It just wouldnt be called WC4 is all, because WoW is established canon no matter how much we resist it.
Id love to see an alternate take on events post WC3. I think this is ultimately something up to fans to tackle because Blizzard doesnt have a lot of room to maneuver in any official means. Technically, there are no mistakes to avoid since WC3 itself went against its own history by making Orcs honourable instead of how they should always have remained, as Warhammer-esque war mongerers.
Have you written a story yet? Or did you write for a college essay? Note that it is normal to return a paragraph and change what was written before.
Forcing the community to see how things were, knowing of all the changes that have been made I find something bizarre.
The old player knows the retcons. And the beginning player would hardly be interested in playing a version of folklore a decade ago, knowing that the current version is different.
Like it or not, Warcraft is no longer as it was in 2002. What has been changed is no longer canon.
Oh no, the one movie with two related tie-in novels (compared to the other 31) and one comic book (compared to the other 9) didn’t follow the mainline canon.
Why not hand herself to argent dawn, but take a “painful crippling” tower dive. I don’t think you understand how falling works… it can be quite instant death. And falling damage is 10fold in game WoW lul.
I thought the movie was actually good. They started from scratch with an alternate universe and I think they handled it quite well. Better than how Blizzard is handling the lore these days.
I want a Warcraft 2 movie… but it won’t happen because critics caused the film to do poorly by giving the film bad reviews.
No doubt the community will make maps about it.
Not counting as several replicas of Azeroth, raids and encounters with Reforged models, made by the fans.
Looking forward to it.
Then how about blizzard don’t change the lore of Warcraft 3 reforged and let the players make their own story from the original Warcraft 3 lore as a continuation.
If I had the skills and knowhow of how to make custom maps, I would.
Nobody tell him that Blizzard was constantly consulted on the narrative and story where Metzen is also an uncredited story writer for the film. Not to mention that there wouldn’t have been a Warcraft movie without Blizzard.
World Of Warcraft only changed the lore because it was an MMO. I already explained this to triceron early on, why should I have to explain this to you?
I said it a billion freaking times. They changed the lore to balance the gameplay. In Warcraft 4, this wouldn’t have been necesarry.
What happened after WOW shouldn’t have happened, those changes shouldn’t have been made. Blizzard need to go back and start off from Warcraft 3, this is their opportunity to do so.
Well Metzen isn’t even with Blizzard now… and he did write the lore originally…