Last night I saw on youtube there will be a new Nintendo Direct this afternoon, and saw this morning an announcement for a new Plants vs Zombies game is also today.
Any other game related stuff happening? This mean we might be surprised with Reforged news? Oh I hope i’m not jinxing anything.
I kinda wish Blizz had a console dev team. SC FPS is something I’ve been wanting to see since the early SC:Ghost days, and knowing that another one was cancelled for Overwatch is kinda sad. Especially after seeing that concept art of McCree standing on a Hydralisk skull with battlecruisers in the sky above.
I think it’d be cool if Warcraft or Diablo had some console presence too, in its own style or type of game (not just a PC port of an existing title). A Witcher style 3rd person ARPG could work for me.
Ultimately this would just be a reason to add Blizzard/Warcraft characters to Smash Bros.
Are FPS games even possible on consoles? How can you shoot with a controller? Or a wheel? I actually saw a few videos of a dude’s paying CS:GO with a controller, was hilarious.
Despite your feelings on the matter, Halo is an FPS game and just because you can’t use a controller for them doesn’t mean others can’t. Also let’s be honest here, a good portion of console games are FPS games. Like it or not. The only genre I would say absolutely requires keyboard and mouse is RTS. For everything else I’d think it comes down to preference.