You keep accusing people of putting words in your mouth while you also doing, as I never said that the company was done, I quote
Never implied that the company was done…
Moving on…
The absurdity comes from you, the kid who kept bringing world of warcraft into the table, and now speaks of warcraft 3 as a standalone,
You keep twisting your own words in such a way that still looks somehow good aren’t you… How much are u gonna be able to keep twisting your own words
U speak one thing and two sentences later, u contradict yourself…
Is not about the past, if the new stuff is bad, is not gonna be enjoyable, the new stuff, I bought reforged and I’m not gonna be playing the same old game, they already changed some stuff, and that’s fine, as long as is not bad wow content…
It’s all about opinion, and you don’t hold the truth, for you custom and melee is the “mainstays” for me it’s the campaign.
What you enjoy by now you should know its not necessarily what others do.
And I will not enjoy seeing the characters I like getting turn into some ridiculous characters with high morale and customs…
Or maybe sylvanas getting hints on how she’s gonna be evil in wow
I’ll never get over on how they destroyed illidan character in legion, they should have let him dead
Then reforged shouldn’t be for you either, a prick who thinks because he likes it others should suck it, your main attitude towards most everything… And clearly a minority in opinion.
I can even stand to a point of story retcons because I exported all the classic campaigns already incase of Reforged Campaign beind an abomination born out of WoW, but they are changing the designs of characters to look like WoW it destroys everything this game offers, be ready for Illidan to be butchered more with him losing his metamorphasis look, losing his very unique blindfolds to a blindfold with fel green glow, his epic wings that I can’t even explain to plain purple wings and ah also ofcourse his skin color will be purple too
I like all the Warcraft games and the series as a whole, why wouldn’t it be for me?
I don’t think that at all, but alright. I’m not saying “you should suck it” I’m just suggesting that Reforged is targeting a broader audience that, in the loss of very specific focus, might lose the interest of some others. Potentially you, since you did air some of your grievances about possible campaign stuff. It’s not an attack on your personal values or beliefs, despite what you think.
It’s nowhere near the same subscriber count it used to be, even outside of the peak, and is slowly dropping off. It’s never going to really make a big, booming comeback. But there’s still something like 2 million active accounts or something?
This expansion really also lost and burned a lot of people in terms of both storytelling and general game direction. There’s a lot of dropped balls right now when it comes to that.
And why wouldn’t it be for me? See that’s the point we all like the game, and if you think it shouldn’t be for some people, “some people” think it shouldn’t be for you, it’s a circle, and you are not more important than others, that’s how it is,
About wow, it has no near as much people as it used to be and battle for Azeroth is going worse, every expansion I give it a chance I get to play the game, get to max lvl and then decide whether is good or bad…
Classic is what most people is looking forward right now, and that’s for a reason,
And a hint for pro retcon people, if the game was so good right now, nobody would care for classic servers…
But you keep complaining about Reforged and the changes that will be packaged with it. But it’s also packaged with the original experience too. That same experience you can still have right now and may have had since 2002 with the initial release. Warcraft 3 isn’t actually going anywhere or being erased.
You will not be able to actually play the old campaign, there’s gonna be cross version compatibility, that mean, all maps must be the exact same in both reforged and the old warcraft, including the campaign, they say you will be able to get the old or the new voice over, but are you actually gonna be able to play the old maps? Doubtful.
Will you be able to get the old models in an HD version aswell? Doubtful.
At the end of the day, you as a fan have no respect for yourself… You just eat whatever it is you get and that’s good for you, others not so much.
When the old models from world of warcraft got updated, not even the tail of the draeni that was originally in the concept art did they dare to touch even when some fans asked about it, they treated them with the most respect of all.
That’s what we are asking for, the same respect wow gets should be given to warcraft 3,at the end of the day, it was the base for the mmorpg.
Warcraft 3: Reforged is a massive overhaul for the original 2002 game, featuring recreations of heroes, buildings, and environments with 4K support and player-created content. It packs in both the Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos campaign as well as The Frozen Throne expansion, and will support BattleNet connections and custom lobbies.
I mean, no? Diablo 3 wasn’t that great. It had moments but I dropped it cold turkey after I was done with Reaper of Souls. Starcraft 2 was overall good but Heart of the Swarm was a real drag and I really hated the epilogue’s mini campaign at the end of Legacy of the Void. Also the multiplayer - doubling the workers at the start wound up increasing the pace a bit too much for me, stuff happens a lot quicker as a result. Hearthstone I’ve dropped entirely. Heroes of the Storm I have trouble playing because there’s a sense of “what’s the point” since the game’s being sunset.
Could they maybe do a few things better for visual design in Reforged? Sure.
Do we know a more full extent of what additional writing there’s going to be for the Reforged campaign? No. We know hints of stuff but nothing fully realized enough to make it a bigger talking point except for Stratholme geography.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.