Server in America

Yeah cause pads ladder just forces you onto specific Blizzard servers right? If you queue EU you’ll only get EU games, this seems completely outside Blizzard with privately hosted servers.

Whether it does the queuing for you or just provides a system that allows you to create customs on the private server is yet to be seen.

I don’t know how custom map hosting works in Reforged, if they’re hosted on Blizzard servers or if the host (custom map opener) is hosting them like back in the days. If the former then yes.

It’s the former. All custom games are on Blizzards servers. It’s why OCE players who play OCE cups legit have to play each other on 250 ping because the only servers they can create customs for the qualifiers are NA servers.

That blows hard mate. Anyway, w3c already did the queuing and mmr, adapting it to custom servers should be easy.

Yeah, you just can’t see from the pics in the tweet if the method of getting to that game page is you “pick a server, create game on said private server, people find it and connect, and then you hit play” which will be great for tournament hosting and such, it’s a BIG step up from what we have, OR that you can just pick a server, hit queue, and then the app finds you an opponent to play on said server, creates game, then you both hit play and play.

Adding a ladder and points and such to the latter shouldn’t be too hard.

But that’s exactly what is shown in the pictures, including an invite function :thinking: guy is also working on a reconnect function apparently, what a legend.

Yeah I just meant you can’t tell if there’s anything more to it than that. Because otherwise it really only seems helpful outside of major region. Why would you use it when you could just make a custom game on the WC3 Client if both players are in the US for example?

If they get more servers and it serves as more of a half way point for certain EU vs US games and tournaments I guess it’ll be useful.

Because you can’t even trust Blizzard to not **** up the simplest things anymore, which is how/why I’m in this forum.

As I said I believe it’s quite simple to use w3c with it, you “just” have to change the w3c server settings from bnet to this and voilà, you’ve got custom ladder on custom servers and ruled out many potential Blizzard **** ups.

This is the truth for most of us. On here, we’re only limited to what the environment limits us. I know for a fact that every-time I’ve improved my own configurations, got the “best” internet speed for what Australia can offer and equipment- it allowed me to improve immensely while trying out new strats confidently, increase apm and reflexes among other things. Basically, I’m doing all I can to get as close as possible to my “real true” skill on here. The final barrier is getting low ping or at least where the opponent has the same or fair ping. Not like 200-240 ping (Australia’s average low ping on Bnet) vs 20-60 ping (Korea).

If we had lower ping, we’d be able to play or try the top tier meta like the pros do. As Einstein once said: “Don’t Judge a Fish by its Ability to Climb a Tree!”. Just because we can’t consistently pro -surround or lose our units easily, doesn’t always make us trash, especially if there’s evidence of high ping or ping discrepancy between players. Place us in a better encouraging environment, and we’d be able to excel. You can say it can apply for some real life aspects too. That’s why I always feel I can do really good, but can only express and do much with the ping I got. That’s why I try not to really laugh at anyone on here until I see their true skills, or they’re just plain toxic and got me mad. The whole community’s got untapped pro-potential and we just want to see how our skills are really are. Oh, and can’t forget that it will make game-quality extremely good. :d

Could any administrator or Blizard correspondent give feedback on this point? How in the middle of 2020 will we play with ping 220? As very well highlighted by the author of the topic is the same ping that we had 15 years ago with a 56kbps dial-up connection. The experience of any online game today, with a ping of 220 + - is meager. There is an active community in South America of Warcraft 3 and we need a server to foster it.

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Don’t worry, it seems they are moving all the servers over there, cause in EU, 200 ping is the standard now.
Oh, and don’t forget the spikes…

Could it be a little clearer? I didn’t understand the part that they would be moving all the servers over there, over there where?

Did they make any official communications about?

Grateful for the answer.

No, they’re not moving anything, WinterDryad is just crying because the servers were laggy one night.

It was just a joke, because in EU we all have high pings and spikes.

and this waste of useful air (like some others) is the reason Blizzard is getting away with all they are doing…^^
If you are allowed to lower your quality bar to shameful levels why should you bother to deliver anything better?^^

You’re right, a game company should have perfect servers that never have problems 24/7 365 for something you made a single one off purchase of 20 years ago.

I’m assuming you’ve refunded right? You wouldn’t have paid for a sub-optimal product that allows Blizzard to get away with all they are doing right? :wink:

Sure I have refunded. Bought the game 1 year before, refunded 2 days later.
My server runs 24/7 365 without a problem, why should their servers not do the same?
Why do you remove the possibility of hosting games if you are unable to maintain a barely usable level?
Who said we even need it?
What was the unbearably stupid reason to remove normal game hosting?
Why are the games hosted in the same dowloading servers?
And no, it is not about paying for a sub-optimal product. It is fine to pay for a sub-optimal product while under development.
The problem is another, it’s getting scammed…
By the way, they got a whole lot of great products, but they should realize that this department should be fired from the top manager to the UI programmer.
All of them, at once.
Publish this news.
Say they are giving it another try in 1 year.
And so people would be glad (maybe) to give it another try too.

So if people insist to say there are no problems at all, they will just keep the game as broken as it is. That is not good for the players and is not good for the company. It is only good to satisfy the ego of certain people who likes to piss off annoyed customers.

It is 1 week we are experiencing lags and spikes across the whole Europe and it is not the first time.
There have been so many disruptions of the service in 1 year than in the previous 19.

If they want the money they should try to sell a product first. Not this.

their servers are largely paid by wow subscribers (and other games, some of which I have recently bought too) anyway… they don’t really need 30 dollars from this bloatware to keep them alive for another year…

I’d be interested in what those other games are when D3 and SC2 are pretty dead and OW isn’t doing the best :wink:

Unless you’re referring to Activision Blizzard?

P.S this is the only part of giant post that is relevant and not a complete strawman.

Imagine comparing whatever basement crap you run to servers run by a multi billion dollar game company lol


mmm true, my fault, let’s correct it with “all the other servers I have worked with”. Or if you prefer “all the other service I have used”. Or even “the previous Blizzard servers”?^^

Oh, by the way, whenever there was a disruption of the service I have always received a communication. Never seen one for Reforged.

now go back to your basement please and keep feeding your ignorance.

Every server you’ve ever worked with have had problems, every service you’ve ever used has had problems AND FFS are you seriously trying to claim other Blizzard servers have never had problems?

How delusional are you?

Always received a communication, I mean that’s a complete lie, straight up. I could name multiple companies in the last month that I have used that haven’t talked about their issues.

I love how someone who literally goes into every post on this forum and posts throw away one liners about the state of Reforged that accomplishes nothing 10 months after its release is telling others to go back to their basement.

Argh you really got me on this^^
If I knew you were trolling I wouldn’t reply^^
Try to work with better companies next time, you’ll see the difference.