No news for 6 months has turned us into beasts

Well they did release the PTR a couple of days ago…if that means anything since it’s basically just a patch for the original WC3…

So we can talk as much as we want without having a blizzard employee telling us how great is gonna be and why we shouldn’t talk about it, or the more sassy if you don’t like it don’t play it…

You keep bringing all this numbers and threads and topics like we care about it, or like we never read them before…

We create our own opinions, we don’t copy paste.
I suggest you get one of those “own opinions”


It really sounds like the easier option for you rather than getting horribly bent out of shape over stuff not likely to change at this point. Like the Reforged version of the campaigns. Any of that new or revised writing is probably set in stone at this point and they’re probably all recorded or recording.

Like is this in regards to linking articles and citing sources? Why’s that suddenly invalid?

I do but they piss everyone off apparently, lmao.

Gonna sumirize some things :slight_smile:

  • Why you ask for news ? News will be when they are avaliable

Implies we arent allow to ask for news

  • Reforged is going to be awesome, simply cause what you saw is just a raw demo.

Implies that we arent allow to predict which direction game will goes or how it gonna look according to demo we saw.

  • Reforged art is awesome, footman is a good example how model should be made according to concept art and cinematic.Footman armor is actually good for recognision

Implies someone telling you are having issues with your eyes,and you should believe to someones words not your own eyes.

  • You dont like some of Reforged models ? Fine, it is just your personal taste.

Implies that they try teach you there is no good or bad art. Its just a matter of your taste .

  • Stop makiing nonsese post and spread toxicity here.

Implies you are targeted as enemy, after you beat them in discussion.

  • You know what? If you dont like Reforged , you can always play classic.

Implies that you are never allowed to have a 1 simple wish, to have a warcraft 3 remake in hd manner, the way you see how game should be done ,to express your opinion

…And ofc after a while, search and destroy skills activated looking for any bad word you used (that is used in affect and not intentionally to hurt someones feelings)that could be detected by artificial inteligence bot on forum - so it make loosers abuse this system agaisnt you and make you banned

Implies you are imprisoned,grounded,punished and you arent allowed to speak anymore.

  • Oh you again, stop making those nonsense threads and post i came here just to flag you.

Implies you are geting provoced again when you just got out of prison, waiting for you to drive you insane and make you do another “criminal act” agaisnt them : A biggest crime against high rank blizz cup-patrol riding ponys and watching over the neighborhood, to keep some order with a flag stick.
At the end you get banned until 3019. Exterminated, deleted forever by hypocrat minority abusing system on forum and always licking the master shoes and represent them selves as healthy community. Mouth always full of fake democracy, but finger always on the flag

This pretty much sounds to me like some major dictatorship guys. Dont you feel the same?

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And who/what is this in regards to?

Basically it is a compilation and paraphrasing of some community posts we could seen here on forum since demo. Quite accurate, but tehnically impossible to quote.
A very good research done by me, and should seen by company in order to improve forum system of rulez
Suggest you to click a like button,first one heart sign ,unless you missclick and go for third ?

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Gotcha and thank you, just wanted to be sure and clarify before I weighed back in.

It’s just that making multiple threads a week can seem kind of silly.

Isn’t that everything that everyone is doing right now anyways? Speculating?

Wouldn’t this be more of a conversation about taste and vision rather than eyesight or an opinion that one person or another is trying to push as factual gospel? It’s going to differ between most people.

The parameters for what’s good or bad here are awfully broad most of the time with some elements somehow disqualifying the entire design.

See this is one thing I know I don’t like. Nobody’s here to “beat” one another. We’re all just here to… talk about the game. Good or bad. Seeing people on a video game forum as an “enemy” sounds like it takes more energy than it’s worth.

Aren’t there multiple fan projects happening alongside or even predating Reforged’s announcement for that? And aren’t people often citing examples from those fan projects as being “better” than Reforged anyways?

Well that’s just an easy fix. Posting on the forums means you adhere to a code of conduct. If the code of conduct is broken, administrative action does tend to follow. It’s not like moderators completely ignore forums, it’s just that flagging will specifically call something into question for review before anything happens.

This is just an impressive pop off the rails, but a very thoroughly flavoured one.

Well your reply might make someone put you in category i described above , but that wasnt my intention cause i got some other more important things to say.

I believe this forum really need dislike button . Many people when they offend,intentionaly seek a bad word at opponents post and go reach for a flag .

But they could just simply use dislike, and dirty filthy primitive instinct to punish your fella would probably redirect from flag to finger down button .

But nah,such a feature doesnt exist. So flag me blizz patriots go ahead i will ressurect 3019


I still find it’s a sorely missed thing even from before them flipping forum types to what this is now. Like, the initially pruned dislikes entirely. Then they never came back when they moved everything to these new formats. The dichotomy of a highly rated post getting highlighted/a unique border and a lowly rated post getting hidden/buried helps illustrate majority views better.

