Please do not change the original Lore!

Yeah they’re bound by common interests not common values. In the warcraft universe, NE has had a friendly history with the Alliance. Tyrande helped Kael - who was yet in Garithos’s army at the time - in the escort mission, and Kael returned the favor with his aid to hunt Illidan. The alliance between the Forsaken and the Horde, though, is built on a much shakier ground which I genuinely can’t remember what that is at the beginning of WoW. Not surprisingly their reputation with the other horde factions was NEUTRAL.

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I want proof of your claims.

There are no “sacred trees” the Night Elves are the protectors of the world, not just their own forests.

Besides, the humans did cut them down, there are cutscenes in Warcraft 3 that prove it.

There’s one thing you guys are completely forgetting. The alliance are on a completely separate continent (aside from theramore isle which was pretty much weakened by Rexxar to the point that such an alliance would hold no military value). A political alliance with them wouldn’t make much sense for that reason alone. Sending troops across the great sea is hardly practical and with the mages of dalaran mostly having been slaughtered by Arthas, teleportation wouldn’t have been viable either.

Economically, the alliance has nothing to offer the Night Elves and quite frankly if cutting down trees is such a sin that it causes the night elves to declare war, I doubt the Night Elves would want the human’s resources anyways as it has been acquired unlawfully.

The Horde on the other hand would have been a far more beneficial alliance for the Night Elves. The Tauren share similar values to them and lived peacefully close by. If the Night Elves allied with the Tauren, they would not only have allied warriors close by but the Tauren would likely be more open-minded when it comes to Elune as it could be that she and the Earth Mother were one and the same. Thus the Tauren would be more willing to accept the Night Elves way of life and laws than the humans would.

As for the orcs… well if the Tauren convinced the Horde to ally with the forsaken, they can easily convince the night elves to ally with Thrall and with the orcish Shaman, the Night Elves would learn better means of contacting with the elements and connecting with them, potentially becoming shaman themselves which would strengthen them greatly.

I’d also like to point out that as of Warcraft 3, the Horde do not use arcane magic whereas the Humans do. Night Elves hate arcane magic more than anything and as such an alliance between Jaina’s expedition and the Night Elves would be illogical.


Cutting trees is not an unforgivable sin, cutting THEIR trees is. Ashenvale is like their backyard, and these godless green beasts are logging in their place, how dare they! If they let them, they would turn the forest into another Barrens.

They have already allied with the Tauren. Their organization is called Cenarion Circle in honor of the demigod. Consider it a non-profit individual environmental protection organization. It was founded by Malfurion and his fellow druids, and later Taurens joined in. However, they’ve been focused on their mission that is to heal the land and restore the balance of nature. Those taurens druids are just a small faction, though. They are not the boss. They don’t get to make any major political decisions.

So the tauren are perfectly content with the night elves slaughtering their brethren? What? How does that even make sense? I’m pretty sure the Tauren inside the cenarion circle don’t take too kindly to that… but there’s another plot hole in WOW’s lore.

Plus I have said it before and I’ll say it again, every single tree in azeroth is under their protection, they are all their trees. Ashenvale’s trees are no different from the trees in the Eastern Kingdoms to them which is proven when Malfurion reaches Eastern Kingdoms for the first time and is disgusted by the sight of the trees he is supposed to protect.


There are a lot of other neutral organizations. They accept members from both sides and they focus on their mission without faction leaning.

Unfortunately Malfurion is far away in the Emerald Dream at the time of Classic wow. I don’t see how Tyrande would share his concern over trees in the other continent. Elune doesn’t reach that far.

You do realize that the Night Elves inhabited the world before the sundering right? Before that, the world was different and the Night Elves had their own sorta empire. Elune’s reach is limitless.

You didn’t really justify the night elves killing their “fellow” tauren did you?

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I don’t know why yall have such a big problem with WoW. Yes, some ideas were stupid and yes, I don’t like two factions either. But WoW greatly expanded original lore and in many ways these are good additions. Like the story of Suramar or trolls civilization. It added many details. Yeah, it was not written in the best way possible, mainly because it is MMORPG. But you can easily ignore many things related to gameplay only or just outright undo them. That faction thing? As it was easy to form two factions as it is easy to forget about them. Allies can become enemies very quickly. Or you can just jump 100 years into the future and start a new story. Honestly, all these details don’t really matter. The main thing they have a perfectly detailed world, all WoW related imperfections can be just omitted or tweacked. You can even use them to your advantage. For example, you can make a new story about how alliances collapsed and so on. And after WC4 you can launch a new MMO without factions or something. The thing with fantasy worlds is that you can do whatever you want and still come up with a decent story.
My main concern is that I’m not sure if Blizzard even want to do that or invest in a new story. It seems like they are fine with exploiting WoW forever.

