Please do not change the original Lore!

I am sorry if I haven’t read all the posts because they contain Warcraft Lore spoilers. I haven’t looked at anything lore-wise after Warcraft 3. That out of the way,…

I don’t mind if Blizzard changes the WC3 lore IF and ONLY IF they plan to expand on it with further entries. If WC3 is just one off thing than this is equivalent to butchering the masterpiece storytelling of the original.

Best would be to have MMORPG and RTS to have alternate timelines (which is definitely doable), which would also give some incentive for gamers to check both of these games out.

Edit: Please do note my consent of changing the original lore (if WC4 is to exist) may have come from how I am unaware of the mess WoW lore could be. Not an MMO guy here.


Not really where sure you got the idea that the nelves and orcs were going to team up, but metzen vetoed it…

I get what you’re saying, but it’s safe to just ask them no changes to the lore to have stand alone warcraft 3 with great visuals, than to risk and let them change it just to please WOW players and never make WC4! if it’s on the table they’ll make it regardless cause profit… and alternate timeline solves everything.

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Alternate timeline would indeed solve everything but again Im not all too sure how willing Blizzard is about that idea…they seem far too much in love what they have done in WoW to write over it with another timeline. Then again I hope that they look at how they have killed all the villains and look at what we RTS fans would want instead of blindly look this from WoW player perspective and from their false assumption that every Warcraft RTS fan fully understand whats been going on in WoW and is perfectly happy with it. Thats always been my biggest fear that Blizzard has this false assumption or that they dont really care what we old RTS fans think and everything is seen and thought solely from the perspective of World of Warcraft and its fans and lore.

Thats why I hope they really DO read these forums and understand that there are so many of us out there who love Warcraft and its lore prior to World of Warcraft and that they understand that there are people here in WC3 community who love the story and lore propably even more so than even the hardest of the hardcore WoW-lore fans.


A dev confirmed yesterday that we WOULD have an option to keep dialogs entirely unchanged. Nothing added or removed whatsoever.

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Please, no! I very much did not appreciate how in SCR the unit portraits were not modernised, but altered altogether to match with those in SC2. PLEASE don’t do this with WCR and WOW. In regards to graphics, if you do that, I will dislike it and most likely choose to play with the old graphics. Now, if you do it to the lore, that will be disappointing. Not necessarily on the scale of Diablo Immortal, but the same kind of disappointment.


Aye. WoW isn’t canon, it’s a separate story.


When game companies make the Lore go sideways to a stupid thing I tend to just get less invested in that Lore. I like medieval fantasy, when they start putting in higher fantasy stuff I just get less interested. There isn’t much the game company can do about it since it is my personal preference.
Forsaken joining the horde was stupid. Just chalk it up to it needing to happen because of MMO gameplay reasonsand focus on the Lore you do like. It’s a big game, lots to Enjoy.
At least the night elves had a reason to side with Alliance - orcs are cutting down trees!
The Forsaken stuff they just kinda made up so people could play undead since that is very popular. Which is fine, I don’t want to criticize other peoples preferences for lore. I know many of us would rather have had Goblins at the launch of WoW and all the undead stuff simply be NPC’s and Lorderon be a Dungeon area. But it is what it is.


Twilight Of The Gods in Warcraft 3 has the Night Elves, Orcs and Humans working together to stop the Burning Legion.

Humans cut down trees as well, I mean they have Lumber Mills for heaven’s sake…


Maybe they’ll finally explain what made Kael’thas go off his rocker and align himself with the Burning Legion of all people.

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I’m still living in 2003, I don’t understand all these new fangled Warcraft stories, nor do I like them. Please don’t corrupt an old man’s cherished memories.

(I may sound sarcastic, but seriously, I know nothing about WoW Lore… MMORPGs are fun for some, but I’ll wait to see what happens in Warcraft 4… or a Reforged expansion.)


Can’t blame you for still living in 2003, those days were great… back before DLC and Microtransactions were a thing… oh and no always online DRM either.


I recently finished all the campaigns and this one honestly seems to be correct according to TFT.

He’s desperate to give his people a new source of magic, and Vashjz herself tells him that there are other sources of power in the world, demons for instance. That he would bend the knee to Illidan and the Legion to sate his people’s lust for magic makes complete sense.

