Remaking warcrafts 1&2 as dlc later on

Dear Blizzard: Make the original 1 and 2 as part of this reforge or as a later DLC and I will give you my money for doing so.

All for it as long as they stick to the WI and WII background. Orcs were Orcs and Humans Hu-MAN (LOTHAR). It’s the classic tale: Malevolent Alien race invades, hell bent on annihilating the natives, forcing them to unite or Die (Of course it was the Demons made em do it… but ain’t it always). Battling for shear survival tends to bring out the best and worst in humanity. The Heroic and the Depraved. The classic story, except in a medieval setting. It actually had a ton going for it before the cumbaya (We is all the same panda-carebear inside) invasion. I still consider WI the “canon”, though that ship long sailed post WoW.

Would love them as a “bonus campaign,” like Rexxar’s. They can even just implement it as free DLC like they did a few of Rexxar’s missions at WC3’s launch. (although if they have a chance to make money I’m sure they will take it)
Would love them more if they were just unlocked after beating every mission on normal difficulty (at least) without codes/cheats.
One for WC1 and another bonus for WC2 and Tides.

If Blizzard won’t do it I’m sure someone in the editor will make a custom campaign–Long live the WC3 World Editor!

I would love to see blizzard do this, I’d pay good money for it. If they won’t do it I probably will :stuck_out_tongue:. I wouldn’t want it to just be a “remastered” version though, would be much cooler if it still played like wc3 with heroes and everything but with the classic buildings, story and units.

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We have most of the models available in Warcraft 3. Only a handful of units and buildings are necessary to flesh out Warcraft 2, so I think they could just make a quick and dirty War2 mode without remaking the full game.

As a huge WC2 fan, honestly I wouldnt want a remake to be done in 3D or with the War3 Reforged engine so theres no point asking it remade as dlc or whatnot, just add it as a quick and dirty melee mode or as an official custom map.

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This is a brilliant idea, been ages since I played WC2 or WC1. I dont if dlc will be the right idea, but definitly would love to see it happen. And as for an additional race that is needed in wc3…well…the obvious one for me is the Naga, which I am sure was talked about to death already. But still, one can dream.

EDIT: misunderstood the question…but yeah any additional stuff is a cool idea. As long as it is not WoW related.

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I would love to see the old story missions made with that level of fidelity. Hoping they find the time for it!

A remake of WC 1&2 is something I´d love to see, since I never had the opportunity to play those games and like to expereience what led to WC3. I wouldn´t like them as WC3 DLC though because it would completely change their gameplay.

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I quite liked the campaign myself. It was really good

c&c was the better campaign at that time imo, but wc was better multiplayer

I’d really like a remake of WC 1 and 2 + expansion in Reforged graphics. The campaigns at least.


I loved the whole sea battle in WC2, luring enemy units neart the coast and f*cking them up with your battleships xD

Why make an expansion based on WC1 & WC2 when there are map makers over on Hive who make campaigns? For instance there’s already a WC1 and WC2 custom campaign made and from what i understand these maps can port over.

because they would be full remakes similar to the actual wc3 campaign. cutscenes, heros, ect.


Q: Are other classic Blizzard games coming to GOG.COM?
A: Yes! We have announced that we’re partnering with GOG.COM to release Warcraft: Orcs and Humans and Warcraft II . We’ll reveal more information at a later date.