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No it’s not. After the Sundering, the elves who still practiced magic created the Sunwell, a new Well of Eternity, as their new source of magic, and they became the high elves with a different look. NE absolutely despised that. Since high elves have migrated and settled in Quel’thalas at the northmost of Azeroth, it’s their business in their land now. NE must stay away from them. Eventually they brought the cruel fate of annihilation unto themselves. Elune could not save them. They’d fallen short of her grace.

Hadn’t they engaged in a civil war with the black tauren tribe? Killing them would actually increase your reputation with Tauren!

Because it retconned pretty much everything, added dumb plot points like “Back to the future: Draenor edition”, pandas everywhere, they killed Sargeras with a random laser beam, killed arthas, varimathras and many other great villains in the most anticlimactic way possible (Archimonde dies in a 10 man raid in warlords of draenor… in Warcraft 3, you barely survive him, he wipes out 3 entire armies).

WOW lore has literally zero continuity and this is an attempt to justify it all, by changing all of the lore.

Blizzard stopped giving a damn about the story with WOW, all they wanted was a money making machine with psychologically influential gameplay being the primary focus, story didn’t matter.

World Of Warcraft is hands down one of the worst games ever made for a multitude of reasons and it marked the turning point for Blizzard as a company.

Ok now this is officially stupid, just goes to show how ridiculous and dumb World of Warcraft is. A Tauren civil war!? Don’t make me laugh. In any case, this proves my point right. The Night Elves joining with the Tauren would make more sense than joining together with any other race.

Elune’s reach is infinite, she is a freaking goddess for heaven’s sake. She doesn’t just govern the night elves, she governs the world. Why you seem to think that a goddess is only affiliated with the night elves and Ashenvale forest is beyond me. Even Broxigar recieved Elune’s blessing.

Now you’re just making excuses and it sounds almost as if you’re one of those people who worships WOW’s lore like a sheep.


No it’s not stupid. That black tauren tribe was a notorious rebel group in Thousand Needles. They also had encampments in Feralas and Stonetalon. In WoD expansion Cairne Bloodhoof was killed off in a duel with Gorrosh because that tribe’s leader laced Gorrosh’s weapon with deadly poison. Aren’t they supposed to be “fellow taurens”?

No she’s not. Guess we better just agree to disagree.

What does any of that have to do with Warcraft 3? Let me remind you that Warcraft 3 has no black tauren… let me remind you that Black Tauren are a retcon… let me remind you that these retcons are

unbelievably stupid

The fact that you think Elune’s reach isn’t infinite makes you completely delusional.


Quickly browsing this, I mainly see people woefully misunderstanding WoW’s story, either unintentionally because they never actually played it (or paid attention if they did), or intentionally just to manufacture hate out of nothing.

It’s also a lot of handwringing over nothing. The substance of the WC3 story is not changing. The WC3 story and the storylines that continue on from it in WoW all ready line up pretty well, unlike the links between WC1/2 and WC3/WoW. Look at Chronicles. There are only minor deviations from the WC3 story there. That’s what you can expect. That is… not much, and nothing to get this agonized over.

There is no misunderstanding. It’s pretty obvious that changes were made to the story to adapt to the MMO structure of the game… highly detrimental changes that is…

Chronicles are the worst books ever written… I don’t want that filthy Chronicles drivel in my Warcraft 3… those books exist solely to retcon out the RTS series completely and render their stories completely and utterly pointless. Chronicles is cancer.


Yall so conservative. The main story had its bads and was not perfect, you just got used to it and refuse to change it. WC3 is my favourite game of all times but WoW brought some good things in it. If you pick some good things from here and there, you can have a very good story, thats all I’m saying. WoW gave great material for WC4 and some very good stories. Yall just… not flexible, I guess

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Yes but Warcraft 3 is a retcon of Warcraft 2. And Warcraft 2 is a retcon of Warcraft 1.

What is the true original then? Cuz Warcraft 3 story, while great, is not definitive or free from retcons itself.

It’s funny that you rag on there not being any black taurens. There’s no Taurens at all in Warcraft 2.

Like, literally nothing stops them from changing it. You take it too serious tbh. Those 25 unnamed heroes from WoW in a strategy game can become a 100k army storming an Ice Crown. I really don’t understand what yall mad about. In WC4 you can just take main points from WoW like a prestory and some historic facts and make a very good new story! Can somebody explain to me why is this such a big problem?

Exactly. They had no beloved night elves before WC3, but now yall salty about drenei all of a sudden.

are y’all okay in here

Yes we are conservative and because of that Warctaft III lived for 15 years without Blizzard support , so do not touch our games lore/designs.


Warcraft 2 didn’t even have a proper story… Warcraft 3 on the other hand did.

Warcraft 2 had a basic premise and threw the player straight into the strategy, there wasn’t any character interaction in the game, you just went from 1 mission to the next.

You cannot compare that with Warcraft 3 which actually had a proper story. Of course things would be expanded on to make things more interesting… but this did not come at the cost of the pre-established lore… unlike WOW’s story.