Patch to improve performance?

It was your claim. No company called Playside ever made any sort of announcement or comment here about taking over the project. Citations if you want to prove me wrong. Yes, as you point out, you did mention it in the past and I didn’t recall it, but without any official statement, yes, it is a claim made by you. It doesn’t matter when they took over.

You had a choice. You went to the trouble to screen-cap a website which for all I knew (edit: past tense) is something you made up yourself or photoshopped, instead of linking me to their actual website, which actually would have been simpler than screen capping it. There is no reason for it.

You literally took a step that was MORE WORK than just copying a URL, and then criticize me for not googling the name after you ALREADY HAD THE LINK AND POSTED A PIC.

You’ve proven your entire purpose with these conversations has been to personally attack and humiliate me when I already admitted and made clear that I am a flawed, error-making human being.

Just leave me the heck alone and consider not being a jerk the next time you feel the need to correct something.

Read the thread, Captain, it wasn’t my claim. How can you not expect “Jesus” with your behavior?

Moving that goalpost again, smh. No one here ever alluded to that. It was only stated that a company did take over, you asked for posts of people talking about it, and you get them. Read the thread. Jesus.

Again, that wasn’t me. And having pointed that out several times, and you still not reading the thread to easily see it wasn’t, you have no room to accuse anyone of trolling.

Hey, you posted in a public space. Only you have the power to have people leave you alone. Then, the peacocking, the not reading threads, moving of goalposts. Again, only you have the power to not have people correct you, especially rigidly so when you behave that way. There’s no way to “humiliate” someone when they act like a rational, responsible person.

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Irrelevant. You have a choice. You could make the correct one. Sure, I can’t control you, but I certainly can suggest.

I don’t know what “peacocking” is.
I do read threads. Sometimes I forget things, but I do read threads. Again, I forget things, I miss things, but that doesn’t mean I never read the thread or the posts. I am so, so sick of people claiming someone else “didn’t read.” They very well may have, and either didn’t correctly interpret someone’s words, or unintentionally glossed over or missed something, despite reading the post. We’re humans. Sometimes we mess up. That still doesn’t mean we “didn’t read.”

I also never moved any goal posts. You made a claim, I was unfamiliar with the claim despite reading posts and threads on the forum, and asked you to prove it. You posted a screenshot of a website (insufficient proof, screenshots and images can be edited easily) instead of linking me directly to the website, which would have been totally fine. As far as finding it myself, again, I was unaware of it at the time, and it is not up to me to prove someone else’s arguments. It’s up to you to prove your arguments.

I don’t have a problem with being corrected, I have a problem with you not being civilized about it- especially implying I’m too lazy when you are just as lazy. Practice what you preach. Instead of attacking people for allegedly “not reading” you could simply not state what you think is obvious and just get to the point.

It’s like people flaming eachother in Bronze in League of Legends for “being bad.” Nobody in trash tier needs to be told that they’re trash. They know it just by being there (not to mention how hypocritical it is for someone in trash tier to claim someone else is trash).

If you just left the deriding comments at the door and got to the point, we wouldn’t have been having this conversation. And the same goes for many other people here who choose to engage in personal attacks over disagreement. It’s okay to point out errors, it’s not okay to be a ??? while doing it.

And before you point out some instance of me being rude, I know that sometimes I get ticked off as well and get snarky/rude. But I am honest about it and generally, i’m not explicitly trying to be offensive.

It’s not usually that much of a problem, but they sure seem to be in a bad mood today :stuck_out_tongue:

Someone reporting someone else for trolling will have no effect if the person isn’t trolling. You, on the other hand, need to come to grips with the fact 1) you were trolling as evidenced by Blizz’s decision to delete your posts, and 2) it takes multiple reports to collapse a post, so it wasn’t just me who called out your behavior.

You seem to be always looking for a way make your punishments everyone else’s fault.

Quite the assumption. Is that what you need to to explain away criticism as being the criticizer’s problem, not yours? You didn’t seem to understand what I was trying to convey earlier about how you behave. Did you think that anyone who would see a post like that wouldn’t respond? You’re not doing much better than steelerz.

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Ok sweetie, thanks for the info. Have a great day! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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My pleasure! I’m glad it helped.

An assumption, yes, but backed by evidence, as, from my experience, this deviated from your typical behavior here.

So plain text is you’re evidence. Unfortunate. You know full well you can’t accurately pull emotion from text alone, unless it’s explicitly stated. And as such, your evidence lead you astray.

I wasn’t in a bad mood, or upset, or any of the like. There wasn’t anything to cause any of that.
But since you brought it up, time for another correction. My demeanor? That of a parent lecturing their irrational child. No more, no less.

Hopefully that has taught you about what you can glean from text alone.

