PTR Patch Notes -- Version 1.32.10 -- Updated March 16

Looks great so far!

Wow, I’m glad the game hasn’t been forgotten. This is a huge weight off my shoulders! Thank you! About the changes now:

I like the lumber changes for human. They especially need it versus UD. I don’t see any real problem with the other matchups.

Knights with Sundering Blade is good for fiends, and especially Mountain Giants. I like this. I don’t think UD have a problem with MGs. It’s mostly human, but, at the same time, you don’t want to buff them in general and make them too good against everything else because they’re already good. If it’s too much, you can always lower the bonus from 15% to 10%.

Priest dispel is whatever. If it’s too good, you can decrease it to 650, but I’ve seen plenty of humans complain about the AI. So this is helpful.

Siege Engines don’t get used at all. So I don’t get why people were complaining. Even before the exp nerf, they rarely saw action after the food nerf. I don’t like Siege Engines meta either (I’m an UD player), but I don’t mind seeing a tank game every now and then. Plus, the skill level has gotten so high that people know how to deal with them. They’re not as bad as they were 10 years ago.

Tower repair rate…uh…I don’t know about this. I don’t mind seeing a tower push/rush game every so often, but human already got a bunch of buffs against UD (Plus CL Impale got nerfed). I feel this mostly affects versus NE, which Human already got a bunch of buffs (Tanks and Knights) and NE is easily the worst race in the game. This will either be reverted back or changed to like 2 seconds.

NE: Bear change is cool, but NE need more. Their tier1 is fine (ask Orc). They’re good versus orc, but they get wasted versus UD and unfavored against Human. I don’t know what you can change, though, besides buffing bear damage again, which would help against Human/UD in general.

No complaints, except for Frost Armor. Yeah, it’s good versus Human, but it’s a must versus Orc. Orc do go HH more, though. I’m curious to see how much this affects the matchup and if it’ll promote more CL first play, but I imagine this will be reverted back. When will the UD ever reach level 3 Frost Armor? Seriously? This should get changed back. Human got buffed alrdy. Ud got nerfed. This is an UD vs Orc thing. This is a bad change. Finally, Boneyard buff!

I have no issue with auras being just really good. There’s luck. That’s a part of War3. You’ve alrdy made changes to other items (claws, rings). I think 75% is too much, but that’s the point of PTR, right? I think 66% might be the sweet spot. 66% no upkeep, 50% low upkeep, 33% high upkeep.

Also please change the other claws then. Why is it claws +5, +9, +12? Shouldn’t it be +5, +8, +11? Just a nitpick.

Again, thank you guys so much! I feared this game was forgotten.


Nice to see a patch.

I’m not sure buffing tower repair rate is a good idea considering how strong tower pushing is.

Also I highly doubt anyone wanted stronger tanks, tank play is the most degenerate thing in wc3. It’s maybe a bit sad but I’d rather have the unit stay a bad meme unit or be redesigned completely rather than see more boring unkillable tank vs building play

Aura item nerf is understandable… but i thought it was nice that aura items matched the lvl1 skill counterpart. Perhaps keeping them as-is with the increased sell value is enough… Or make them work with the corresponding aura so there’s no “bad luck”

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Very few of these balance changes actually make sense and the ones meant to give human a better matchup against undead will end up crippling the matchup against night elf.

I find it very hard to see this seriously, we waited over a year since reforged release and there is still no functional ladder system. We finally get a balance patch half a year after the last announcement and this is it? Did this really have to take take half a year and in what way are these good changes given the current state of the game and competitive statistics? The fact that ‘Frost Worms’ are mentioned several times pretty much shows how well the developers understand their own game.


R.I.P NIGHT ELFS. Nowadays is impossible to play with Elfs, R.I.P.


How about a real patch affecting the game state at the moment?? (So many natives in editor are broken,no clans, no custom campaigns and many other problems) and we are getting balance changes??? (This is like 10 mins of work… what a joke…)


wow fire ur balancing team. HU buff is ridiculous. ya’ll rly messing this game up. As if wc3 community as been screwd over enough with 1 yr wait on update, ya’ll come back and just reverse all the progress. gj worthless new wc3 team.


