Patch to improve performance?

Hi I’m trying to play Warcraft 3 Reforged campaign but the performance is pretty bad. Are the Devs ever going to do anything about this? A game this old shouldn’t perform this badly.

Reforged isn’t that old really, almost 5 years old now.

And no, they ain’t gonna do anything about it. There’s no staff working on it (Or if there are, they’re likely doing it on their off-time.)

Hi despite that this is an “old” game it has been updated in the modern day and the system requirements are higher.

Unfortuantely the game is no longer being updated. You can try playing in classic mode if you aren’t already or lowering the graphics settings. But nothing is going to change on the blizzard side. If you could post your specs we can however give you an idea if you’re performance is lower than we would expect.

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We are asking this since 2020.
Dev’s were from some outsourced company, and they run out of money,
so unfortunately I do not think Blizzard or Microsoft will improve performance.

This is false. Many of the original team were brought on for the War3 Reforged project. Activision however lost interest in it and stopped funding the project forcing staff to be cut and Activision also stopped providing support, yet expected the product to be released anyway. The original team was not outsourced.

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since patch 1.33 they have been outsourced though

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Outsourced to what third party company? where? and what proof do you have?

You can’t just say stuff like that without being questioned.

playside studios, idk how you missed that being mentioned on these forums since u live here :disguised_face:
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i’ve been on here like maybe 3 days in the last month sooooo… yeah, I’m not aware of every little thing. I’m not seeing this in any of the popular threads so your mention is the first ive heard of it. Which is why I asked for citations. And actual links are more useful than screen captures.

?” right in the pic. Not some long, complicated URL. Just the 2nd and top level domain.

Sept 7th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 20th, 21st, 25th, 27th, 28th, 29th, Oct 5th, 6th.

Sooooo, yeah.

Yet it was too difficult to put in the first post, apparently

Even every few days is not “living here.”

Feel free to link to some thread where other people were discussing it, because in the time i’ve spent allegedly living here, I haven’t come across one. Like I said, your claim is the first i’ve heard of this.

there’s a search button, type playside into it and watch the magic unfold :partying_face:

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And how, pray tell, would I know to search for something that has never been referenced in my sight?

If i had heard the name somewhere before, or otherwise heard news that a company was contracted to work on the game, i might search for it. So stop treating me like some kind of dumbass, because there has been nothing other than your posts in this thread to trigger a desire to search for something.

I reckon you’d know to do that because I just suggested you do it :man_shrugging:

edit: but the takeaway would be that you continue to confidently be wrong and should perhaps doing a little digging into what you’re talking about before you go be wrong again I guess

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After the fact, sure. The point is it wasn’t possible at the time, and you know that, so now you’re just trolling.

here are some threads you’ve posted in after PlaySide was mentioned:

Posting in threads after its mention doesn’t mean I saw the mentions, duh.

It might shock you to discover that as often as I log in here, I don’t read every single thread or post. So yes, I can miss things and yes, you’re kind of being a ??? right now.

whatever lol
anyway gonna circle back to this:

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I’ve admitted to being mistaken on things many times in the past. I’m a human and make mistakes and I don’t need you being a ??? to be aware of that.

The takeaway for you should be to consider being nice about things instead of being a facetious jerk by doing things such as suggest I could have searched for something I didn’t know existed.

It wasn’t my claim.

Playside took over a year and a half ago.

Yet it was too difficult to look at and type into a browser, apparently.

I wasn’t addressing that.

Stop being obtuse. Neither of us is referencing you missing this for 1.5 years.

You know full we’re referencing your laziness with the ‘links are more useful than screen caps’ here in this this thread. So as was mentioned: Look, press 20ish keys, done.

So taking it all the back to your assertion that ‘people can’t say things like that’ or ‘what proof do you have’, of course they can, especially when it’s been true for quite a while. If something seems surprising to, just ask “Who?” or “Where?” or “Wht?”. Not this peacocking ‘you can’t say things like that’ and 'what proof do you have?" That’s challenge speak, challenge you could get burned on for no reason.

In one thread, you were the 2nd respondent that named Playside in the OP, in the 4th sentence. Pays to read threads before posting.

In another thread, you quoted someone with the reference to Playside in the quote.

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