Reasons why the new graphic style will fail

I’m not sure what people keep talking about with this one. The original game is not cartoony, just extremely low poly and low res. The game looks more ‘cartoony’ (stylized) in reforged than it did in WC3. Just look at the human buildings. The massive shoulder pads. If you don’t want high fidelity, then what do you want? Clearly it’s not WC3 reforged, so you have nothing to worry about.


I agree that Reforged looks more cartoony than Original


I like the new art style, I’ve always wanted to see a Warcraft game like this. Just let me have this one, you can have your old style back for Warcraft 4 if that ever happens.


My biggest problem is that the developers are going to such great lengths to try to make the old game compatible. It’s such an enormous effort for so little reward. They are trying too hard to please a small group of people that will never be pleased. I really respect these devs a lot for that. I am more on the side of a remake than a remaster, simply because I trust this dev team, something that I would normally never say about Blizzard.


I was skeptical of the new graphics as well, but I slowly started to accept them, I think it’s just a matter of getting used to it. Hopefully we’ll get a beta where we can test it more, and give feedback on.


From an engineering point of view, this is a fantastic endeavor. Also, as a fan of a lot of “tiny, unknown, lost in time, played by 10 guys only in the world” type of custom map, I’m really happy to know that I will able to play them in the new game.

Maybe a lot of people will be not happy with this remake, but I’ll not be one of them =D.


Actually if they pull a few tricks out, it could actually turn out to be a realyl good game.

New models are awesome and they won’t fail . End of story if you want to play kids game like hots go and play it i want to see realistic wc3 units.


Getting so sick of this doomsayer mentality, it doesn’t seem to matter what blizz does some people can just never be pleased.


the graphic is not what gona make this game fail but the 12 unit limit cap in a rts game will drive players awey


I don’t get why you believe the new graphic style will fail OTHER than your own personal preference. Sorry, but I disagree entirely. I also took a look at the Alterac Pass map from HOTS and that low textured MOBA cartoony artstyle is just not up to par to today’s standard.


I completely disagree with you. I really do like the new graphics too. I don’t think they will fail and will attract many new players who appreciate good graphics.


I fully agree… let this game have its realistic graphics, its something new and a nice break from all the other games with the cartoony art styles :slight_smile:


I disagree. They have stated they have barely worked on the terrain. I think, the terrain should be far brighter, far greener, far more specific. I would hate it to be as bleak as it is now. Sure Armies of Azeroth looked even worse, but that’s not an argument.

The point of a desaturated environment is to make it easier to see what is going on / what’s important. In an RTS, this is important, especially for spectators. I think LoL has that ketchup and mustard environment you’re fond of, but I think it looks horrible. You can see in a couple of the gameplay screenshots that they used to have more saturation on the environment, and it looks far worse.

Please get another lobotomy

For the past 2 years, with blizzard’s RTS games the fans have been nothing but single digit IQ NPCs who defend every little thing the company does, never questioning it

You think blizzard get more criticism than they deserve, when the opposite couldn’t be more true, I’m glad to finally see free-thinking fans

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It was bright and colourful in the past, but a few years ago they made it as bland and depressing as SC2.

Oi mate, you went direct to the insult. That’s cool.

Just lol at that type of thinking, blizzard refuses to do no-brainers time and time again… I guess the entitled community is somehow the problem tho

gona idmit i dont want a thick version of Grom becus it feels like grom have gone throuth alot in warcraft 3 with his thin model he been captured and on the run that meens less food for him to eat and shows how much experience he got when he come to azeroth

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