Poor Grubby :(

Absolutely false. He hates reforged because its not readable and because he doesnt like the graphics style as its not cartoony enough. He also hates the fact that classic looks different in reforged client (i.e. worse).


Yes, you’re right in that it is their right. I also understand that the Freedom Of Speech is to be upheld. I just don’t think it is wise to use it to insult a fellow human being, especially one who has dedicated his career to Warcraft 3 and is not malevolent by nature.

I’d rather people focus fire on Activision…it is the very reason why Blizzard has been going downhills.

A lot of people are saying corporate this corporate that. Might be true however the developers obviously had no taste. Look at what they produced! Its not like the ceo was sitting next to them and forcing them to release a tasteless pile of garbage, was he? Look at other games that look great that were released by large gaming companies.


Where has he expressed this? The last time I’ve seen him give his opinion on Reforged was here:


Not trying to argue you’re wrong, I’m just seeing a lot people saying what his opinion is when his life is online, so there would be clear proof of his opinion if he gave it. I’d be surprised if he said it on stream and it didn’t become a popular clip.

He says it all the time on his stream that readibility is a big issue. He also says that classic does not look like classic anymore and that its a big problem for him. Im too lazy to look up the clips for you though.

Why should I feel bad for Grubby? He was part of the #nochanges team and hated the demo graphics which is why reforged ended up the way it did. Blizzard should’ve never listened to the purists and elitists to begin with.


Just goes to show his relationship with Blizzard is more important than his followers. He is in the pocket and it’s time to unsubscribe.

He actively pushed for no changes which played right into Blizzards grubby little profit hungry hands.


You will have to ask Blizzard given they own them.

Makes sense

If he doesnt reply to the scam blizzard pulled out soon he will lose a lot of his fanbase. You cannot be in corporate hands and lie to your fanbase FFS ! Boycott Sellout Grubby !


Dude that’s totally not what happened. It’s an excuse that makes the community point fingers at each other. It’s very obvious that the team had neither the time, funding, or unified leadership necessary to deliver on these promises.

If they really intended not to make any changes then they wouldn’t have redone maps like Stratholme, Dalaran, and Quel’thalas, nor would they have added female variants of the DK and DH heroes.

Many of these influencers who gain a big/decent following end up becoming de-facto paid shills if not literal ones. It’s par for the course in just about any industry-give swag and invites to special events to the ones who say good things about ya. And by human nature, most of the ppl who get free stuff aren’t going to start hating the hand that feeds them. I don’t know much about this grubby guy (though the word “grubby” means dirty/grimy), so I won’t say he’s a paid shill, but it wouldn’t surprise me.


Imagine making an account just to post this and actually believing this. Christ. The world has jaded you so hard.

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He is a paid shill
I watched his stream and he encountered in Reforged bugs from Classic (like music volume bug) and he wasnt saying anything. Then i said you need to pay for music DLC in a donation .Immediately afterwards he banned me on his Twitch channel and he said i am just an entitled gamer


do you have proof he knew of all the changes and issues ahead of time and said nothing? i have no issue with calling someone out but evidence usually makes the argument valid, not the argument itself.

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Have you been living under a rock?

You should take that back. This is exactly what Activision wants. Us players turning against each other.


Why would they WANT us turning against eachother? They’re a business… not friggin’ Cobra Command.


Dont forget he is one the few who played 2018 blizzcon test demo with the new UI and everything! And I think he’s already disappointed in 2019. Really wondering his opinion on 2018 demo

i don’t know the person at all so, yes. i have basically been living under a rock when it comes to wc3.

now stop being an idiot and give reasoning and proof as to why this person should be called out. i’ve read some other posts about how he’s done adverts for bad games like the c&c mobile game and that does seem fishy. the main reason i’m on this site is because i was temp banned from the wow forums over wc3.

Nah i always loathed the guy. He got his money and publicity at the last 2 Blizzcons and showed how much he doesnt care for the game and is in the line with those “purists” that Blizz officially blames for the reason they backtracked with what they promised. He can go to Hell if you ask me. He never cared truly for the possibilities this game could have had and was stuck in his narrow minded world like its 2003 and not 2020 and was againts any possitive tweaks to the game to make it better. So as i said he can go to Hell!