Patch 2.0.0 was detected on test realms

Get ready for WC3 reboot


How do you know ?

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He’s making crap up, the PTR is currently a slightly older build than the live one. Just a troll.

He’s not trolling, it’s actually true. Check last video posted by Back2WarCraft.

Do some research before accusing



They are likely parsing the CDN.

Edit: Yep.

And some commentary on it:

It’ll be great if MS revitalizes Bliz’s RTS genre.


There’s apparently an internal build that is different from the live PTR build. No crap being made up.

As for the actual contents… Eh, not keeping my hopes up. Not like Blizzard has left a good taste in my mouth about this current stuff anyway.


I’ll believe that coming from BrotherRoga, but it still smells dubious. Even if it’s some significant update, neither I nor anyone trusts Blizzard to do the right thing for this game.

Look at the topic titile:
" Patch 2.0.0 was detected on test realms. "
Naturally, I went on to the PTR (a test realm) and found that it was unchanged. So since it seemed like thats what they were referring to, why would I look further than that? And when you consider that the OP contains zero information and I know nothing about the source, why would I trust it?

So sorry, but I did research. “back2warcraft” isn’t a site I frequent and I would have no reason to look there without someone mentioning it. Now, if the OP actually mentioned that or linked to it, I would have gone there, but they didn’t. So… you should follow your own advice, bucko.

“warcraft 3 2.0 ptr” in google had a couple results at the top.

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I did do research, you silly person. As I said: The topic title implies the PTR. Not some hidden dev branch, or anything else. Thus, that’s what I looked at. I explained that, and you conveninently ignored it. You simply used your usual MO of taking small snippets of a post to work it to your advantage.

If the original post actually included information, instead of nothing useful whatsoever, I would have had more cause to look at it further.


You did, and you didn’t find anything in the laucher PTR. So again,

… before your expert in everything self comes out. Just like that CPU that does not exists because you hadn’t heard of it.

Then try not to let your expert in everything self take over your hands/fingers until you do. Super easy.


I mean seriously: How could you reaosnably expect me to visit a website I don’t go to to without it being mentioned in the thread?

The OP could have linked the site, or the video, or provided juicy deets, or whatever, instead, the OP is based on an assumption that everybody here visits that website and knows about it.

In short, it’s not a reasonable expectation. If you just post some wild announcement with nothing to back it up, people will question it. IT IS NOT UP TO THE QUESTIONER TO PROVE A CLAIMANT’S CLAIM.

… suggesting something is going on. Enough to not warrant your definitive “He’s making crap up”. Same thing happened with your CPU reply. That one would have been really easy.

Again, I had no reason to do that. If the post contained more than…

which is a ridiculous sounding claim to anyone who has been here a while;

THEN I would have taken it seriously, and looked into it. instead we just have “PATCH ON TEST REALMS!!11!1!” and nothing else to go with it. Thus it looks and sounds like a troll.

If you make a claim, you back it up. You don’t expect other people to do it for you.

It’s not even important. Someone whom I trust not to BS around attested to the claim, and that’s the end of that. It’s just too bad I couldn’t get that from the OP

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No, the title had more information. Enough for you to google.

Perfectly reasonable. However, your resident expert in everything self needs to bite its tongue since it doesn’t know what it’s talking about, especially if it’s not going to make any effort to educate itself on a subject.

You may not see it, but that’s how you post. Definitives. And you’ve been wrong twice in 24 hours. Modesty, Captain.

Sorry, no, it didn’t have enough information for me to google. I don’t google people’s wild sounding claims unless more information is provided.

It. is. Not. Up. To. Me. To. Prove. Someone. Else’s. Wild. Claims.


And in that other case, I recognized the error. Modesty? You take some b izzare pride in pointing out other people’s mistakes.

Along with this time, where someone who I can count on verified things.

I am a human. Who makes mistakes. How many times have I told you this now? Just leave me the ______ alone.


Just. Stop. Don’t reply. There is nothing that needs to be said here. You’ve gotten it all out.






Is that good enough for you? Just stop harassing me.

Simply not liking what people say in a discussion isn’t harassment.

Besides, you have the ability to ignore someone. It often stops them when they don’t get a reply.

Continuing to bother people when they ask you to stop is harassment.

All further posts will be flagged. You’re only proving here that you cannot live without having the last word.

Stop talking about Blizzard. Their boss is MICROSOFT. And they will do whatever MS will say. Also 30th anniversary of Warcraft franchise. That’s the reason. They were preparing whole year after those survey in january i guess.

Sorry that havent showed proves. I thought pictures and urls are not allowed here.

once again, confidently wrong
google is so free