Patch broke FPS. spikes everywhere now..again after a hotfix

FPS Bug is back, 300 to 125 fps…especially hovering over main base…please fix this, the spikes are unplayable.

Yes, in the same situation with me, every patch of Blizzard is a tornado that messes up everything else

wc3 is unplayable atm… good job blizzard


Yep same for me

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Too bad… blizzard cant even say something about the problem…

I guess you must be using AMD CPU, which is the answer to FPS and the punishment for AMD users.

Seems to be an AMD CPU specific issue only affecting those users primarily

When are you going to address the lag spikes some AMD users are still having? We had this problem around a year ago with one of the patches which got fixed a little while after. So we’ve done this dance before.


On my old Intel desktop i7-9700k same game is working much better than on my (5 years) newer AMD laptop …

hellooo?! anybody here? will this be adressed?

Where are the answers to matchmaking being down?