I was here at the very second it got posted and nothing got added. You probably scrolled too fast :smiley:

That’s what you are implying in what I said but, guess what, it’s not what I meant.
Just remember yourself that is PBE for a reason and, as you may remember, this CAN be final but the past showed more changes can be add before it goes live

last update was mid October.

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So nice to finally hear SOMETHING.

After WC3 was completely ignored at BlizzConline, I figured that was that. Maybe, one day, we might actually see player profiles and all the other features that were removed when Reforged was launched.

The Elf now have 2 difficult matchups, this is against the hums and orcs. And below I will leave my opinion on how to fix it.

Elves don’t get a second hero, which would be as effective as the second character. But this can be said about any elven match-up. Previously, the luit for the elves was dragged by a Panda, but now this hero is much weaker compared to the luit game-carry of other races-TS, MK and Lich.
Possible solution: just bring back the old Panda
Breath of Fire: Buff Level 1 Breath of Fire raise max damage from 480 to 520.
Buff Level 2 Breath of Fire raise max damage from 720 to 1000.
Buff Level 3 Breath of Fire raise max damage from 1080 to 1360.
Buff Breath of Fire mana cost increased from 70 to 75 for all levels.
Range Increase from 375 to 475
Reduce the cost of drunken haze from 70 to 60.

Buff hp for wisps and back for them mana lose to units heroes from 40 to 50 and hp from 120 to 150 hp.
So now about units.
Archer: buff hp from 255 to 260 and time to hide from 1.5 to 1.0 second Because at the beginning of the game these units are very weak.

The next units huntress: Huntress base damage need back from 15 to 16 ( (16-18 damage to 17-19) and time to hide from 1.5 to 1.0 second. This base units vs hum orc and sometimes vs ud so will be good back for old attack.

The next units Hippogryph: I think after buff gargs this again weak vs gargs so maybe add +1 +2 armor will be help for this units or add hp from 525 to 550.

The next units Dryads: Rework. Dryads HP from 435 to 490 and Abolish Magic damage against summoned units 300. Main mana 300 and initial mana 100 and mana regeneration: 0.95 . Reduce the experience gain from Dryads from Level 3 (60xp) to Level 2 (40 xp). Because the elves absolutely do not have enough dispel mana and damage for dispel also the dryads themselves as units are very weak so it would not hurt to add a little hit points.

The next units Faerie Dragon. For this units need buff mana flare, because how i said vs hum hard to win so no only i think so also other elf players and from b2w caster Remo and streamer also think so.

The next units Druid of the Talon: Rework Druid of the Talon please, a little bit buff hp and spells faerie fire duration for heroes 60 and for units 90. Also guys back fortified on t3 for orc. Because orc have Reinforced Defenses(fortified) and Spiked Barricades on T2 it’s too much for one race.

The bears +1 attack and + 40 HP in bear from because this unit weak vs mk clap lvl2-3 and vs undead destroyers.

The next unit Mountain Giant: Rework Mountain giants so that they can’t be eaten by kodo before the Devour can target Mountain Giants without Resistant Skin and Mountain Giant supply reduced from 7 back to 6 or 5 and cargo size reduced from 4 to 2.

The Next units: Chimera’s. Chimaera’s half damage splash radius decreased Increase from 100 to 125 and Chimaera movement speed increase from 250 to 270.

Now about heroes: Demon Hunter is main hero by Night Elfs players , like the undead DK/Lich. Hum has MK Pala AM or like the orcs warrior Far Seer, TS, BM, so the Demon Hunter needs a buff and Demon Hunter base Agility increased from 21 to 22 and base armor from 4 to 5. Metamorphosis duration from 45 to 60 and Metamorphosis cooldown reduce from 180 to 120.

Also pls rework Potm. Scout small buffs and base attack cooldown reduced from 2.33 to 2.00 and Starfall cooldown reduced from 180 to 120.

Now about Keeper of the Grove. Keeper of the Grove base Intelligence from 18 to 20 Entangling Roots cast range on 700 with 2 lvl so 600-700-800 and Thorns AuraReflects also works against range units heroes, treants base attack from 14 to 17. Keeper of the Grove Night vision radius need back from 800 to 900.