I agree with this, however, it’s all there is to go on here- that together with your behavior differing from what I know to be typical from you. You approached me with an aggressive approach to your writing and made some direct personal attacks and this led me to place you on ignore. I can of course still read the posts but now there’s a bright warning that a post comes from someone I’ve had trouble with. So in the absence of hearing voice inflection, I have to make judgements based on the information and signals available to me.

I really don’t know why you commented on this. I acknowledged in the post that this was an assumption, and I even had the courtesy to tell you what that assumption was based on.

And I’ll be just as frank here as then and really do not appreciate your implication that I’m being “irrational,” as I have been anything but. I really have no desire to go into the details again so I’d prefer to leave it at that. I’ve acknowledged and laid bare my faults and that really should be the end of it.

All there is doesn’t always mean enough,

Being direct, rigid, aggressive, etc doesn’t immediately equate to a bad mood.

Don’t even try that drivel. You’ve been responding to me every since alleging that you put me on a 1000 year ignore.
Are you starting to see it now, Captain? Do you see what those others who lash out at you see?

Which isn’t ignoring me, no matter what the forum setting is.

Because you attempted to provide “evidence” of the assumption. Evidence that didn’t exist. You can’t see that?

Between constantly moving goalposts over and over, and repeating a factual error over and over that could be fact checked by scrolling up, you have been irrational. There’s no implication on my part.

Then back up your claims of putting me on ignore.

It may not be enough but I have to decide something based on what’s in front of me.

You know what I meant, and are being deliberately obtuse.

I literally just explained that it still allows me to read your posts, but I have to click on them. You are on ignore. But the problem is particuarly in threads with multiple users, if I actually ignore the post, context could be missing. So really, it just serves as a warning that I’m dealing with someone who has been a problem for me.

That’s what the forum software calls it. Call it “WARNING, ANNOYING USER MADE A POST .DO YOU WANT TO READ IT?” if you want. When I see the “1 hidden reply” I have a warning trouble may be ahead.

Since you accused me of a particular MO. This is YOUR MO. deliberately picking apart statements to mean what you want them to mean, rather than what was actually intended. This is illustrated by you breaking down post quotes sentence by sentence. Which I usually try to avoid, but since you’re doing it, I don’t really have a choice but to respond in kind.

I have never moved the goal posts. That’s all on you. You keep changing what this is all about to deliberately try to make me look bad.

With pleasure.

So make a leap off of nothing? MO.

No, I guess I don’t. It’s not a leap for me to interpret your linking my aggressiveness to my mood.

Yeah, I know you did. And the rebuttal is the same: if you go around the ignore, you’re not ignoring me.

First, you’re not ignoring me, and second, if you’re using it only as a warning, you get plenty of warning just seeing my name next to my posts.

So there there’s no point to putting me on ignore, especailly announcing it to me, because you’re reading it all anyway, warning or not.

If you are indeed ust using it as a warning, then see my reply in the other thread that we’re in about how you can stop us from continuing.

This is the last time on this. Yes you did, multiple times on multiple things. If you want to know where, read the thread. It will be right after each time you do it.

Not showing me the setting. Actually ignoring me. Which would require you to not know what I’ve said.

But since you’re not using it to actually ignore, that explains that. Next time, if you’re just going to use it as a warning, don’t annouce that you’re putting someone on ignore, because that sets a specific expectation of your opponents.

The only meaning I’ve subscribed to is your literal words: putting me on ignore. That comes with a definitive meaning. Don’t try to blame others for not knowing that you didn’t actually mean ignoring them.

Trying to turn this around on me doesn’t make you look good.

Not MO. It’s obviously based off of something. You’re just being intentionally obtuse again, which is apparently your MO, alongside cherry-picking portions of sentences to make it easier to tear others down.

It’s based on your words and pattern of behavior. That’s not “nothing.” You argue that I can’t -accurately- derive emotion from words alone, which is fine, but it’s still not “nothing.” And basing things off nothing is not an “MO” for me at all. Everything I say is based on something. There’s a reason for everything. I don’t going around making everything up everywhere I go. If I say something incorrect, it’s because I made a mistake or was confused about something. Nothing more. Thus you have my promise that, anytime you think I’ve said something based on “nothing,” that it was in fact based on “something” that I believed to be true at the time- even if it turns out I was mistaken.

I really wonder just how many more times I have to let you know that I’m a flawed, mistake-making human being that never claimed to be perfect (or… ahem… an expert…), nor intentionally tried to present myself as such or believe it to be the case, or any other meaning you could twist it to have.

I said I put you on ignore. As in used the feature. I didn’t say “I am ignoring you entirely from here on out.” That’s starting to sound like a wiser and wiser decision with each passing moment, though. (and, for the record, setting it to “forever” actually sets an expiration date 1000 years in the future, so if I don’t take it off, it will wear off automatically in 1000 years if the apocalypse hasn’t happened yet)

The problem is, I don’t like that. I don’t want to write someone off, burn bridges, etc… I would rather get along and don’t hate anybody. I try to be a nice person, at least, more often than not. So, for now, it functions as I said- a warning about who is participating in the conversation, and I hope for the future that any future interaction with anyone I place in this category is more pleasant.

