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Orc butt is ugly. Stinks too.

if i only care about the gameplay… i would stick to the old one, clearly that was a masterpiece. but they promised something better didn’t they?

Right, so! You didn’t answer my question. I take it that this are all ? : Ugly UI, Ugly Camera Angles and the cut scenes which you expected to be movie clips like?

I have already read those, maybe we have different understandings, so tell me, what do you understand by : “retold with over four hours of reshot cutscenes and updated voice-overs that breathe new life into the earliest renditions of azeroths etc…”

you don’t even have a game so why are you commenting this?

I’m beginning to believe you live in an alternate universe.

Where are you finding these new voice-overs?

No, please, tell me, I really do want to hear them. It’s part of why I bought Reforged.

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There are people everywhere complaining about voice-overs

can’t pin them all
So people are complaining about voice-overs, others are saying they are fine, so there are voice overs…what are you talking about?
And you completely ignored the part about the cutscenes…guess you have nothing to say about that…or you just now understood what I meant.

You do not have the game.

You cannot bother to inform yourself.

But you’re pretentious enough to tell people to go

Go take your own advice for a solid minute. Watch the videos I sent, compare them with the original, there is no new voiceover.

Only alternate languages have received new voice-acting. This is not true for the English version, which is the one we are addressing at the moment, all the voiceovers were already there and not re-done like the advertisement says

No, I have proven you wrong a dozen times already, but for the sake of doing it once again:

This is what was advertised and is currently being advertised as the new overhauled cutscenes (notice the new voiceover as well):

These are the cutscenes we are given:

Notice the lack of animations or the lack of new voiceovers. Which are still, to this moment, advertised

You have taken your stance and you refuse any concession, even when it’s entirely backed by evidence, or the lack thereof of promised functions.

You are not arguing honestly, nor reasonably, you’re grasping at any straw to defend Blizzard in an undefendable release.


Underlying conflict of today, those believing monolithic government power is the answer and those appalled and terrified of tyranny. You don’t like the damn game, uninstall it, delete it and sing to the universe of the evils of Blizzard. If you are so incensed AND injured by your purchase of an advertised product, SUE. Civil law works. Criminalizing everything makes everyone victims of the bureaucratic tzar du jour. You are eminently correct, the only response is BAD.

I’ve worked with lawyers before and I can guarantee you’re wasting your time. Blizzard provided what they advertised and went above and beyond with the quality of the product they delivered.

Yes you are right about the voiceovers, I was relaying what other people experienced, in regard to you saying there are no voice-overs at all.

Regarding that demo back from 2018 that you keep dangling, 1st it is no longer up to date, 2nd it’s just a trailer as the title also suggest, so that means it’s not even supposed to be in the game.

On another note, I can agree the trailer can be misleading, new interested uninformed people might think that’s what they get in the game.

And now about the 2nd video you showed, I don’t understand, what is wrong with it? what is it missing? its just like the old warcraft 3 cutscenes, what sort of animations are lacking? they are just talking to one another?

Were you expecting them to play black jack ? or have a drink or something else? thats what a remaster is, just updating the graphics of the older game…jeez, this is the last time im writing in this topic, if you can’t understand that, im done, cheers.

exactly! some people don’t understand that

Again, it was shown as part of the in-game material that would be shown using the in-game engine throughout the in-game gameplay.

This is consistent with the 2018 demo at Blizzcon.

What was shown in the trailer, in these ‘beautifully overhauled cutscenes’, holding the Culling of Stratholme as an example, this is a blatant lie, it’s not overhauled, it’s not reforged or reworked. It’s left there, untouched, in almost every case, which still does not hold to the standard of the demo gameplay.

Yes, you’re right.

But this remaster also advertised additional features that would work to improve from the original, these features they showed at Blizzcon and in the advertisements and they, still to this day, continue to write them on their shop page.

Was the game remastered? Yes.

Are the mentioned, additional features in the game, which also went along when buying or pre-ordering Reforged? No.

That is the issue we have with Blizzard.


well… i already fed-up with all these argument… sued or not, i won’t support blizzard anymore. period.

i’m pretty sure sometime in future blizzard tops would make interview and then make an apology for these, like what they did on june last year when their stock goes down so low because diablo fan leaving their game. next year they make another stunt and then apology again and again, it’s just circling.

that’s why im gonna stop. there’s no point on continue supporting a game company who cheated their costumers (aside from their FAN).


LOL clearly you don’t understand what gaming companies have to do to ship in china. You’re already there sparky they don’t have a “China” version versus a “Western” version. They code to the lowest common denominator. Gaming companies and other companies have been bending over for access to a 1.2 billion person market for years.

So by all means don’t let silly “government interference” arguments stop you from asking for fair play if you think you’ve been short shrifted.

FWIW over promising and under delivering is as old in computer software in all markets since computers existed.


  • different grass
  • no new UI
  • and camera angle :rofl: :rofl:

EDIT: grass , trees and UI can be fixed !!! :rofl: :rofl: :sweat_smile:


Well my issue is that I got “Defeat” 2 minutes into a campaign mission, but I didn’t lose at all while playing.


Yes this is a good statement… you need to post bugs

We really need to gate off non-purchasers from this forum

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I’m a player in China, but I bought the version out of China, should I complain by the law in China or America?