you’ll see horns on DHs of both genders when they’re in Metamorphosis, and no horns when outside that form. That’s how Demon Hunters work in the Warcraft lore as I understand.

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As a Horde main; it would be cool to see some female version of Heroes.

I would say something about male Heroes but besides the Night Elves and Jaina… there aren’t really that many female Heroes to add male variants of.


insta refund

See? It’s a perfect idea. The best that mental warfare has to offer. Imagine having your opponent instantly tilted.


So if someone is really bent out of shape about the gender don’t buy reforged and keep playing the game with the old graphics?

I personally pre-ordered Reforged for the updated graphics. I don’t give a damn about how many male or female characters there are. This isn’t a RPG.

I can relate. The ideas of female orcs have become refined enough since 2002 that they can be safely implemented into WC3. Far Seers would be easy to imagine because females have been expected to play the role of nurturers and religious figures in the male-dominant societies of orcish clans since WC1.

“Gender equality” have become more prevalent in WoW for orcs and there have been records of female Blademasters. I do not know enough about tauren or trolls yet to conclude whether female members of theirs being Chieftains or Shadow Hunters would make sense in the WC1~3 settings. They certainly do in WoW, but that on these forums tends to be regarded as a lazy argument.

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Yeah female death knight is beautiful thanks blizzard


Who cares we still need it.

Some of these warcraft purist are actual incarnations of toxicity, i sometimes wonder why they care so much about reforged when they can keep the game “untouched” by just playing the classic version…


So make things in game like WOW because you are a wowtard. /wow players logic… i dont care about female DK too much but it does add a distaste to the idea of DK. Nope it’s fine, says a WOWer

Soooo, I guess you have no real points besides: “lul u like wow u succ” and “me no like female reeeeee”

At least Stormknight presented actual arguments.