Poor Grubby :(

I suggest you go watch his stream who will start in 1 hour and see how big a sellout he is . He is praising this bugfest of a game like the second coming of Christ and gifting free reforged keys to his clueless audience who think reforged is a great game and the wacraft forums are full of trolls.


They should just add a unit, “Grubby the betrayer” and make him a dethknight or something …


the more we hate each other, the less they have to deal with us.

Wow , he promoted Command and Conquer mobile on this stream as a great game … WOW ! he just managed to sink to a new low.


While Blizzard has been cancelling content, lowering expectations and rushing towards a release date they were never going to be ready for he has been almost all roses.

He also pushed for no-change which is Blizzards dream scenario as they get money for nothing.

There are reports of people getting banned from his streams for opposing his views (apparently).

He is also a poster boy for Blizzard and endorses and works from them as I understand…which means his rose tinted glasses and impotence to speak up as the game was failing is even more egregious.

Quite frankly he has in his own way contributed to the mess WC3 Reforged has become by not standing up for what are obviously major flaws with the game. Either that or he genuine loves what we have in which case follow him at your peril it’s a free world after all.

He probably has about two weeks before more people start turning on him. My suggestion would be to put out a stream/youtube video with all the issues he thought would be resolved before launch - any longer than that and he will look two-faced.


Grubby is not a negative person, prob has friends who worked on the game, and has a friendly relationship with blizzard, so I don’t think you should expect him to go in hard on reformed.

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Ask for a refund then they have to deal with you.

I don’t watch streamers so no.

With the way they run things these days? I’m no longer sure if they aren’t

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He is a negative person . Yesterday someone asked him " How can i get my original Warcraft 3 client " and he responded “You can get it on floppy disks like a normal person in 2020”
He really thinks we are some big cry babies and that reforged is a great game despit the old client beeing deleted
He also bans people if when he loses in HOTS or War3. If someone posts the salt icon in his chat after he lost that person gets instant ban.


yea hands down - grubby is a good guy, watching him or his matches since a decade.

On the other hand i see a lot of more attention to his channel.
Usualy he went on 1-3k every stream - yesterday i’ve seen 8k

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I think Grubby tries to look at the brighter side of things.

The person who made the original Warcraft 3 client was being snarky, so Grubby responded in-kind. I do agree, though, and think that he thinks anyone who complains is a whiny baby.

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Wow, OP here, pretty surprised by the responses. When I watched his games he always pointed out the poor optimization and bugs, but would follow by saying “I’m sure this will get smoothed out before launch.” I believed it would, and most others did also which is why people are now in an uproar.

To suggest that he knew of or took part in the shortcomings of the game is kinda silly. He’s literally streaming all day long, not looking over the dev team’s shoulder as they work. He was hoping, and was wrong, just like most of us.


Then why he did just said 10 minutes ago that there is a “smear campaign against blizzard” when someone pointed a bug in a cut-scene and complained about the very poor state of the game?

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That’s unfortunate if he’s really taken that stance. :frowning: I haven’t been watching his stream the past few days since the content is no longer relevant to me.

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If that is the case he better quickly correct the record with a feedback video asap. Right now he is looking more like a co-conspirator.

Lmfaooooo you guys are legit on a witch hunt. Grubby loves the game, just because you don’t, doesn’t mean others won’t.

I love the game. I LOVE the new models.

THANK YOU BLIZZARD! Don’t let these political activists get you down!


Like one player alone can do anything lol. Sure maybe blizzard would listen to him rather than us but don’t think that he has any power over blizzard’s decisions.

i got my refund before blizzcon over the prize pool fiasco so i dodged this bullet early on.

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Like, be real, if you made YouTube videos and streamed on Twitch and Shadowraid Legends offered you 7 grand for a month of 1 minute advertisements before your videos. You’d take it in a heartbeat. Everyone has a price and the ability to pay rent for half a year is a good starting place.

Unless you have a massive Patreon or a Saudi Prince throwing you G’s on your Twitch you’re taking all the advertisements you can get