Remove the 12 unit cap for ALL MODES

They could increase it to 30 on normal games, and give the option of unlimited selection for custom games.

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Heck Iā€™d be happy with just an increase to 24 or even just 18. Just 12 is too few for me.

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Hope Blizzard will make it not worse than in Starcraft 2 or even better.

Iā€™d love to have game control mechanics to be simplified. So I support removing 12 units cap. Make it at least 18. If there are other ways to make the learning curve gradual please consider those. An average player with a better strategy and decision making should outplay a player that is just pressing buttons faster.


incredible arrogant claimā€¦ basicially you want game to be made foryouself so you can win those who have trained longerā€¦


Yes, you right Wlizer, my comment was too arrogant.

What I meant is that, I wish, as a player, everything that I have in mind to implement in the game (in terms of the strategy) would be possible to do without spending many hours on practicing. I care about the game. But as an amateur player who plays once in a while (because I canā€™t spend more than a few hours per week gaming) Iā€™d prefer a certain level of simplicity in micro and macro that would allow me to enjoy the game.

Youā€™re not asking for much, Unlimited selection is the norm and staple of all RTS games passed 2004.

the only difference is Hard core melee veterans are basically keeping the game hostage because they want it to stay like this as it did 16 years ago.

i do perfectly realize my comment towards them is a bit aggressive but atleast its more direct and i like it that way.

would be interested to hear what others have to say.


Agree that unlimited unit selection should just be the norm and its going to have next to zero impact on the competitive ladder. Th reality is that if you want to develop high levels of skill micro management isnā€™t going anywhere.

However, for the casual and custom player its a massive quality of life improvement that makes playing WC3 much more enjoyable. Its actually funny people oppose this as it wonā€™t impact you in anyway if you donā€™t want to use the featureā€¦its not an advantage its just a quality of life feature for the average player.


Hmm that mindsetā€¦
Custom games used to be for irregular gamers and ladder for more serious.

What you want from this game? If you want to become ladder top dog with little effort by changing many rules to make game simple like tik tak toe, thats what i point out to be unfair thing and arrogant.

If you want to have fun there are campaing and custom games with almost zero learning curve and in custom games you can set game speed to normal or slow so you have more time to think.

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And better unit positioning controls while your at it.

Make it like a Total War game where I can make battle lines and position my units easier.

Increase the number of selected units is the least they can do


See, there is not a single good argument pro-12ers can makeā€¦ aside from such dumb arguments coming from the side of anti-12ers!

Iā€™m an anti-12er, but I do not support making the game any less of an RTS aside from this change!

Being an anti-12er is explicit and precise - remove the 12 unit selection limit. Increase it to a larger number, or remove it completely (with paging, even maybe with 12 on a single page).

Yes, technically, increasing the limit does make WC3 less of an RTS! This is important! I, along with other anti-12ers, am not as braindead as not to see it! Clicking less is less micro!

But we are ready to accept this minuscule change to have a neat QoL boost to the noobs!

I dont plan to play competitively.

I just donā€™t want to be hassled to keep selecting and reselecting my blob of troops.
It is so god damn annoying.


Iā€™d be happy if they just added it as a UI/customization option for custom maps and campaigns. A new mode for competitive play would be viable as well. I disagree about it being for all modes, however. I can see single player being fine too with a larger unit cap.

This. A thousand times, this.


I find it funny that a few people think boosting the cap would lower competitive APM. Almost all pros will still control group different sets of unites becuse they want their spell casters split from their melee. Same with ranged, and air, and heroesā€¦ removing the dreaded 13 combat units brake point for casual players wonā€™t change that. Honestly if you are that concerned about the APM, maybe you should be pushing blizzard to drop the cap back to Warcraft 1 levels of ā€œfunā€. Just think of the Micro play! oh the APM will be staggering!


I donā€™t get people saying that removing the cap will make the game more macro focused and promote death balling. How?
You still get the same gold per minute, units cost the same resources and upkeep, build time for units is the same, you still have heroes with 3-4 abilities and casters with 2-3 abilities each, game pacing is not affected so itā€™s still rather slow compared to SC2 etc. Removing the 1+A+Click >2 +A+Click > 3+A+Click>etc and making it just 1+A+Click. So how the hell does it promote macro over micro?

So is nobody going to call out the obvious?
The people who want the limit removed donā€™t even play ladder.

The current system is fine, i think 12 could be increased to 14.
Theres always that one unit that wonā€™t fit into the group.
Summons could probably be fused into the group as part of the caster, solving the Necromancer / Naga Siren problem with summons.

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Removing the limit will actually hurt new players.
When players are presented with a unit limitation selection they have to consider which units to fit into each control group.
This will naturally turn into a backline + frontline separation, because itā€™s the most logical approach.
Itā€™s literally there to encourage new players to consider what units to keep inside their group.

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So what? Does not change the fact that the 12 unit limit is a relic of the past and the game should get updated.
WC3 has been dead for a very long time, I doubt there are very few people who play ladder in general.

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