Problem is that this is not the same game. When you buy a game you want, 1st you check system requirements if your machine can handle it. Where does it say you are obliged to buy new PC. It’s your own decision and Blizzard got nothing to do with it. They sold you a game not leased it. If someone wants to play single mode campaign on their old machine it’s their decision.
While in this case, Blizzard behaved like a thief, took away something you own without your consent - you no longer can download copy of your old Wc3 from your account, if you try you’ll end up downloading reforged again.
I know your mum told you that you are special and all, but you are not always right just because you want to.
If they acted lawful is a matter of your state and country and ofc not so simple to answer. Consumer and Advertisement laws in EU and Australia are pretty strict. If you imply there e.g. that every cutscene has the quality of the trailer and demonstration, but you didn’t do anything on that level of quality, then this could be misleading advertisement and ruled as deceptive. In this case Blizzard advertises these cutscenes right now on their page. I don’t say that they would be fined for sure, I just say that the lawfulness isn’t so clear and would have been judged by professionals in their given country.
That is pointless, my mother has always said that if I want something I should work for it. She also says to treat others the way you want to be treated. So if you’re going to be a dick about a $30 game, you’ve got something coming.
I live in Australia, consumer laws will not be grounds to act here as they have not breached it considering they are still refunding the game. I intend to repurchase when the price tag suits the content delivered (ie. when they fix the issues I provided feedback about).
They improved the quality of the character models and thus the quality of in-game cinematics. You can see a clear difference between the old version and the new version. They also changed some camera sequences and angles. No, you didn’t get the level of detail as shown in the Blizzcon demo. They also said way back then that based on feedback they would not follow that path. I’m glad they didn’t.
The fact that they are still offering refunds clearly means that you have an avenue to a way out. How exactly is that illegal?
Again, just because they refund doesn’t mean that they don’t have broken a law. The whole topic isn’t about refunds. I don’t want a refund, I like the way the campaign plays and I have not so many problems than others. But that doesn’t mean that I think that the matter of lawfulness is so easy to answer.
The information they gave wasn’t on their official channels, so that could be problematic. You could argue that the average consumer can not read every news source for bits of tiny informations to get a picture of the final product. So the trailer and demonstration could be still misleading.
These kind of fines are btw. pretty common. So I’m out here now, it makes no sense to argue more. Bye
This is all the prove that your statement is incorrect please check out Bellular news. I am not Saying that your opinion is wrong or stupid but at least the facts are incorrect.
Hey, so are Bellulars, he said at start “I am only reporting based on what is being said on reddit, I have not verified it” i.e. Bellular is not a credible source. (He always gets leaks wrong too… even though I wish they were true cause some are awesome).
In short, no what they’ve done with Reforged is blatantly illegal.
Blizzard Entertainment is liable to face Class Action Lawsuits for Fraudulent/Misleading Advertising. There has been no response assuring that the product will be brought to acceptable/advertised standards.
If you’re an Aussie, you are fully entitled to a full refund as the product is not up to advertised standards, and Blizzard is bound by Australian Law when conducting business with Australian Customers in Australia.
Furthermore, their new EULA is also wrong on one count; it asserts/implies it supercedes the Law. Since it’s non-specific as to whose, that means Blizzard is asserting it is above all Nations laws. This is false; The Law supercedes all private and professional agreements.
Please link statutes with examples of things they’ve done illegally. It’s easy to claim that in a few sentences… not saying you are wrong, since no one really knows any of the facts yet and Blizzard has not made any statements. But if you have the juicy stuff. Let’s link some evidence vs statutes.
It seems inevitable there will be at least one suit. On paper, seems like a decent case, but by no means a slam dunk. I would fully expect Blizz to use some garbo argument like “the development of the game is on going, due to time constraints some features weren’t available at launch but THEY WILL BE SOON, blah blah things change in developement, blah blah GAMES AS A SERVICE”.
In other words, they will claim that its not false advertising because they are continually updating and upgrading the product after launch for no additional cost and that eventually the consumer will get what they paid for.
In the US, yes it’s legal, the US has zero consumer protections. In Australia it is DEFINITELY illegal and they are going to get massively fined there if they don’t offer refunds immediately.
If that’s the case (which I heard it was and saw some articles) they will get their refunds. That being said, even if you aren’t Australian and dislike the game, you should be entitled to a refund… unless you beat the entire game and are like “Kay , I am done, refund”… that’d be like ordering food, eating it, then saying it tasted bad and want a refund.
Hopefully we will hear more from Blizzard regardless of what happens in the near future.
Deald, so I looked over it and I can tell you that this won’t hold any ground.
For a few reasons:
Blizzard will say the following:
This was during Blizzcon and the game was still in development. Meaning things are subject to change.
After the Blizzcon 2018, a big fanbase were unhappy with Christie Golden being brought in to remesh the story to fit a better WC3/WoW connection.
This wasn’t used as an advertisement to sell the product, but instead for fans to try it out. Streamers showed it off to the community and may have said things that were not accurate and in turn were conceived to be from Blizzard themselves. In fact, it was said that the opening cinematic would be remade (completely from scratch) while the rest would be “reforged” i.e. playable in 4K.
The reason for #2 & 3 is because of reports by Polygon, Blizzardwatch, and a few other reporting agencies that said fans do NOT want any change to the current game. They simply wanted the graphic overhaul.
Fans did not want new voices or changes to the story whatsoever. The new cinematics were going to be used to tie WC3 and WOW as mentioned above. Obviously this would be scrapped.
There’s a lot of moving parts right now and Blizzard has not made any PR announcements. Let’s be patient and wait for that. They are giving refunds right now… everyone I know who asked for one got one.
I am not defending anyone. I am just being realistic. A class action would take years anyhow and to be honest I have been on BETA for a while and followed WC3 since it was announced… they’ve been pretty transparent imo which of course isn’t shared by others.
That will play a role for a class action because many other people are content with the product. If people think they really have a case… go forward with it. There’s too many sources on google that will strike down a class action though.