Such a horroble community to such a nice game

People are still defending this &$*# :smiley: This is not a new game lol. The fact that there is cross play confirms it. So stop saying that it is okay to have bugs on launch day. Oh btw the launch date was in December. They had 1 month to fix the issues cuz common who works in December :D.

People say “Okay, just live with it”.

Excuse me? We paid for this game? Do you act the same way if you purchase other goods like shoes or clothes or PC? If you buy a new PC and breaks the next day and seller says to you - “Oh, you know we will come and fix it eventually!”, then you will be okay with that :smiley: ? Hey, if you are, then you have a deeper problem than the current state of the game. Just value your money and rights

No dev company should force me to have 30GB of space for a game that is 2GB. I don’t want Reforged but now I don’t want TFT as well in this state! 30GB for a 2003 game. Common! :smiley:


I like how you still gotta open customkeys.txt and figures out a letters numeric value to do keybinds. I can submit this reply and two more things i hate about this game will pop in mind

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It’s because of people like you this is the new norm today, you’ll accept anything companies throw at you without complaint and then you will get mad at the people who refuse to accept the same deal. I expect the quality I am promised or at least very very close to it, minor fixes can always be implemented, but when you can instantly tell that the product is far from what was originally promised and the fact that the reforged version has less features in it than the original game that is getting close to 20 years old, that’s god damn unacceptable.

Your reasoning and the way you keep pardoning greedy business practices is pretty damn disgusting to be honest.


They promised team games in SC:R 3 years ago. Still no team games.

its people like you that allow them to produce such horrid trash and get away with it.
open your eyes enough is enough


It is not about toxicity in the community, but about what Blizzard promised and delivered.

I mean, they promised complete remastered game. In my mind that means they take the game and redesign it for modern standarts. That not only means graphic, but also other additions.
Blizzard showed us a demo that hyped us, and then they secretly burried it and just remade graphics with cheap china models.

It is false advertising and we are right to be upset.


here is germanys biggest gaming outlet GameStar talking about how they can not even launch the campaign in classic graphics, not beeing able to safe progress and horrible performance:

here is famous WC3 and RTS streamer Artosis not able to play campaign due to auto defeat:

here are couple dozen players not able to launch game:

here are couple dozen players not able to play custom games:

here is famous streamer Sodapoppin not able to play custom games cuz game is broken:

here is Sodapoppin again loosing his mind about not beeing able to campaign:

here is progamer Grubby not beeing able to play campaign:

here is famous Streamer Criken with missing ingame models:

here is famous Streamer Pohx talking how his game is completely broken and unplayable:

yeah…i guess the community is just toxic haters and blizzard did fine.


Are you sure about that? Is that only a reforge thing? I swear that a issues even during the original game.

Yes they couldn’t give everything advertised. The dev team is small since there is 3 major projects being worked on. They should of said something before the game launched. I’m sticking with this game because it’s Warcraft 3. Nothing has changed. I just want to play the game and it does it job. Also help that the versus queue is really short.

Ur posts are full of ignorance. If it was fixed “easy” they would have done it, most of the issues were reported well back in the beta. They just wanted to rush something and get the money grab. Also, there are full systems that are missing from the game such as the competitive multiplayer which is totally absent. We are talking 1/3 of the game here - this is not something easily implemented and I think it will take well over 6 months to fix this broken release!

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They sell me exactly what was advertised 3 months ago,it’s your problem you don’t like it


We have a corporate sympathizer here!!!


People are angry because we are getting tired of Blizzard pulling this kind of BS. Reforged has to be their most egregious money grab to date.

There has been very little to be excited about since the initial announcement. It’s been all bugs and backtracking since then…the reaction is 100% justified.

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If I look at war3 reforged at one hand and AoE2 DE at the other hand, I surely know which one is the “best remaster of all times.”

Heck, we don’t even have to look that far. Just look at Starcraft and compare.

“Best remaster of all time.” Hm, this joke is starting to grow on me.

Okay, I see a theme here of dismissively stating that “this missing feature will be added” whenever someone brings up a point.
Now, we can leave aside the viewpoints of those players who essentially paid for an alpha version of a game. Those features (matchmaking, custom campaigns, etc.) will be added, the bugs will be fixed, etc. No complaints here. I paid for an hd remake of a game I hadn’t played for roughly 8 years or so and I can wait for the missing features while playing an hd version of those beloved campaigns. Bit of a bummer that I wanted to hit up some of my old AT mates to see if we could get some spontaneous 3v3 action going for old time’s sake, but since there is no actual “AT” right now, I can wait for that too. It will be added eventually.

But there is a whole other group of players which does not belong to said group. Players who were enjoying HAVING all of those things that you are now saying “will be added later.” There was a functioning ladder, functioning matchmaking, a scene where custom campaigns were created, shared and played, etc. Now you go and tell those players that “those things will be added, relax” when they HAD those things and they were taken away for no reason.
Old with a functioning ladder and functioning matchmaking was taken down before there was a replacement that had those features. Those players were now tossed into the barren wasteland of a pre-alpha indie game. Thousands of players who only played singleplayer and custom campaigns had their game forcefully upgraded, so they are compatible with reforged online play and they lost their ability to play those things they originally used their game for. “But it will be added later” sounds awfully hollow right about now.
But that’s not even all. There are players who play on machines that do not even have 30 gb of hdd. What will be added later for them? Their game installation now bricks itself when they start it and renders itself unplayable. Can they look forward to the time that Blizzard adds a “low res only” reforged launcher for them or do we at this point simply admit that this whole release was a disaster?


Lol you’re defending a small indie company in your head. Dat cute

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I didn’t ask blizzard to ruin a game I’ve been playing for 19 years.


Yeah I am. And after realizing it I’m probably gonna stop posting on the forums till it dies down. I don’t need to defend a game company like blizzard. Have a good sir

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Their product speaks for itself man, I lost all my custom games and saved games thanks to this forced “upgrade”.

It broke the campaign for WC3 classic so now I can’t even replay those. Blizzard is getting what they deserve atm. I just want them to fix a game that wasn’t broken a few days ago…