Reforged is a forced downgrade for classic users

I’ve had people laugh at me when I say I broke down crying about this shlt, but I’ve played for years, and had so much time invested. I love Warcraft 3, and to have it all taken away? OF course I’d be depressed. This isn’t fair at all. I never wanted Reforged, why should I love the game I love because I don’t want to PAY for a fvckingdowngrade?


I played this as a young adult, and loved it. I was one of those who wanted something new, not the same game I played back when it was very first released. I think they should have kept the old game the same and made a reforged version apart from the original to appease both sides. It seems like the best middle ground. This isn’t reforged. This is re skinned and then broken. Didn’t buy/won’t buy unless it becomes more like Starcraft 2 in content. That’s just my opinion/preference.

The other reason is the lack of communication. If they come out and say they planned on adding more later, I’ll be irritated as to why they didn’t say so in the first place. They’ve grown so big they can’t communicate it seems.


I am very angry with Blizzard. They have also removed the option to play skirmish against computer A.I. (easy, normal, hard). Now i cannot train anymore without fear of leaving real players when having to quit the game for whatever reason. Also, i have had a forced upgrade to the new sluggish client (slow menu’s, buttons take a second or more to react on mouseclick etcetera). Blizzard not only made a bad new game, they made my purchased copies of RoC and TfT unplayable! I am very dissapointed! @blizzard, give players back the old TfT and RoC clients, they have paid for that and all their functions!!!


I don’t have Reforged, but the client is forcing me to download the Reforged client anyway. Why is there no option to download just the classic WC3 ROC/TFT client?


This is terrible. BLIZZARD needs to LISTEN! I, like SO many others, have played WC3 since the very beginning. To destroy the ability to play a game that has been a staple in the Blizzard community is criminal. We PAID for this game. For me, it is the ONLY game out of the dozens of games I had played years past that I still play… until now. Like so many others, without access to the game that was perfected over a dozen years ago, there is NO POINT to do anything with Blizzard anymore. It would be the final resignation from games.


I didn’t want to buy Reforged at all. And now I can’t even finish the TFT campaign with the good old UI etc. because I don’t even have that option anymore and I don’t have so much free space.
To me, it is not a good sign that they force all WC3 players to “upgrade”.
So sad to see that such an awesome publisher like Blizzard became just another money-grabbing machine.


On the plus side it is just 15 seconds of no password re-entry to change regions. Also this is what release WC3 was like and how SC2 is still like.

I hope this is just a temporary thing (NYI). Otherwise it is a pretty big problem that they removed campaigns.

As far as I am aware this is another NYI feature.

However one now has the good BattleNet 2.0 chat system. Meaning you can whisper people in your friends list playing HotS, SC2, D3, SC1, Hearth Stones, WoW, etc. A fair trade I would say.

One does lose Diablo II/Diablo I chat support, but honestly those games are pretty niche now.

This was not accurate since cross region was added. It only showed the totals for the regional server, and not all servers a custom game may be exposed to.

Not sure why they do not add one like StarCraft II has.

This was required as those 3D backgrounds were not optimized for 16:9 or wider screen ratios. This is one of those compromises one must accept for full wide screen support.

If they were remade the community would still complain anyway just because they are different.

Not a big deal. StarCraft II had this for a long time. Still has not stopped a lot of great maps being made. Despite what the EULA legal would leave you to believe, Blizzard is quite reasonable and does respect custom map makers. Map makers who get into trouble with Blizzard likely had it coming.

Shadows are not missing from classic graphics. I posted a screen shot earlier on discord showing the blob shadows still existing when running classic. I do not own Reforged. They are more subtle now, but that is likely due to shader improvements (WC3 has broken colour management before).

ROFL. WC3 has always been unstable.

I do admit that some of the changes recently made it slightly more unstable, but those instabilities should largely be fixed now.

I have a feeling that under the hood such protection is a lot better now than the old Warden. Likely using the same protection as HotS and SC2. HotS has not had a map hacking issue since beta/early release, and is one of the games that benefit most from such hacks.

It’s a good thing I have my disks but not a damn disk drive now I have to borrow one from work thanks Blizzard for screwing up my game that I bought 15 years ago.


Can you bring back the guys that made generation defining games and fire everyone currently working at blizzard? thanks


Only possible because of a third party program.

Blizzard are still salty that they lost the rights to DOTA to other game companies.

Another third party app.

Replays are automatically saved as lastreplay.w3g, the archiving was done by a third party app.

Can’t blame Blizzard for breaking things provided by third party applications. Everything else I agree with and it sucks.

Basically all of the good old community third party tools are not working anymore.
Sad thing is, Blizzard didnt replaced them with official stuff, they just scrapped them.


I’ve never been more disapointed by a product. This is like visiting an old friend and then finding out that the orderlies are abusing and torturing him for laughs. Utterly shameless product Blizzard.


Hey fellow classic users! This is really important if you want your classic experience back (just without the multiplayer, servers are down it seems…)

If you download Warcraft 3 Public Test instead of TFT client (haven’t tried RoC client), you will download the classic version. You will be asked for a RoC CD key, and once you input that, you can begin replaying your classic campaigns and stuff.
LAN and online don’t work unfortunately (afaik), so if you want those features then you’ll need to get Reforged.
There might be slightly less legal ways to get around not having multiplayer and/or LAN, but those will be things you’ll need to find on your own.


edit: Just checked that you also have the option to verify your Reforged pre-purchase if you don’t have CD keys.


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Wow, you clearly did not take any benefits worthy of your calling two years ago. How sad.

Most of those features listed, other than the stuff specifically tied to old, will be returning. The game of course shouldn’t have been released without them, considering that these features were taken away from people who had them just two days ago, but they will be back.

Really.New graphics sux, and all " game " -_-

I already had my doubts considering current blizzard . As soon as it was revealed they were off-loading most of the work to some sketchy mobile games developers from Malaysia , i could see the smokes of this raging dumpster fire from miles away.


I just want them to leave CLASSIC ALONE, I don’t care much for the Reforge UI and I let those who likes it have it…

For me the CLASSIC UI was matured enough over the years specially the Battlenet w/c I wholesomely disliked in Reforge…


i understand what “launch” does mean, i understand problems and sudden “damn” situations.All of us are witnesses of numbers of launches.
But what i see in “reforged” its not a problem or firstday hell, like d3 launch. It just “we dont give a s_h_i_t” situation. When i see at heroes “icons” on match results screen in classic mode, i cant find another explanation.

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Very cruel