Which was:

Seems that suspicion was correct. You are actually not interested in this ending. You made the decision to do exactly what I clearly said would continue this: you replied directly to me with your irrational behavior.

You still can’t see it, Captain? You keep adding a new irrational behavior onto all the previous ones. The latest: Saying one thing (repeating it in fact), and doing the opposite.

At this point, I have to wonder, is it just irrational behavior, or is it blatant concern trolling? No rational person would vehemently repeat how they want something to end and when shown the solution they instead ignore it and continue. Either way, how can someone take you seriously now that you’ve outed yourself?

On with it then.

It’s not something. You cannot glean emotion from text only. You had nothing to claim I was in a bad mood. My words (text) and pattern of behavior (stern, aggressive, whatever you perceived) has no bearing on my mood. You repeating the opposite over and over (MO) doesn’t change that reality. End of story.

Again, trying to turn this around on me just makes you look worse. And Cherry picking? The quoted lines are the crux of your arguments intended to give context to the next rebuttal. I’m not going to quote entire posts to rebut your irrationality.

If you are referring to my comments about putting me on ignore, I just covered that in the post above that you replied directly to, meaning you didn’t read it fully (MO).

I never said you do. I’ve only said that, in the case of you announcing my mood to others, you conjured that up from nothing.

So then, the announcement to others about my mood was a mistake? If so, say explicitly so. That topic will be put to rest at least.

I’ve said nothing about you not being perfect or not being flawed. So you never had to say them in the first place, let alone repeat them.

And again, I never said you claimed to be an expert, ever. Read the threads. (MO)

I’ve only held a mirror to you, only recounted your behavior. I haven’t added my own twists, such as jumping to conclusions about others’ moods.

Yes, I know that, you said that already. And I cover that too, right above you. Read the threads. (MO).

No need to. I overtly and clearly explained how this can end, even without the need of an ignore function to warn you (which you don’t even need if all you want is a warning).

You claiming my behavior is irrational does not make it so. End of story. Your fantasy of me having some MO about … something… is a fantasy. End of story.

The same can be said for you. Maybe it’s time for you to just agree to disagree. Frankly, if anything, we both look like silly people (forum appropriate terms) to everyone around.

I really don’t know why you’re so obsessed with this. You’ve taken this and latched onto it when it didn’t even have any serious meaning in the first place- I wasn’t speaking to you and the comment was in jest. But ultimately, if I read your text and think you must be feeling a certain way, that’s what I think. Sure, maybe I can’t know for sure, but word choice matters and influences how people perceive what you’re saying.

Really man, just get over it. If you weren’t in a bad mood, so what? it’s not a flame or an insult. You read way too far into everything, which funny enough seems to be what you’re accusing me of. Since you like to call everything irrational, well, it’s rather irrational to be so fixated on this. Are you looking for an apology for me saying to someone else I thought you were in a mad mood? If that’s what you want, you can have it.

Again… agree to disagree. Do us both a favor and don’t reply to this post, and I’ll agree to do the same. You are more like me than you’ll ever admit here.

Again, trying imitate my arguments make you look worse than you do.

I’m not claiming you’re behaving irrationally, Ive been pointing it out. Point right at it each time.

I haven’t attempted to turn anything back around on you. So, a fabrication. Add that to the list of irrational behaviors.

You announcing to others my state of mind in my place? Speaking for me as an excuse for how I’m addressing you? You really can’t? Still? I doubt that.

There is an entire legal precedent dedicated governing what people say about others. Someone somewhere thinks actions like that deserve attention. How do you not know that?

So I wanted to repeat the reason we keep going and solution to your desire for this to stop, all at the top of a reply of mine, just to make sure you saw it.

And here you are, again, a second time. So confirmed, you don’t want it to stop.

You know the exact circumstances that will fetch a reply from me. You know how to stop us. So on we go?

As do you. You have a choice. “Do I keep replying until I get the last word, or do I find something more worthwhile to do with my time?” Clearly you have no intention of letting this go until you “win” by getting the last word.

Well, I’m done with this. So we shall soon see I guess, if “winning” is worth a flag for trolling.

And a third time. So now you’ve outed your motivations behind all this: not to end this, despite claiming so many times that you did. You don’t have a leg to stand on when accusing others of trolling when your fibbing dwarfs anything you think I’m doing.

You know that I will always reply when you act your MO. You were handed the power, and you don’t want it.

So, no, the choice is not mine. I’ll respond to point out your irrational behavior each time, as you well know, and want, apparently. You are re-initiating this all this everytime you directly reply back to me.

There’s nothing for me to win when I’ve outright told you how to win.