Seriously, Just make Deforged F2P Already

You made the community fragment when the game forced Classic to install Deforged, Half of the community is using non legal version and refuses to touch Deforged limiting how many people will interact with lobbies.

You’re basically forced to play the same 3 garbage games on rotation (WoR, Legion TD, Tower Survivor) Otherwise you will take an entire hour to fill your lobby.

You hide the game during sales, Very clearly don’t want people to know about the product. Just stop updating it and make it F2P so we can enjoy Custom Games that aren’t the usual slop again.

Trying to fill an anime lobby or RP lobby is impossible now days, Both communities moved to the non legal TFT version cause Deforged runs notoriously like garbage and boots people off (Desync) if you have too many doodads.


I have my qualms about this choice of words. If it’s a backup of an earlier version that you don’t allow to connect to the internet when you have bought the game before, that doesn’t make it “non legal”.

It’s just an earlier version of the game that you (hopefully) obtained from legal sources. And even if it is from less than reputable places, you still bought the game and are thus within your right to obtain a copy of that earlier version if you so choose.

Sorry for derailing the topic a bit but I feel this was worth bringing up.


What is this drivel?

There’s a sale right now and WC3R isn’t “hidden”. And, it’s even included in the sale itself.

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You didn’t look very hard did you

It’s not front page, Not 2nd page, It’s deadlast.

Nobody scrolls to bottom cause it’s all indie games or dead games.

Sorry but putting new qualifiers on your drivel assertions after the fact, as a backpeddle, isn’t viable.

Its not hidden, it’s even included in the sale.

And yes, the top performers are likely to be at the top, with the older, legacy games at the bottom. Not a single bit of that is something just Bliz does.

As for who does what, using generalizations and hyperbole doesn’t strengthen your position. In fact, it just reveals how weak you yourself perceive your own position to be, otherwise you wouldn’t have needed them. The game is obviously seen, because… well, here we are.

So, no. Nothing you presented is any kind of rebuttal.

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making it free won’t solve anything.

Also if you simply go to warcraft III in the app and click the “shop warcraft III” link, it takes you straight to it. I don’t think I’ve ever gone to the front page of the store lol


As if Blizzard would ramp up the servers to accommodate a free-to-play mode with no other way to monetize (lootboxes, cosmetics, etc.). It will sadly never happen.

I think it’s somewhat of a fantasy to assume we’d suddenly have a lot more players if they went f2p.

But also, you can’t make something free to play without adding passes, skins, etc. and I don’t think anyone at blizzard wants to exert the effort required to make war3 a full live service game.


If Blizzard had cooperated with the modding community and custom content creators, then it might not have needed a big effort. But Blizzard has been giving a big F U to the modding community for at least two years now (there was still some hope before). Now it’s a dead game for a narrow circle of elderly RTS guys, and it doesn’t look like changing the model will change that.

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It is not fantasy to say going F2P wouldn’t drive more people. That’s absurd. By any standard on earth, going F2P would increase the player base. It may not double the player base or anything outlandish, but it’s ridiculous to say a game being free would not increase active users lol what

I perceive a logic error.
If they refuse to install Deforged (meaning they already bought it unless you mean 1.32+ Classic patch which is free?) then why would they not still refuse to after it would be free?
Isn’t the problem by your statement Deforged and not whether it’s free or not?

It’s fine if you don’t like the Reforged HD graphics mode but know that you can simply and freely install the latest Classic patch and use Battlenet.
Honestly, the reason people use pirated versions is not because of Reforged, it’s mostly because they did it before Reforged too.

Perhaps there was an oversight by you or some error? I have seen it quite multiple times when prices went down.


gotta agree with the blizzard bootlickers here; game’s on sale and I’ve seen people eager to buy the game on sale

Going F2P isn’t some magic bullet that will make people play your game. There still has to be both a reason to play, as well as some other way to make money. And as I said before, with WC3 being a 20 year old game it is highly unlikely that simply going F2P would drive a significant number of players to the game- especially without new content or monetization. And all of this would require investment from Blizzard/Microsoft that is unlikely to ever take place as the cost/benefit just isn’t there.

There are tons of f2p games with no players out there, nothing is guaranteed.

I installed the game yesterday. Menus still lagged. When I swapped from Reforged mode to Normal mode the campaigns did not load and selection menu was broken. They appeared only after a re-reset. I uninstalled the game to never touch W3R again.

your pc is crap then, my menus don’t “lag,” the campaign loads and the menus all work fine.

Wow, you are so cool

Your sarcastic replies aside, despite the abrasiveness, Captain has a point.

I don’t have any menu lag or menu issues either. Having those issues points to a subperforming system not being able to keep up.


Now to be clear, the requirements are really higher than they should be. But if you have a modern enough PC, this stuff all works. I’m still happy to blame Blizzard for poor optimization. But the point is, all the problems you described can more or less be fixed by a faster PC.

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You guys think Blizzard cares at all for us? just dont buy any blizzard product until they proof true interest for their customers.

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Problem is, right now this is the only game in a crazy sorry state. It’s hard to dunk on them for anything other than this game because D4 has been good, D2 was fine after early hiccups, overwatch 2 is mostly fine aside from people crying about f2p monetization, etc.

This is the only game they truly don’t care about.