Warden agility from 20 to 22 and intelligence from 16 to 17 and unit crap 5\6\7. Shadow Strike mana cost return from 75 to 65. Because this hero has 4 used spells so I think it will not hurt to give him a little intelligence and agility and also that this hero survives at the end of the game.

Now about the buildings: Free of lifes buff Nature’s Blessing Armor Bonus on +1: so will be 3 for Ancient Protectors, 6 for others. Also i think need back for Tree of Life build time from 120 to 110s. The elven tree of life has the smallest hit points of all the main buildings in the game and also the elven buildings at the beginning of the game have less armor than other races so it would not be bad to equalize some armor buffs nature’s blessing.
The next build: Moon Well mana regeneration at night increased from 1.50 to 1.75 per second.
The next build Ancient of War Hit Points from 900 to 1000 and base attack increases from 36 to 44 because players for elves use them mostly from the beginning of the game for creeping.


keep doing something!! we need new maps for 1v1 and 2v2


Thank you for your continued efforts. I know this isn’t on the top of your priority list, but it would be great to hear about some future plans for the modding scene. There are a lot of broken things in the World Editor, functions that flat out don’t work, weird syntax, abilities that don’t work properly (Engineering Upgrade), issues with Lua and desyncs. There’s 100’s of little bugs that are impeding the progress of many custom maps. Many workarounds are being made to get around some of these bugs (when possible), which I fear will cause an even bigger headache in the future if/when they get fixed. It’s important that these bugs get squashed sooner rather than later!

So all top NE getting crushed left and right and you give them meme buffs… its nice its still getting patched even tho changes are Fatally bad, just ask infi for opinion before next patch plz.

Also how do i fix my mouse delay since reforged messed me up otherwise i beat happy ez

Edited for Language by the Moderation Team.
Forum Code of Conduct


The Frost Armor change is really good and absolutely addresses how ridiculously level 1 of the ability has been locking down entire armies out of the gate. This is one of the few changes in the right direction.


I’m going to be 100% serious when i say this, I am so glad you guys are back at it again with the game. I felt very VERY abandoned by you guys. You came in and well kind of ruined the game and disappeared. I just want the game to receive its proper care that it deserved. Especially since wc3 is what originally lead to the creation of World of Warcraft. I just want the game to be treated and cared for as if it was important. Which it kind of is. Especially since as i said before. And as a Wc3 map maker. Please add in more tools later for the WE. I’d love more coding and stuff for GUI. if you can make it not leak too. that’d be pretty neato. Thanks for the update! <3


WTii will ban you again… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


It is good to hear from you guys again and you guys showing you’re abandoning this game and are trying your best fix the mistakes you admitted you made

Hope to see many updates and patches

Hopefully we get Custom Campaigns back soon

Ok, I’ll try to give some serious suggestions:

  • nerf obsidian statues a little, like -2hp/mana regen on every autocast, or make them slightly more vulnerable. A UD push on a human expansion is often times so strong because of the long constant push. This would help humans.
  • increase the build time of footies a little bit. Nightelfs suffer a lot vs a 5-6 (or even more) Footy harass onto their wisp. A small delay wouldn’t change much the creeping route of humans, but would help nightelfs in the early game.
  • nerf the Naga movement speed to the very old stats. That prior movement buff helped undeads with their 3 hero play style and helped humans with a rifler/2nd naga push
  • rework Mountain Giants: Make MGs smaller and give them only one taunt back. Take 2 MGs, split their stats with 3 and you’ll have the new MG with 1060 HP for 235 gold and 70 wood. That would gave Nightelfs some new variation, would help them vs a rifler push and would make MGs not so borring/imba in the late game. (MGs are broken in 2on2)
  • rework Talons a little bit since they are not viable against Human and UD since 15 years. Even the mass talons playstyle is no more viable against orc anymore. Suggestion: give them some area slow effect on crow form.
  • DH +1 agility

Massive buffs to humans and zero change to night elf, what a complete joke. Humans got the biggest buff they’ve had in 10 years. What a joke of a patch.

TLDR: still nothing for ranking systems and ladder, massive buff to the already strongest race. Glad to see the best and brightest working on wc3.