So I don’t think they screwed up that one specific thing.

Btw regarding this I was reading stuff regarding the book “Warcraft Chronicles 3” and it adds some detail to these events why Kael’Thas decided to abandon Illidan and ally himself with Kil’Jaeden:

" Kil’jaeden whispered to Kael’thas’s mind that Illidan was withholding the secrets of fel magic because he believed the Blood elves to be unworthy. Kil’jaeden would reveal the power of fel magic if Kael’thas would simply abandon Illidan. While Kael’thas resisted at first, he grew furious and reached a turning point when Voren’thal and the Scryers defected from the Blood Elves and pledged loyalty to A’dal. Illidan refused to help Kael’thas fight the Scryers, which Kael’thas interpreted as a sign that he was viewed as unworthy by the night elf. He then defected to Kil’jaeden.

The incident widened the rift between Kael’thas and Illidan. The prince demanded that the former night elf retaliate against the naaru, but nothing was done. Illidan was so focused on his demon hunters that he paid little attention to Voren’thal’s army. This only proved to Kael’thas that what Kil’jaeden had told him was true: Illidan did not care about the prince and his people.

…He lost all faith in the former night elf, and he looked to Kil’jaeden as a new benefactor."

Since this all happened way later, I dont think we are going to see any conflict between Kael’thas and Illidan yet in WC3:Reforged…

As for that change, well I could see Kael’thas getting desperate enough if Illidan didnt deliver him and his people new source of magic…but again all these turn of events still smell me more of an excuse there to be need for raid bosses in World of Warcraft in the first place…I really dont see/think that these events would have necessarily happened the way they did if there had been Warcraft IV instead of World of Warcraft. I think important thing to understand also about Illidan that he also wanted to get more power, to find new sources of magic, same goes for Vashj and the Naga, so as Ive said in other threads, I really find the lore post WC 3: TFT still lacking in this regard…and this is exactly where Warcraft IV could come into play, cause lots of Kael’thas motivations are not even epxlained in TBC apparently, but all of this particular stuff about his motivations was added in later. So much stuff that WC IV could flesh out/improve and yes, even change, when it comes to all lore post Warcraft III: TFT…

Except Illidan wasn’t allied with the Legion and in TFT was on their, ‘bad boy’ list for cocking up killing the Lich King and was forced to flee to Outland.

This is still some lazy justification. I’d forgotten about it, but the Legion wasn’t responsible for just sacking Silvermoon City and ruining the Sunwell, they also were responsible for the Sundering which ultimately ended in the High Elves being exiled from Night Elf society.


Yeah no lore changes please. I heard awful things about how WoW butchered the lore, please none of that in this game.

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Sorry to crush your dreams, but WC3 lore was established way after a lot of things in WoW were already decided, like elves in the Alliance and undead in the Horde.

They were not cutting down the elves’ sacred trees, afair.


Illidan worked under Kil’jaeden in TFT. There is a cutscene where he explains that directly to Kael. There is a flashback where Kil’jaeden talks to Illidan about how he both helped and fought the Legion, but he’d grant him power if he took care of the Lich King, and Illidan agrees.

Then Illidan goes on to say how he failed to destroy the Frozen Throne and fleed to Outland. This all happens in Kael’s first Outland missions.

Indeed it doesn’t make much sense for the NE to join the Alliance and forsaken to join the Horde regarding the lore, but I think you can understand why such decisions were made if you think about it from a military and political prospective. As I explained in another post, NE is at war with warsong clan over forest resources in Ashenvale, and the Forsaken and human are fighting over perhaps some mineral mines at Arathi Basin. They have their compelling needs to pick a side. Also, Undercity makes a foothold for the Horde to counter the Alliance’s forces in northern Azeroth, so is Darnassus in Kalimdor for the Alliance. At this point, it is totally reasonable for both factions to form coalitions.

Indeed. Big wars are usually escalated so largely, that there are eventually going to be just two sides, because everyone always looks for more allies. Finland was on Germany’s side on WW2 only because we had to fight Russia, but we didn’t have anything to do with Germany, or any other of its allies, except they gave us few soldiers and we gave them few. This is exactly how the alliances within the Horde and Alliance could be viewed as and they aren’t really that far fetched.