Pz not cancel the Reforjed campaign

It was not due to lack of feedback, at least not from me.


I understand that there is a group of players who want the most classic experience possible dut there is also a group that included me that we did get excited about the new reforget campaign.

There are even people friends of mine who pre-bought because they wanted to play this new campaign with their new scenes, new voices and extra missions All of them have been disappointed.

I understand that he has not given time and that they were perhaps too
ambitious that simply the Deadlines are not enough.

So I propose something.

Launch the game with multiplayer and the classic campaign at the beginning but within a while update that includes the Reforget campaign.

I donā€™t mind waiting until 2020 but please comply with what you showed in blizzcom 2018.

Do not listen to the Purists alone, also listen to others, make a game for everyone.

PerdĆ³n el Ingles no es mi idioma nativo/Sorry English is not my native language.


you probably cried about blood elf eye colorsā€¦


And? Blood Elves should have green eyes, obviously.


? I do not understand your comment.
The high elves have blue eyes and blood elves green eyes.

Once the Sunā€™s Source is destroyed, the eyes change to green due to the consumption of vile magic.

What does that have to do with the Reforget campaign?

Are you trying to provoke me or something?


people who cry about problems that are not there. they want to change things that are already excellent.

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No see, they wouldnā€™t be touching the original campaigns. Theyā€™d be making a new one in addition to the old ones.


The campaign will continue there I just want to include one in the future.

It doesnā€™t affect you at all. You can always play in a classic campaign anyway.

Does the new movie ruin an old one?

I enjoyed the classic campaign years ago now I want to enjoy a Reforget.


Theyā€™re already making a new one which they will probably ruin by retconning but everyone who wanted a retconn game already refunded allegedly so now ā€œpuristsā€ will be forced to play that garbage.

The retcons already happened, anything coming up in Reforged will likely just be a demonstration of the changes.

Why, where is the original campaign and gameplay experience going?

Everyone is playing the new campaign in reforged. The old campaign is not being included in reforged. You could load the maps in a custom game I guess.

Iā€™ll do some digging to find a source but Iā€™m pretty sure they said at one point that the original campaignā€™s playable with Reforged visuals.

Aside from that, we could debate semantics about ā€˜not included in Reforgedā€™ since purchasing Reforged gives you Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne licenses.

And nobody is ā€˜forcingā€™ you to play a new version of the campaign. Thatā€™s up to you.


the sorceress eyes do annoy meā€¦
they have her icon display green eyes, but her model has em amber/golden? why be inconsistent?

I donā€™t need roc and tft licenses, Iā€™ve had those since 2003. The whole point is playing in reforged as a new experience that feels the same. Iā€™m sorry this is impossible to get across to the retail wow players. But honestly it isnā€™t worth my time anymore.

At this point Iā€™m probably going to refund. I donā€™t like the direction the art team is going. I donā€™t like the stupid drama about the story mode. I donā€™t like how crappy and buggy the game is currently. There is no way this will be ready this year.

So why are you worried about an optional experience that you donā€™t want to play because, to you, it seems subpar?

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Itā€™s not subpar, I want that experience as the main campaign with the visuals which is what theyā€™re including. You have no referenced proof that this will exist in reforged. Youā€™re just guessing.


Hence why I said ā€œIā€™ll do some digging to find a sourceā€. Did you miss that part?

Itā€™s also not a hard guess to try and make either. If the gameā€™s online is going to be entirely compatible with the original, why not the campaigns? Granted itā€™s still an assumption right now.

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Donā€™t really care. Iā€™m done with this. Enjoy whatever this game becomes. I refunded.

A good looking place to invest my time much more heavily once the ladder is implemented since I fell off that train a while ago. And more inspiration for mapmakers or would-be mapmakers.

I will thank you, Iā€™m sorry you feel this way about Reforged. I know itā€™s been a tumultuous thing to observe as a fan/customer/player especially with the year-long relative silence from them.

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I canā€™t see any reasons to not have new content. maybe after launchā€¦

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yikes, did you even read the post?