Please do not change the original Lore!

I loved sylvanas in warcraft 3,and I can tell you I hate all writting done for her in this expansion…now that you mention it, is interesting how you feel cause she doesn’t actually have many dialogs… Other than as you said… Constantly being in our way.
And that’s the reason I hope we don’t get to see many new dialogs in this revision of warcraft 3.

That point you made is crucial, she was very annoying, and the only one that stood in Arthas way and because of this he raised her, big plot hole for world of warcraft retcon when they said, anasterian had a bigger role than sylvanas, and yet Arthas didn’t raise him… Or did anything to him… Only kill him that’s it
(adding this for those rotting anasterians novel story in warcraft 3,it doesn’t make sense)

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They will change sylvanas, they already confirmed that they are changing her… they can only change her for the worst by adding more plot armor, including retcons etc. Who knows, they might have an ambassador of the horde appear in legacy of the damned offering Sylvanas an allegence to a nation on the other side of the great sea for all we know…

That’s how bad Blizzard are at storytelling these days… they do stupid stuff like this.

What change?

They said they are elaborating her story. What part of this changes her story? Play the TFT campaign, it’s already written to make her sympathetic for being wronged and being driven to revenge. I want to know what exactly is changing.

You are using sympathy as a point; but what is different from what they already had in TFT? She is already written that way

I totally understand how you feel, not in the same way as I loved her. But I hate so much how they portraying her in this expansion… She has never been a vanilla hero, meaning if u get in her way she won’t think twice to kill you… But she had never been evil up to this point… I can say… She is a crazy b*** in this expansion

We don’t want any WOW retcon justifications in Warcraft 3… that’s what they will do… Blizzard will find a way to explain the retcons in Warcraft 3 and try to justify them even more!!!


Dude, be specific. What retcon are you talking about

What change? You aren’t actually telling me what about her character changes, especially when your explanation is ‘I hate her in WoW’ and ‘I always hated her in War3’ which means… nothing changed!

I don’t understand what is being changed in Reforged that retcons her story. Because TFT’s undead campaign was already written to make her a sympathetic character

Imagine if I said Stratholme changes are bad because it retcons the story. You understand that it’s a fallacy, because the story isn’t actually changed, right? I can be angry at how Stratholme is changed, but the reason that it changes the Story is a fallacy.

And that’s my point here. You can say you hate WoW and hate WoW’s story, but you aren’t being clear about how the TFT campaign is being changed when Sylvanas isn’t being retconned.

This is completely true… All I’m sure about is that this new blizzard is going to destroy the story by adding anything… Just one cutscene in the wrong time… Could completely change a characters goals and motivations… Is something u do very carefully… And that… Is something I doubt they can do

Though she did murder many innocent soldiers who were working under Garithos. Not their fault that their leader is a racist, they’re just doing their job. The humans helped the elves before… why would Sylvanas want to murder humans?

Varimathras even jokingly responds to her by saying “You’re becoming more like one of us with every passing day milady”

And if you’re becoming more like a dreadlord… you’re anything but good… lol.

I can accept Sylvanas as a villain… what I can’t accept is Sylvanas being part of the Horde. She should have been an independant faction.

I’m talking about the forsaken being retconned into the Horde.

Back in Warcraft 3, the Forsaken were an independant faction… then they did that retcon where the tauren magically made her a part of the horde.

What? No point has anyone, even Christie Golden in any of the interviews, mentioned Sylvanas having new lines about her being added to the Horde in Reforged.

So where are you getting this from? Again, I am asking you what in Reforged’s story is changing. You are dodging the question a lot, and I can’t figure why. I don’t care about how you feel about WoW adding her to the Horde, because that’s not what is being added in Reforged.

If you think this retcon is being added to Reforged, I have to ask you why you think that way and where this information is coming from. Are you simply assuming this will happen?

That’s what I meant by she’s not a vanilla hero…

Are you implying the humans thrall killed were evil?.. Or that tyrande is a villain because she killed orcs and humans without asking when they got on her woods? This is war milord… Not even the most vanilla “good” characters like thrall are freed of this judgment… They all have killed… Thousand of innocents…

Yes I am assuming that something bad will happen… no, I’m 100% certain that something will happen because modern Blizzard’s storytelling makes Kingdom Hearts’ storytelling look shakespearean in comparison. Even Kingdom Hearts Recoded’s story makes more sense than World Of Warcraft’s story.

