Let’s say I create rpg map with save-load. Then Billy decides to cheat and generates maxlevel character with best items for himself.
I catch him cheating, but…
According to new eula I can’t add him to in-map blacklist, right?
Yes you cannot blacklist them.
Honestly it was always a childish thing to do especially since one could just make a new account in under a minute before. Map makers need to grow up a bit.
First you need to apply strict limits on what can be loaded. No impossible to obtain item combinations or heroes. Next you need to make sure your map is not so grindy that it feels near impossible to get to late game content. Remember that Warcraft III custom maps are sub games, and should not require the same amount of play time as much more complex full games. As long as a player feels like they are making steady progress they are less likely to want to cheat. Even if they do cheat, because they are childish, then at worst they just have access to end game content like everyone else and will not ruin the game for anyone.
I was once one of those childish people who used to cheat some save/load systems. Hence I know this from experience.
That’s a lot of excuse, tbh.
This kind of system can be used maliciously. For instance, some maps have their own forums such as TWRPG, on these forums people can report others for an untold number of reasons, justified or unjustifiable.
For instance in my case with TWRPG I was reported for ‘stealing’ an item when there was one other person who had a hero who could use it but they didn’t need it because they had a better item (RPG maps now a days have a system that determines the type of item, if your hero is say classed as a plate user and a staff user, you’re stuck to those types of items beyond neutral stuff like rings and such). Yet I was reported for it and I was never banned from the map.
What’s to say someone gets banned for saying “I hate tacos!”? Wheres the justification for that one?
It’s a malicious system that If you weren’t on playing custom games in the past 4 years you would never know about it. You seem to be one of those people who quit the game early 2004 to play world of warcraft.
If someone is abusing your map you don’t have to use a trigger to autoban them from the map imo, just have one pause all their units or something lol
That still breaks the EULA.
It definitely doesn’t, my custom map my rules. And good luck enforcing anything blizz is not your White Knight.
Freezing someone’s units indefinitely is by the very nature of preventing them from playing. Hence EULA breaking.
They’re just paused temporarily until they type the phrase in string form " I have been a bad boy please forgive my dumb face"
There now they can play. Of course I don’t have to tell them what they have to type. You know what I think an instant movement trigger to send all their heroes into a volcano would be more amusing.
Blizzard won’t allow that, the only time unit freezing is allowed is during cutscenes. You seem to be the kind of person to not openly trigger a text line to let them know that they need to say it if you remotely trigger it to begin with. We are humans, we are unpredictable so yes blizzard will enforce it liberally.
No, blizzard is not capable of policing this, it’s up to us to be nice to each other and respectful because there’s no making a new account without paying for it anymore. They cant even stop caterparty maps that offend entire ethnicity’s
You can’t work around a blanket point in a eula, if you don’t like the fact that you can’t prevent someone from playing a map then you need to grow up and move on, because your maps will be removed faster than the speed of sound, you might even outright suffer a permanent ban for your stupidity.
Bud, I’m saying it’s damn near unenforcible. You are never going to get blizzard to dedicate resources to ban map makers that want to ban individuals that are creating problems for their map communities. Frankly very few people would do this anyways I’m just saying goodluck stopping anyone that doesn’t want you to play their map. If I want to add a trigger to change all a players units into sheep and force them to listen to a sound byte of a tiny violin playing at %900 volume it’s happening.
Does it really matter if someone is cheating in a singleplayer map?
No cheat all you want in singleplayer who cares lol, some multiplayer custom games even have cheats that can be enabled if enough people vote for it. MZA for example team 1 can vote to give team 2 unlimited gold if they feel there is a skill/difficulty discrepancy between teams. It’s really up to the map author to enable/disable anything.
Blizzard owns the maps. These maps can have anti-cheat measures that prevent people from playing said maps.
Blizzard’s Custom Game Policy says everyone should be able to play these maps.
Therefore Blizzard breaks their own policy.
Please elaborate.
Mostly just the stuff that was already mentioned - banning certain players with triggers.
Other than that, maybe have some hidden timers that, if a player has their hero above a certain level (That wouldn’t be possible with normal gameplay) the player with said cheated hero would automatically get a game over.
Not that sure how these anti-cheat measures are made but I ain’t no high-level map-maker. I can make a regular melee map, sure, but I ain’t going much more advanced than that with my current skill set.