My only thoughts about that are -

  1. Why would you need to throw harsh language or mean-spirited whatever it could be into your post? Does it help prove your point more? Does it elevate the criticism at all? Or praise?
  2. Why would you be surprised that something that breaks forum code of conduct might be flagged?
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Theres no need to hidden someones post because he got negative rates or highlight high rated ones.
It could produce some intentional suggestions where unstable and persons with lack of self confidence would join a common opinion without even reading and questioning an opinion on which those agressive measures would be taken.
Majority isnt always correct, many times its a faceless crowd that replicate like Agent Smith from Matrix movie, bot is kinda proper name for forum language xD

Like and Dislike button are fair enough without higlight/favorizing or hidden/judging someone. Showing names who like or dislike, and democratic discussion can pass on. You dislike me sir, you reply me , then you got a problem with me, and i gonna reply you and dislike your post.

Well it sometimes happen when other person is ignoring your opinion and act repeatative and you loose control trying to explain him stuff. Happens to human beings and then somoeone who dont participate to discussion and behave passive flags you , but mostly its your opponent in discussion.
Yeah, those fuking rulez are hard to be always obeyed (cause of this word i could be processed,tehnically speaking xD)

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Welcome back fam <3 And yeah, he really is. I’ve gotten to the point where I just skip his comments, because you can guess with like, ~85% accuracy what he’s gonna say before it’s even posted.

That’s true. I got a week ban because someone dug up something from December when I used a ‘*’ to break the language filter once. That was fun.


Legitimately a personal problem.

If there was a dislike button ud already be banned king :rofl::joy:

I’ll put it in some easy numbers… According to the actual post/like rates…
You are the one with the lowest average…
1.3 likes per post…
Yourarthas has 1.4 likes per post
And I have 1.5 likes per post

So yeah your opinion seems pretty unpopular


I mean I have had one 24 hour suspension, yeah. And various other posts edited by moderation.

That’s okay. I don’t need anyone to like it, it’s my own opinion that I’m just getting out for the sake of talking points with anyone that wants to bite.

That’s perfectly normal and acceptable, what isn’t, is that you seem to think that others can’t post their opinions, that’s what everybody hates.
And what you appear to do


From your perspective, sure. And that’s okay. What isn’t though is when the constant string of personal attacks start up or trying to belittle/demean me just because of a disagreement. It’s not a contest. It shouldn’t even be an argument, it’s just a discussion. Or when things get heated/highly contested - a debate.

That’s what me and alot more people thinks,
One can think everyone else is not the problem and not yourself
But that mindset will still not change the fact u are the problem.


Okay. Feel free to flag me then when problematic stuff arises and I guess we’ll see how moderation handles my troublemaking then.

Feel free to flag you? What? You are protected by Blizzard because you eat everything they bake why would flag work? But you know what I checked your Hots forums posts all your comments are burried by dislikes because of your Blizz-lover attitute, you are so lucky that this forums has no dislike button cause otherwise you’lld be always burried again. And you have got 1k posts and only 1.3k likes , I have half the post count and 700 something likes, I’m pretty sure you can see who makes more useful comments and who makes comments that community agree more without needing to post 1000 posts.


Because flagging has worked not only here (again, I’ve had my own suspensions on the Reforged forums and many posts edited by moderators) but also on the World of Warcraft forums (I’ve been given WAY more suspensions there). Why wouldn’t it?

Oh right, because you think me playing Blizzard games somehow immunizes me. And go on to think that because I play or played (again from an earlier post - I’ve stopped playing like half of them) them that I think they’re all flawless.

I’m trying to just give you and Sylvos some advice. If you guys see me breaking forum rules and something off the code of conduct, flag me. I don’t know why this is a difficult concept to grasp.

Ah yes, the HOTS forums. Where of my 51 posts are blatantly fueled by trolling. No wonder they’re that disliked, that’s not really that surprising.

Okay, and?

EDIT: Also your post/posts liked ratio is about the same as mine if you really want to make this a talking point. I’ve got twice your posts (1047), 1.3k likes on mine. You have half my posts and 808 likes on yours. If we want to inflate your post count to mine (549 x 2 = 1098) and then do the same with your likes (808 x 2 = 1616), yeah you pull ahead but by not as significant as a margin as I think you’re imagining.

You get 1.4 likes every post on average, I get 1.3 likes every post on average.

I mean let’s be honest here. If I had the same 4 person crew to constantly like and upvote my posts, I’d have a really good ratio too. I just don’t have the same yourarthas/Kantarion/DeathGod squad (featuring Sylvos now that they’re back) to patrol the forums alongside me and backpat every post and attempt at being meanspirited.

Like what’s your goal right now, yourarthas? Do you want me to stop participating on the forums?