Says the metacritic rating of ~0.5.
Says the metacritic rating of ~0.5.
Yeah well, a mob’s gotta do what a mobs gotta do right? Go read the reviews on there. “My friends game was ruined. Made this account to give a big fat 0”. It’s not hard to make an account to down vote. If you had the game you can go to the chat and see that people are enjoying it. Sure, there’s a few spamming and hating, but who’s ever happy? Game’s don’t take long at all to find so it’s at a healthy state. Good news though, you can get an automatic refund and go away. =)
That is not correct. When a company makes changes like they did they have to advertise those changes to an equitable degree (basically you can’t have a big public announcement and then a small retraction).
That being said the cost of engaging a lawsuit is not going to make it worth it for most individuals, and in the case of a class-action the lawyer fees there as well would be very high, so even if they win the amount going to any one individual would be very minor. The ONLY benefit would be to get a “pound of flesh” from Blizzard.
Its clearly false advertising but it would be a long bitter dispute and hardly worth anyone’s time. If it has cut you that deep best to never give Activision another dollar of your money again and find something else to play until the inevitable patches start rolling in.
Its disgusting what they have done here but its not worth going down the legal road.
Yes what they did is legal 100%. They actually did everything they said they would do. The cut scenes were scrapped however with the new chr models are still updated, the UI has been somewhat updated, keeping the 4 x 3 aspect ratio since it has to swap between reforged and the non reforged versions.
You do have instant access to both ROC and TFT, it’s called set it to classic mode, there is your instant access. They are both in the same client.
It is not ethical but it is legal.
It’s still an UI update even if they move an icon slightly.
It’s still “new cinematics” even if they move the camera slightly.
Even if there are tons of bugs and errors, even if the overall quality is lower than the game from 2002, it is legal.
Since refunds are available now, there is legal problems on their side at all.
We all “sign” contracts when we purchase or use anything.
Link where they said they were cutting the cutscenes in 2018.
You should be asking a lawyer. You’ll get nothing but uneducated opinion here.
Bruh ppl been posting clips/links on the forums. You’re 1 post in. Do some thread surfing. Let me ask this, can you get me a link where they said "We are going to re-create the cinematics from scratch? Aside from the promo one which they said would be the only one being redone. The rest would be remastered (4K).
Also, is that what bothers you? The cinematics? That’s what has broken the game for you? God bless us 2020
@SKippee go look at google and put it to a custom search range of 10/1/2018 to 12/1/2019 and then type of Warcraft Reforge Cinematic the link I provided above is from conversations back in February of 2019 where ppl on this forum even knew they weren’t being remade:
“No, unless Blizzard change their mind, all cinematics won’t be remade. Only the intro cinematic, the one we saw at Blizzcon, was remade entirely. From what I understood, the other cinematics will probably get a better resolution, but that’s all.”
This contradicts what you’re saying by the way, and what that post you linked me said, as this cinematic was entirely recreated. Yes, it does bother me. Who are you to infer I’m not allowed to be bothered by what was supposed to be in the game and advertised to be in the game? Did I say it broke the game for me? Nope. It disappoints me, there’s a difference.
Its impossible for anyone here to make a black and white statement with any certainty that Blizzard has or has not broken the law. Like everyone else, including lawyers we just apply our interpretation of how we feel the law applies. Its up to a governing body or court to assess the evidence and make a ruling.
There are many laws that protect consumers from fraudulent products and services. Many of them overwrite written contracts as a contract or statement can in fact break the law in which case it becomes invalid - this happens way more than you think! Therefore, regardless of what you signed or what Blizzard claims on their website it still bound by the law of the country in which they sold you the game.
So, is there a case here? Sure, but it would likely come down to technicalities of the features and changes made to the game. The good news is that when dealing with consumers ‘clear and obvious’ becomes an important component when looking at advertising. Something can be technically correct but still ruled misleading, which is what I personally feel Blizzard has been doing. A classic example would be relying on the position it was announced at Blizzcon. Blizzcon is a gated private event. Post Blizzcon Blizzard failed to directly inform customers that had pre-ordered and they never updated the games website with the changes to the product/services. At that point any features removed that rely on the Blizzcon defense would be fair game for the prosecutor.
In all honesty, the best solution is to write a report to your local authority and ask them to look into this case. If enough reports start coming through they will typically be required to at least investigate the issue. If found to be breaching advertising standards the warning would be public and quite embarrassing.
Once you have done that requesting a refund from Blizzard and moving on is the best course of action for the everyday person.
Better call Saul.
Meh we got scammed but nobody is going to sue them over $40. The loss of faith by fans will hurt them way more in the long run. Nobody will be blindly pre-oredring things from them from now on.
The only one I’ve seen is that items now stack. Healing Potions stack up to 5 (I think?). Which is a really good change. Though it’s more of an outright balance change than a QOL change.
Imagine if they were sued and lost. Holy 5hit that would be such a blow to the company, the prestige loss and shame. I honestly think it would doom the company in a way.
Just the fact that Blizzard of all companies, got sued for lying and betraying customers.
Proofs? Ive seen answers on reddit that confirmed demo was a same wc iii engine
Just see at some game in sc2 with wc models or see hots with ultra preferenses. And after this look at demo 2018 on youtube . See ? Its the same .
And look on ultra wc3r - u cant see animated trees , self shading from global ligts , and realistic materials on renders.
I mean…the fact they are STILL advertising things that ARE NOT IN THE GAME!!! Is enough to piss any normal person off, and there has to be laws against that, if not then there should be. It would be like advertising a drone that can do all sorts of tricks, even get your paper for you in the morning; though…the final product may be different. You buy it and it’s just a model. Maybe one day they’ll send you the rest of the guts, maybe not.
“However, it said it will not add the rebuilt cut-scenes shown in pre-release versions of the game, despite the fact the canned scenes were still being used in marketing videos on its official website.”