PTR Patch Notes

Hey Blizz, it’s Corgs again.

I used to be able to host easily. Nowadays I’m having troubles hosting with the recent patch. I get this issue:

"The game was unable to be created as specified.

There may already be a game by that name, or the game name you have chosen was not accepted."

There were no games up with that name. I used to have this problem and now it’s back again. Please fix.

Thanks, Blizz.

Oh wow, thank you so much. This was a big issue, thanks for fixing it.

Item Balance Patch When?

Chain Lightning mana cost is high

Searing Arrow mana cost is high

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I try to connect to my account in Northrend server not PTR

Legion TD Hell 3.94

still desync on 4v4 as soon wawe 1 spawns.

Forces us to play 2v2 only, and even then it happens sometimes, but its at least playable…

Item Balance may come with patch 1.31.

Is this in the PTR or live?

It’s in the WC3 original. TFT.
Urgh, live. Not a testing.

My “LIVE” server popped upgrade 1.30.4 and installed it via battlenet