But that’s a dangerous opinion to have.

By assuming the worst and projecting your fears of WoW changing the story, you are helping perpetuating a myth that the story is actually being changed. I think that’s irresponsible thinking.

I agree with you on the broad strokes of WoW lore not being added in Reforged, but you’ve gone the next level of assuming it’s already happening, and that’s where I disagree with your approach. If they did it, then we should very much complain about how they handled the change; but there’s absolutely nothing to get worked up over with Sylvanas’ Horde ties being inserted in Reforged when there’s no indication of that happening in context to Blizzard ‘bridging WoW’.

Thrall killed humans to protect his people, Tyrande killed humans because she was paranoid and saw them as a threat to her people.

Why did Sylvanas murder the humans? Think about that… her only goal was to get revenge on Arthas… but instead of chasing him all the way to Northrend… she instead decides that she wants to murder countless humans and take their nation for herself… she was selfish, she had no one to protect but herself… she just wanted absolute power over Lordaeron, that’s all she cared about and she would kill anyone in her way to achieve it.

Sorry to burst your bubble… but Sylvanas was definitely evil in Frozen Throne.

However in Frozen Throne she wasn’t all powerful and full of plot armor like she is in WOW… plus she wasn’t sadistic, ruthless and cruel, she was just power hungry.

For what you just said,these humans good or not innocent or not, were a thread to her people, think for instance in the scarlet crusade… From wow, btw it was never stablish that she killed most of the humans from Lordaeron… The ones she did kill were under the command of the dreadlords… After that, she allies herself with garithos and by the end of the story she asks varimathras to kill garithos… We never get told what happened with his armies… We can only assume

Her people? What people?


Oh wait… yeah those people.

As for the banshees, you can clearly see that they don’t want to be undead… they just want to die… well that’s certainly something the humans can do for them.

Sylvanas: “Of course not, the humans are merely a means to an end”

I think that kinda sums up just how little she thinks of the humans who fought alongside her people in the second war…

She could have let them have their lands back and be a heroine… but she decided to take over completely. She carelessly left her undead armies to freely roam the area who likely hunted all the humans down.

Look at Illidan, he was tainted by forbidden magic but he still fought for his people, what’s stopping Sylvanas from doing the same?

She could have given them their lands back and they could have helped her out in the fight against Arthas… at least indirectly since the humans had no love for Arthas’ scourge and they would benefit her greatly.

My good man you are letting bias take the best of you. I get you hate the character but you can’t let that influence you. Quick reminder on the lore… By the time sylvanas regains her will all of the undead do… Meaning… They all did what they wanted… Some allied to the lich king… And some like sylvanas didn’t… All the ones that allied with sylvanas… In this case all the banshees, did it willingly… Sylvanas never intended to control anything… This is seen by the fact she just wanted to be left alone… What are they if not slaves to the torment it is to be them? This is what sylvanas answers to her “sister” after she said she should be happy, the only reason she took Lordaeron is because after her liberation the dreadlords offered her to be part of them to what she refused, an evil character definitely would have accepted… No long after that the dreadlords assault started on her people…it all came down to getting wiped by the dreadlords or taking control over their lands…in this case Lordaeron.
Sorry to burst your hatred bubble.
I love this character and that doesn’t blind me from what she’s doing right now… She’s acting like a bitc*…
Same for you… Don’t try to twist old things

Being wiped out by the dreadlords is probably for the best… for her people that is.

Really using illidan as an example?, sorry to burst the bubble again, but before his last recon in wow, Illidan hated the nigh elves… He directly states this in warcraft3 leaving it very clear that the only reason he helps is because he loves tyrande… He did it for her… For no one else… He always only cared about his own problems.
He didn’t give a ratsass about other people… Another cool character btw who got martyrized

According to you I guess… If they wanted to be wiped out, they could have done so… Nobody and nothing forced them to follow sylvanas

Illidan’s actions were good, that was my point. Even though he hated his people, he still fought for them and did the right thing… even if it wasn’t his intention to do so. He’s a demonhunter after all, fighting demons is what he does and the night elves hate the demons too. You could call it an enemy mine if you want but he did the right thing, that was my point.