Played it. Liked it

Well said, finally. Thank you!

How much blizzard pay for you guys?

I liked it too but I still think many things need to be done better.

I feel for the people missing classic right now, It is a little bit unstable on REforged plus, graphics could have been better and I think Engine limitations are the problems.

What do you guys think?

Should Blizzard develop a game on a whole new level a time pases by?

Why should we have to be patient? People have paid the full price for this game. That entitles them to the game that they were promised, it entitles them to a game that is not broken, it entitles them to a game with all the features that it was advertised to have. Yes, I am using the word entitled. Because when someone pays money for a product, they are entitled to get what they paid for.

It gets really old seeing people defending this crap. It doesnā€™t pay off to be patient, because what it does is continue to allow these companies to rush out broken products and to lie about them, all for the nebulous promise that it will all work out in the end.

Seriously seeing people defending this is, in all honesty, like seeing a bunch of battered spouses defending their abuser all for those little nuggets of good times.

That almost sounds like projection: Iā€™m not the one thinking Iā€™m being abused, Iā€™m having fun, right now, with the campaign. On the other hand, the people who scream at Blizzard for being a terrible company are still here and still hoping forā€¦ I donā€™t know actually, what are you trying to achieve with this sort of forum rant?

If you feel like you are being scammed, you should take your refund and/or moving on to other games. That will register far more effectively than ridiculous hyperboles on forums or review-bombing on websites.

Meanwhile, I will do the campaign (if nothing else) then wait patiently.


Because only a shill would be dumb enough to associate exclusive downgrades and removed features to an old game to be somehow making it better.

I didnā€™t buy Reforged, but my classic copy now canā€™t play TFT, my classic copy now has a drastically less optimized menu that lags out constantly. My Classic copy crashes FAR more often.

I CANā€™T get a refund on a game I got 20 years ago, and I shouldnā€™t have had to worry about a 20 year old game somehow being made WORSE instead of BETTER.

On Twitter. One of the employees said that.


They say theyā€™re working on it, but this is a 20 year old core feature of the game they were ā€œupgradingā€ so either they didnā€™t actually expect people to care, or THEY just donā€™t care and are just saying this to tide people over.

They do sound like batter spouses hoping for a better tomorrow donā€™t they lol!

Some of the people in here need to worry about hurting their necks, considering the intensity with which theyā€™re sucking and swallowing everything Blizzard gives them.

Other then the removal of online ladder / ranked functionality for now, which seems rather odd so I understand people upset no online play. But as far as single player goes what was promised but missing? Other then some changed in game cut scenes ? Graphically game play wise I checked yt videos it looks like the same game. Honestly looking at the In game engine cut scenes they did not look that good at allā€¦

Itā€™s good to know that you can be flagged just because you like the game. What a friendly forum :slight_smile:

For me it runs without issues. Guess too much AMD users there get poor performance. Never got instant defeat on loading a campaign or green cubes glitches. For me its better than default warcraft 3 while playing this game. Peace.

This isnā€™t being marketed as an early access or a beta. This was sold as a full game. Anger over itā€™s gross incomplete nature is very timely.

Let me preface this by saying Iā€™m VERY critical of Blizzard when they make severe mistakes. To the point I haveā€¦ ahemā€¦ twice had a negative response directly from them towards me.

Reading all the articles trashing this release, and watching more than one video about how bad Blizzard muffed this kickoff, I expected a train wreck at launch.

But folks, Iā€™m with the OP here. I donā€™t see whatā€™s wrong with WC3R at first pass. Maybe Iā€™m missing something, but I finished the Prologue and am 9 missions into the Human Campaign without any problems.

Game has run perfectly. Not a hiccup, glitch, or crash. The ONLY ā€˜issueā€™ I had, was that vsync wasnā€™t turned on by default. And that only slightly messed with the intro cut scene.

In fact, Iā€™ve noticed some really awesome additions to dialogue, and graphical details which are amazingly great to see (like Grom wielding Gorehowlā€¦ that gave me chills).

I get the Custom Map thing being a dirty trick by Blizzā€¦ but thatā€™s not all that surprising given what happened to this game before. And please believe meā€¦ Iā€™d purchase a ticket to the hater train if warranted. But Iā€™m just not seeing anything being worth all this ire.


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Tryis I do not understand eaither, other then some cut scene, I can understand about the missing online stuff I will give that. However games change all the time what they may show for the game as far as a video and what is released maybe different, but looking at game play it looks exactly like what was promised, ok maybe the lime green grass could come down someā€¦

I will very briefly outline why people are so upset. For a more detailed response see my post above. Aside from the blatant downgrade in the multiplayer, what we got in the single player campaign was a simple remaster. Basically a graphical update. And that is totally fine, but we were sold on a remake of the game at Blizzcon.

Among other things, we were supposed to get new, reworked cutscenes with ā€œmovie-style camera anglesā€ and updated cinematics. Hell we were even told there would be new voice acting. Instead, we got a basic remaster with only cosmetic changes. All of that is fine for a $15 remaster of the game. But we were charged $30 for what we were expecting to be a remake.

Watch the Blizzcon announcement, and youā€™ll see that what we were sold on was a complete remake of the game, including environments and buildings.

IMO, if Blizzard implemented WC1/2 campaigns into Reforged Iā€™d buy it in a heartbeat.

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Just watched the video , parts of the video look nice but it looks to stiff glad it was changed, however that little sentence at the bottom , this is a work in progress and subject to change. Meaning it is NOT final. I do understand about the online stuff however just cause that video did not make it, things get left on the cutting room floor doesnā€™t mean they lied.

Amazing how simple people are so easily wooed over